Saturday, August 13, 2022

Key Democrat's Threat Makes Perfect Case for Why Republicans Must Retake the House in November

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

If there were ever a clearer red-flag warning why the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives must be unceremoniously kicked to the curb in the November midterm elections, I cannot recall it. But I am surprised that a key Democrat just purposely issued a beauty — for multiple reasons.

Democratic Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts, the powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, suggested that the House would increase tax rates if his party remains in power following the upcoming midterm elections this fall, according to a congressional reporter.

“I do think there’s a chance here to address some fundamental tax reform issues,” Neal said.

Incidentally, ever notice how Democrats use buzzwords and phrases like ” tax reform,” “invest,” “fair share,” and other nicey-nicey sounding ideas, solely for the purpose of exploiting and pandering to the left, when in reality, they mean “tax increases,” “spending more taxpayer money and/or increasing the national debt,” and “sticking to the rich”? And rank-and-file Democrat voters eat it up, every time.

The late great comedian George Carlin said it best: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” The Democrat Party has known — and exploited — that reality for more than six decades.

According to Eric Wasson, a congressional reporter for Bloomberg News, Neal said the Democrats will attempt to raise both corporate and individual tax rates in 2023.

Can you spell “in-kind contribution to the Republican Party,” less than three months before the midterms?

Let the questions begin:

Given the negative reaction to the Democrats’ ridiculously-named Inflation Reduction Act, which more than 230 economists have warned will actually increase inflation, particularly in the short run, when Americans hurt by Biden’s disastrous policies are hardest hit, why would a powerful Democrat lawmaker pledge — threaten — to increase taxes even more if his party maintains control of the House?

Who, exactly, does Rep. Neal think is going to be thrilled by his revelation — aside from low-information voters and socialist fools who believe the evil rich can never be taxed enough?

Who on the left believes that the “fair share” that Democrats incessantly whine about the wealthy not paying can ever be “fair” enough?

Why are Democrat lawmakers incapable of understanding that for-profit corporations ultimately pass 100 percent of their costs — including corporate taxes — down the line, ultimately to end users of their products or services? The dirty little non-secret secret? They know full well what I just said is correct; they simply rely on their uninformed base and left-wing looney tunes remaining clueless about the reality.

Finally, and even worse, in some respects, was Neal playing the tax-increase card an arrogant threat to Republicans, or an arrogant promise to the Democrat base?

It has to be the latter, unless Rep. Richard Neal, along with the rest of his party, is even more tone-deaf than facts have long suggested. How shocking would that be? Zero.