Saturday, April 23, 2022

Against ‘Principled Loserdom’

The job is to show up and win.

I was in New Haven this past week for a couple of events at Yale, one of which was a William F. Buckley, Jr. Program debate for a primarily college-age audience on “common good conservatism.” During the debate, I argued on behalf of the more “muscular,” more forceful, and less “liberal” approach to political economy and political gamesmanship frequently associated with the ascendant “New Right.”

My interlocutor, the amiable lawyer and National Review writer Dan McLaughlin, offered a substantive defense of orthodox “Reaganism” and an attitudinal appeal for conservatives to remain the “grown-ups in the room.” According to this logic, it is incumbent upon conservatives—actually, right-liberals—to act as righteous stewards of civic decency and defenders of the sacrosanct norms of liberal proceduralism, no matter how much our political foes have strayed.

To drive home the point, it was only a day after the Yale debate that McLaughlin and his National Review colleague Charles C. W. Cooke publicly criticized Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his fellow Sunshine State Republicans for acting this week to dissolve The Walt Disney Company’s autonomous Reedy Creek Improvement District near Orlando—a move Republicans ushered through as just comeuppance for Disney’s voluble opposition to Florida’s recent Parental Rights in Education law. To spike the football in such a fashion, so goes the narrative, would be “indecent.” To punish a high-profile enemy within the confines of the rule of law, making a woke corporate behemoth pay for its advocacy of the civilizational arson of corroded childhood sexual innocence, would be gratuitous and—egad!—”illiberal.”

The problem with this logic is that it is, to its core, a loser. It was a political loser in the presidential general elections of 1992, 1996, 2008, and 2012, and it was a political loser in the 2016 Republican presidential primary, when Donald Trump—the most pro-“winning” rhetorician and the single candidate least besotted with liberal pieties—shocked the establishment and prevailed. And it is a substantive loser because the Right’s vision of a more naturally ordered, just, and solidaristic society will obviously be—indeed, has demonstrably been—hindered by unilaterally abandoning the playing field of moralistic legislation and statesmanship to the one-way cultural ratchet of progressivism.

Proponents of the status quo are analogous to the complacent coffee-sipping dog in the “this is fine” online meme, willfully oblivious to the cultural rot, fever pitch-level fractiousness, and ruinous decadence engulfing American society like an inferno. At this increasingly late hour of our republic, what status quo defendants meekly offer is, to borrow a phrase from the Claremont Institute’s Matthew J. Peterson, the “suicidal anti-politics of ‘principled’ loserdom.”

To engage in such an “anti-politics,” where genuine political statesmanship—what a younger George F. Will once called “statecraft as soulcraft”—is eschewed and the highest goods one can fight for in the public arena are sacrosanct liberal neutrality and supply-side tax cuts, is to habituate a culture of losing. Such is the fundamental nature of responding to left-wing culture warriors seeking to chemically castrate children with cheerful hand-waving about slashing the capital gains tax rate. It is to be part of a controlled opposition that cheerfully accepts inveterate losing, as long as the Washington uniparty still passes some neoliberal consensus policies that redound to ruling class interests.

The “principled loserdom” mentality leads to what another Claremonster, Michael Anton, referred to in a famous 2016 essay as the “Washington Generals”—the exhibition basketball team known for once losing 2,495 games in a row. As Anton wrote, in this scenario, “your job is to show up and lose.”

But “principled loserdom” is wrong. The American Founders were not content to fight against the British Crown and accept losing, so long as their lofty principles were followed along the way; on the contrary, they pledged their “lives . . . fortunes and . . . sacred honor” to the cause in the Declaration of Independence. Abraham Lincoln was not content, either, to fight to preserve Union and accept losing, so long as his high-minded principles were followed along the way; on the contrary, he was motivated by his great moral conviction, as espoused in his 1854 Peoria Speech, “that there can be no moral right in connection with one man’s making a slave of another.”

Substantive justice must always be conservatives’ political lodestar. And if conservatives find themselves irrevocably hamstrung by a peculiar conception of the permissible means to achieve that end, at least over a reasonable duration of time, then it is time to change the means. “The Constitution is not a suicide pact,” goes the famous paraphrase of Justice Robert Jackson’s 1949 dissent in Terminiello v. City of Chicago. Neither, for that matter, is American civilization itself. And contra the coffee-sipping canine of online meme fame, things in America are not “fine.”

Conservatives must start acting like they understand this, wielding whatever levers of power they can attain. Given the Left’s successful Gramscian “march through the institutions” chokehold on all of the major institutions of civil society, that means using crass political power. It means, in other words, following the example of Florida Republicans and Disney.

But the long-term success of following the Florida playbook will depend, in part, on how quickly the “New Right” can excise “principled loserdom.”

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-April 23


Enjoy tonight's Ohio rally! 😁 Here's tonight's news:

Can the Woke Heed the Call to ‘Know Thyself’?

Ideologues of any stripe are notoriously incurious because they feel their “enlightened” screed has provided them with the prism to view all the answers.

Once, the Greek philosopher and dead white male, Socrates, taught that “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” True, in the past one might have written the preceding as “Once Socrates famously taught”; however, given the postmodern, know-nothing Left, notably its Manichean minions in academia, one no longer enjoys the luxury of such assumptions.

Indeed, Socrates’ teaching is not merely dismissed by our lettered “betters”; his teaching is the target of their exorbitantly expensive, taxpayer-fueled indoctrination factories. (Spare me the “some universities are private”; with the notable exception of places like Hillsdale College and Grove City College, all of these institutions take some measure of federal funds—either through student loans or otherwise.) America’s institutions of higher learning are the avowed enemies of critical thinking, which is vastly different than the warmed-over communist, agitprop ladled out as “critical [fill-in the Leftist cause] theory.” The former is education; the latter is indoctrination.

In days of yore when higher learning stalked the leafy autumnal grounds of academe, these institutions treated coeds as adults. This made eminent sense, as the goal was to educate and, critically, to empower the individual with the ability to think. Then hope was that the end result would lead to the coed becoming an independent, self-reliant adult, able to fit his mind to the world regardless of what life threw at him.

Not so much today.

The overpaid, unaccountable indoctrinators spewing their hateful, delusional leftist cant for profit, promotion, and prominence—a.k.a., their “greater good”—have deconstructed and devolved the literal “old school” into their personal brainwashing emporiums. The Left supplanted the primacy of education with indoctrination: intelligence is conflated with obedience, and independence is considered both selfish and dangerous.

This is reflected in the rigid adherence to the prevailing leftist ideological pedagogy required to be hired for a position. The students entering these leftist salons are treated like children by this phalanx of leftist ideological proselytizers. Students who protest, which includes seeking other viewpoints to consider, are coerced back into line by ideologically weaponized grading systems, codes of conduct, and pressure from their already indoctrinated fellow students. The Left believes bullying conducted by their fellow travelers among administrators, professors, and coeds is necessary and proper if in the service of indoctrinating the unwashed for the “greater good.”

The result? There are three possibilities.

First, the newly credentialed graduate has learned to “grin and bear it” and “go with the flow.” These graduates often don’t really believe in the leftist ideology, but they are convinced combatting it is not in their personal or financial interest, especially if they are looking for work at a corporation, in the regime media, or the in the government. After spending precious years of their lives and thousands upon thousands of dollars, all they’ve learned is how to be servile.

Second, newly freed from the leftist shackles that chafed them throughout their pursuit of the credential requisite for their future careers, these graduates continue their battle for the freedom of conscience and all God-given, constitutionally enumerated, guaranteed rights wherever and whenever they can.

Third, a new leftist is minted, succored, and rewarded by the collective.

Can those in the first group be said to be among those who “know thyself”? Maybe. They do know what they don’t particularly like: leftist ideology, but they don’t necessarily know why—let alone know why they should care enough to do anything about it. Unfortunately for them, and ineluctably, the time will come when unchecked leftist ideology again intrudes upon their lives in ways that make “grinning and bearing it” no longer an option. And, having been cheated out of the ability to think critically and act with courage, they will be flustered to find they are ill-suited to defending themselves and their loved ones.

Of course, members of the second and third groups may have heeded Socrates’ admonition to “know thyself.” But can the same be said of the new leftist ideologues? 

After all, they will spend their whole lives virtue signaling through sundry performative public displays, such as posting one of those “We Believe” lawn signs professing their progressive faith. Why do they engage in such performative acts? Why do they crave the external validation of their fellow leftists? Because, lacking the capacity to think for themselves, leftist ideologues rely upon emotion. They cannot summon the intellectual ability to validate themselves regardless of how the world views them. Consequently, unable to think, they need to feel. Enter the need for external validation just to get through the day, if not to be able to sleep through the night.

In 1987, another dead white male, Alan Bloom, wrote The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today’s Students. Bloom’s daunting proclamation is misleading as to the difficulty of the dilemma confronting the newly minted leftist ideologues. Especially if unlocked, a closed-door can be opened. But thanks to their fellow travelers engaged in indoctrination in the academy, their minds have been encased within an air-tight sarcophagus of ignorance and lack of self-awareness. The misery their deluded leftist ideology wreaks upon society and, foremost, upon themselves is patent, as their need for external validation evinces.

Ideologues of any stripe are notoriously incurious because they feel “enlightened” by the screeds they read and believe them to have provided the prism through which they view all the answers. Consequently, and tragically for all involved, one doubts these newly minted ideologues know anyone with the critical thinking crowbar required to open their minds to the reality and beauty of the world around them, so they may one day claim to be among those the philosopher admonished to “know thyself.”

Radical Gender Lessons for Young Children

Radical Gender Lessons for Young Children

Evanston–Skokie’s school district adopts a curriculum that teaches pre-K through third-grade students to “break the binary” of gender.

Evanston–Skokie School District 65 has adopted a radical gender curriculum that teaches pre-kindergarten through third-grade students to celebrate the transgender flag, break the “gender binary” established by white “colonizers,” and experiment with neo-pronouns such as “ze,” “zir,” and “tree.”

I have obtained the full curriculum documents, which are part of the Chicago-area district’s “LGBTQ+ Equity Week,” which administrators adopted last year. The curriculum begins in pre-kindergarten, with a series of lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity. The lesson plan opens with an introduction to the rainbow flag and teaches students that “Each color in the flag has a meaning.” The teacher also presents the transgender flag and the basic concepts of gender identity, explaining that “we call people with more than one gender or no gender, non-binary or queer.” Finally, the lesson plan has the teacher leading a class project to create a rainbow flag, with instructions to “gather students on the rug,” “ask them to show you their flags,” and “proudly hang the class flag where they can all see it.”

In kindergarten, the lessons on gender and trans identity go deeper. “When we show whether we feel like a boy or a girl or some of each, we are expressing our GENDER IDENTITY,” the lesson begins. “There are also children who feel like a girl AND a boy; or like neither a boy OR a girl. We can call these children TRANSGENDER.” Students are expected to be able to “explain the importance of the rainbow flag and trans flag” and are asked to consider their own gender identity. The kindergartners read two books that affirm transgender conversions, study photographs of boys in dresses, learn details about the transgender flag, and perform a rainbow dance. At the end of the lesson, the students are encouraged to adopt and share their own gender identities with the class. “Now you have a chance to make a picture to show how YOU identify,” the lesson reads. “Maybe you want to have blue hair! Maybe you want to be wearing a necklace. Your identity is for YOU to decide!”

In first grade, students learn about gender pronouns. The teachers explain that “some pronouns are gender neutral” and students can adopt pronouns such as “she,” “tree,” “they,” “he,” “her,” “him,” “them,” “ze,” and “zir.” The students practice reading a series of scripts in which they announce their gender pronouns and practice using alternate pronouns, including “they,” “tree,” “ze,” and “zir.” The teacher encourages students to experiment and reminds them: “Whatever pronouns you pick today, you can always change!” Students then sit down to complete a pronouns workbook, with more lessons on neo-pronouns and non-binary identities.

In third grade, Evanston–Skokie students are told that white European “colonizers” imposed their “Western and Christian ideological framework” on racial minorities and “forced two-spirit people to conform to the gender binary.” The teacher tells students that “many people feel like they aren’t really a boy or a girl” and that they should “call people by the gender they have in their heart.” Students are encouraged to “break the binary,” reject the system of “whiteness,” and study photographs of black men in dresses and a man wearing lipstick and long earrings. “It is a myth that gender is binary,” the lesson explains. “Even though we are all given a sex assigned at birth, you are NOT given your gender. Only you can know your gender and how you feel inside.” At the end of the lesson, students are instructed to write a letter to the future on how they can change society. “Society right now is very unfair,” reads a sample letter. “I see a lot of marches on the T.V and I even went to a march last summer.”

The curriculum in Evanston–Skokie School District 65 is the perfect illustration of college-level queer theory translated into early-elementary pedagogy. For weeks, as the nation has debated Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, which prohibits public schools from teaching gender identity and sexual orientation in grades K–3, commentators on the political left have claimed that public schools do not teach this material and have accused conservatives of instigating a “moral panic.” This claim is demonstrably false, and the Evanston–Skokie lesson plans offer additional proof for parents and legislators concerned about gender ideology in American public schools. Queer theory has made its way into public school curriculums for children as young as four. This development should be subject to robust political debate, not denial and dismissal from the political Left.

Hillary Clinton Moves to Cut Donald Trump off at the Pass in Legal Fight

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

While Hillary for America moves to undercut John Durham’s criminal investigation of the Trump-Russia hoax, there’s another legal action taking place on the civil side of things.

As RedState previously reported, Donald Trump recently filed a lawsuit against everyone and their mother over the “unthinkable plot” to bring down his campaign and his eventual presidency by spreading false conspiracy theories about Russian collusion. Defendants in the suit include Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Perkins Coie, Michael Sussmann, and Marc Elias, among many others. All of those people and entities appear to be in the sights of Durham as well.

Now, Clinton is moving to cut Trump off at the pass, with her attorneys filing a motion to have the lawsuit dismissed. In it, they accuse the former president of using the court as a fundraising gimmick.

Clinton’s attorneys said Trump’s $24 million lawsuit that claims an “unthinkable plot” to “cripple” his bid for the presidency and paint his campaign as colluding with Russia had no legal basis, according to a motion filed in US District Court for the Southern District of Florida.

“Whatever the utility of Plaintiff’s Complaint as a fundraising tool, a press release, or a list of political grievances, it has no merit as a lawsuit and should be dismissed with prejudice,” the 22-page court filing said.

In perhaps a telling admission, one of the chief arguments in the filing is that Trump waited so long to file the lawsuit. At one point, Clinton claims that the statute of limitations for the former president’s RICO claims (the basis of the lawsuit) had passed. That may actually be true depending on what start date you use, but it’s hard to say exactly when the time period would have begun.

Another part of the filing involves the theft of “trade secrets.” Yet, Clinton argues that the information taken from Trump Organization computers doesn’t qualify as such but was simply “speech with which he disagrees.” Lastly, Clinton claims that Trump has not established she actually took part in any of the alleged conspiracy laid out in the lawsuit.

It’s very typical for Hillary Clinton to try to avoid all responsibility for her actions. Whether it can be proven in court or not, it’s extremely obvious that she was behind the plot to spread false information to garner a government investigation of Donald Trump. The idea that she was just paying Perkins Coie for “legal advice” and that Christopher Steele just made the dossier on his own while Michael Sussmann went to the FBI of his own prompting doesn’t begin to add up.

Yet, the failed Democrat is certainly one to cover her tracks, and it will be difficult for Trump to win his lawsuit. There is also a very real possibility, depending on who the judge is, that she could win her request for dismissal. We’ll have to see how that goes. I wouldn’t hold my breath for justice in this case. Even if John Durham succeeds in taking down some of her lackeys, you can bet Clinton has fully insulated herself.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Let It Slip Why They're Pushing Against 'Disinformation'

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Elon Musk is pushing for free speech on Twitter. Democrats, of course, are on the wrong side of the issue, pushing for more tech and government control against “disinformation” in media. What’s kind of ironic is that you have two of the biggest pushers of disinformation out there — Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton — speaking out over the past couple of days on the issue, and leading the charge with the argument that disinformation is somehow a threat to “democracy.”

My colleague Jerry Wilson hit on some of what Barack Obama had to say in his disinformation speech at Stanford.

I wanted to highlight one aspect of what Obama said, because he says the quiet part out loud here. It’s about control, and they want that control.

“TV is a tool,” Obama declared. “The internet is a tool. Social media is a tool. At the end of the day, tools don’t control us. We control them. And we can remake them.”

We saw how that “control” interfered in the election in 2020, when Twitter and other social media suppressed the story about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. They don’t want to lose that ability to control the narrative because if they do, it will also affect their ability to hang on to power. They want to be able to censor their political opponents.

Hillary Clinton also weighed in.

“For too long, tech platforms have amplified disinformation and extremism with no accountability,” she claimed. “The EU is poised to do something about it. I urge our transatlantic allies to push the Digital Services Act across the finish line and bolster global democracy before it’s too late.”

So, in addition to the guy who lied to us and told us that we could keep our doctor, we now have Hillary Clinton trying to tell us something about disinformation. Does she mean like this little piece of disinformation, part of the false Russia hoax that the Clinton team helped to pay for and spread to the media and the FBI?

What great harm that hoax caused. Has she checked what’s happening with the Durham probe lately, the people who are flipping, and her campaign’s claim of privilege in the case (which tends to prove that yes, the lawyer was working on her behalf to smear President Donald Trump)? How about the fine that she incurred from the FEC for not telling the truth about the funding behind the Steele dossier?

Hopefully, there’s more “accountability” for the disinformation that Clinton spread. This takes some kind of nerve from Hillary. Notice her concern here isn’t freedom of speech or the Constitution; it’s protecting “global democracy.” That’s what it’s about, not preserving people’s rights or the free flow of ideas.

But these are the people who want to control our information hubs and dictate what we see. Because they know if people see the truth, they all would be out on their ears.

Florida Gov. DeSantis signs bill revoking Disney’s special district status

 Florida Gov. DeSantis signs bill revoking Disney’s special district status

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday signed into law a bill revoking the Walt Disney Company’s special district status in the state, just days after the legislation was first introduced on Tuesday.

The bill, which would see the Reedy Creek Improvement District dissolved, passed the state Senate on Wednesday with a vote of 23-16 and through the state’s House of Representatives on Thursday by a vote of 70-38.

Disney has up to this point declined to comment on the legislation, but the dispute is likely to end up in court.

For more than five decades, Disney has been able to make additions to its resort area, including new theme parks, hotels and other tourism experiences, without interference from local counties. That’s set to change in June 2023 now that DeSantis has signed the bill into law.

Widely seen as a contender for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, DeSantis is locked in a bitter and public feud with the entertainment giant over the company’s denouncement of Florida’s HB 1557 law last month. While proponents of the bill have denied that it is a retaliatory act against Disney, critics see it as retribution for publicly quarreling with the governor.

Reedy Creek was created in 1967 by the Florida legislature so Disney could develop the infrastructure for Walt Disney World at no cost to Florida taxpayers. Disney established and continues to maintain more than 130 miles of roadways and 67 miles of waterways as well as government services such as fire protection, emergency services, water, utilities and sewage.

Tax experts and legislators say eliminating the district could have unintended consequences for county taxpayers. Disney’s special tax district status allows the company to levy an additional tax on itself to pay for municipal services, something that other counties cannot do. That tax currently amounts to $105 million per year, said Orange County tax collector Scott Randolph. Reedy Creek also receives additional revenue of nearly $60 million from Disney to pay its bond debt.

Sunsetting Reedy Creek means that local counties will begin paying for those services without that special status in place. Taxpayers will likely be left to foot the bill for pot holes and emergency services.

The counties would also absorb Reedy Creek’s debt. The district historically operates at a loss of around $5 million to $10 million each year, according to its financial reports. But since Disney can subsidize its own operations with theme park revenue, that debt doesn’t have much impact on its bottom line.

According to lawmakers, there’s around $1 billion in debt on the balance sheet that taxpayers would become responsible for should the special district get absorbed, leading to higher taxes.

And salvaging those budgets won’t be easy. State law prohibits counties from raising sales taxes or impact fees to cover costs, and they must tax all areas of the county equally. So, whatever they enact will apply to everyone.

Randolph said the county will likely have to raise property taxes by 20% to 25% to make up the difference.

Disney’s Corporate Welfare is Modern Mercantilism

Disney's Corporate Welfare Is Modern Mercantilism

Florida’s government is poised to revoke the longstanding cronyist, anticompetitive special favors that the state granted the Walt Disney Company nearly five decades ago. As of Thursday afternoon, both the House and the Senate in Florida have voted to end the megacorp’s special district, which has long enabled Disney to engage in activities prohibited to other private groups and individuals in the state. The governor is expected to sign the legislation.

The impending change in status comes after senior Disney representatives repeatedly criticized the Florida GOP—currently the ruling party in the state—for legislation that had nothing to do with Disney’s ability to do business in the state. Perhaps not surprisingly, this caused numerous GOP officials to question why Disney was receiving special privileges denied even to Disney’s direct competitors. In the past, Disney’s special status would be shielded from dangers, as Disney has famously showered politicians in the state with gifts, campaign cash, and other types of special favors that normal people would identify as bribes. Many of the same people who are now voting to repeal Disney’s special status have accepted such “gifts” in the past. But for whatever reason, the political landscape has changed enough in recent years that it appears to many policy makers that it is now more politically rewarding to punish Disney rather than cater to its whims. The effort to strike back at Disney was likely also fueled by national politics and the fact that Disney has long been a platform for left-wing politics through its media outlets like ABC and ESPN.

The situation has led to some strange political rhetoric and bedfellows. The GOP is now being accused of being “antibusiness,” while dissenting Democrats appear to have suddenly become laissez-faire capitalists, pontificating on the virtues of low taxes and leaving corporations alone to manage their own affairs.

But does revoking Disney’s special status really constitute an attack on markets or on private property? That depends on how one looks at it. Let’s first look at what privileges Disney enjoys in Florida. The special district, called Reedy Creek, was established in 1967 and allows the Disney corporation to function with no local government oversight on its San Francisco–sized property outside Orlando. The special status means Disney can issue tax-exempt bonds and build on the land without having to deal with any local government obstacles to development such as zoning laws.

Supporters of the global conglomerate often describe this situation as some sort of favor to the taxpayers. For example, CNBC frames the special district as an arrangement “established by the Florida legislature so Disney could develop the infrastructure for Walt Disney World at no cost to Florida taxpayers.” In reality, of course, this infrastructure exists—and only exists—to funnel paying customers into Disney’s theme parks. It would be absurd to expect taxpayers to pay for this sort of development under any circumstances, development which could also be ensured without a special district like Reedy Creek.

Choosing a Single Corporation to Favor over Others

But perhaps the most important aspect of the special district is that none of Disney’s competitors enjoy a similar arrangement. At least one GOP legislator has noted this in defending the new bill, pointing out that Universal, SeaWorld, and Legoland have not been granted their own special districts. And these are just the existing competitors, who could muster up the capital necessary to compete with Disney on an uneven playing field designed to favor Disney. It’s impossible to know how many other entertainment venues and private owners might have also been able to compete in Orlando had Disney not sucked all the air out of the local market with its cronyist deal.

Consequently, Universal has operated at a disadvantage for its entire existence in Orlando. Unlike Disney, Universal must deal with local ordinances, local zoning laws, and can’t enjoy the benefits of tax-free bonds.

For example:

Reedy Creek’s control of its own zoning and building codes is the most important advantage Disney has among tourist destinations in Central Florida.

Take Universal Studios Florida, for example. Planning for USF began in the early 1980s, but it wasn’t until around 1986 that the plans for the park were officially announced. In what must have been a remarkable coincidence, Disney announced plans for their own movie-themed park in 1987.

But despite Universal having a sizable head start on Disney, Disney-MGM Studios (now Disney’s Hollywood Studios) opened first in 1989. Universal Studios Florida didn’t open its doors until 1990.

It’s possible, of course, that Disney’s plans proceeded more quickly than Universal’s due to better internal management. But it’s also quite plausible—even likely—that Disney was able to push through its development at a much faster speed than its competitors due to its special legal status.

Moreover, the situation for Disney in Florida applies to a single corporation. It’s not as if other private owners can access similar benefits simply by creating jobs or doing what Disney does. No, such benefits are reserved for Disney and Disney alone. Disney, of course, is fine with this arrangement and would surely lobby—and likely already has lobbied—to prevent any of its competitors from enjoying similar advantages. 

Nonetheless, these sorts of crony deals have their defenders among antitax and antiregulation activists. The argument is that since taxes and regulations are bad, then special deals for a tiny number of select groups or corporations must be supported. These people seem to believe that if Disney is granted a special district deal, then politicians are more inclined to grant similar deals to countless others. This is rather wishful thinking, to say the least, and no such thing is on the table. 

A Form of Modern Mercantilism

Indeed, a special district law for Disney no more encourages freedom for others than would a law declaring that “siblings and first cousins of state legislators shall all be tax exempt.” Yet one could imagine certain libertarians saying, “Well, this is a tax break, and shouldn’t we encourage tax breaks? Logic dictates we must support this ‘siblings and cousins’ law.” In reality, of course, tax breaks for friends of the regime doesn’t actually move us in that direction. If anything, such deals enhance state power, and this is why mercantilism—the economic philosophy of absolutism—was built on special tax deals and market monopoly powers granted to selected corporations. Such deals are a way of consolidating support from powerful interests. The fall of Disney has nothing to do with any general principle of limiting state power. Rather, Disney’s fall is in the same category of the palace intrigues of old, in which some favorite of the monarch falls out of favor and his exemptions from select royal mandates—exemptions never available to ordinary people—are canceled. 

In modern times, deals like the Disney deal are just corporate welfare schemes in the form of “economic development” policies, favored by governments for decades. These policies favor certain large, powerful businesses but won’t extend the same favors to smaller businesses and competitors. Then, the corporate shills and their friends in the legislature or city council take credit for “jobs created” as if the economy would not have grown had the laws not been written to favor a select few. These deals use phrases like “low taxes” and “free markets” but really have nothing to do with laissez-faire or free markets. They’re about sweetheart deals for the politically well connected.

Naturally, taken totally in isolation, it’s never good to raise taxes or enhance government control over a private enterprise, which Disney—for the most part—still is. But there’s an unseen factor here as well. The unseen is how much private enterprise has been prevented, stifled, and shunted aside by laws written to favor a single corporation. Just as the mercantilist private corporations of old—such as the East India Company—stifled private business in America and helped fuel the American Revolution, today’s beneficiaries of modern mercantilism do the same. How much would the public benefit from other competitors in the Orlando area? How much less might have consumers paid for tickets at Disney parks had Disney not been able to legislatively keep competitors out of the marketplace? We’ll never know.

13 Films With A Powerful Pro-Choice Message

The choice to murder your own offspring for convenience is a fundamental human right. Without choice, you might as well be, like, a handmaid in The Handmaid's Tale! Fortunately, Hollywood is dedicated to producing hundreds of pro-choice films every year to preach the pro-choice message and protect this right for all!

Here are some of the most notable: 

1) It – A reincarnated abortion doctor dressed as a clown performs late-term abortions on the neighborhood kids. Iconic!

2) Halloween – Michael Myers has every right to go stabbing. He was born this way.

3) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – A progressive depiction of a non-traditional family that chooses who they want to eat without apology. Inspiring! 

4) A Nightmare on Elm Street – Freddy Krueger has long been one of Planned Parenthood's most outspoken supporters. 

5) Scream – Teens killing people!

6) The Lord of the Flies – Kids killing people!

7) The Silence of the Lambs – Dr. Lecter is a super-smart guy who wrote peer-reviewed papers so his stance on baby murder is probably correct.

8) The Omen – A powerful pro-choice film in which the villain is the kid.

9) Look Who's Talking, Too! – You'll want to commit murder after watching this movie.

10) Avengers: Infinity War – With one snap, Thanos fulfilled Planned Parenthood's vision. 

11) Schindler's List – A man named Hitler lived his truth, followed his heart, and exercised his right to choose. Margaret Sanger would be so proud. 

12) A Quiet Place – Parents go to great lengths to protect their children no matter how hard or inconvenient. Wait, how'd that get in here? Scratch this one.

13) Friday the 13th: Part VI – A relentless killer who slays without remorse, Jason is the ultimate pro-choice hero.

Politics Is Downstream from Culture...but What Is Culture Downstream From?


"Freedom or slavery? What's it going to be?"

Article by Deborah C. Tyler in The American Thinker

Politics Is Downstream from Culture...but What Is Culture Downstream From?

Before his untimely death ten years ago, Andrew Breitbart's most famous quote was "politics is downstream from culture."  That concept is the basis for what is called the Breitbart Doctrine, which holds that in order to change politics, it is first necessary to change culture.

Breitbart was partially correct.  In a cohesive, functional society whose members generally understand assumptions regarding faith and moral ideals, politics does indeed flow from culture.  But more importantly, culture is downstream from religion.

Andrew Breitbart was born in 1969, when the fundamental destruction of the unifying American religious narrative and morality had begun.  He could not see that the relationship between culture and politics is not a two-step progression, but two aspects of a self-energizing cycle consisting of three elements of human civilization: religion, culture, and politics.  Religion provides the foundation of belief, culture provides the enrichment of knowledge, and politics (the least of these) provides opinion and activism to recalibrate power as necessary to sustain unity.

Religion provides answers for the questions of whence and whither and why to control the self on behalf of society.  Religious belief in the significance of life and unchanging truth inspires a search for and participation in that truth, from which flows cultural creativity and engagement, which in turn unifies society and limits the dangers of political struggle.

All stable civilizations result from the dynamic trinity of religion, culture, and politics.  America was fortunate to be founded when that religion was a passionate, decentralized, and freedom-loving Christianity as the basis for historic American religious tolerance.

When America could, broadly speaking, be described as one nation under God, the tripartite cycle of religion, culture, and politics originated in generative energy from the beliefs of distinctly American, pro-God religious consciousness that inspired the exploration of truth, meaning, and joy of a national cultural idiom, which in turn influenced the parameters of political endeavors.  In classical, pro-God America, the inspiration for a civilization of freedom and equality came from the unifying assumptions of theistic belief.  The assumptive belief in God and in the universal divine nature of all humans enabled the generation of a predominantly uplifting culture, which in turn was upstream from a generally lawfully and respectfully conducted political process.

That one nation under God has been irrevocably broken into two, irreconcilable American civilizations, one based in life and the other based in death.

Why did the civilization of this one nation under God, the  greatest constitutional republic in world history, come to be degraded and broken by the Democrats and the left?  Why did the unifying American assumption that freedom and equality are God-given come to be devalued, and the religions that imparted the belief in the sanctity of life come to be ridiculed?  Why did American culture become antagonistic to faith, and therefore ugly, weird, and dehumanizing?  Why did the government megalith become an anti-constitutional corruption?  Theological and worldly explanations are both available.  Take your pick, or you can have them both, as they are not incompatible.

Through the course of the 20th century, an ever louder cacophony from the left has spawned an anti-God, anti-American process of civilizational chaos that is wrapping around and squeezing the life out of traditional American civilization like a huge snake.  Andrew Breitbart could not have seen what is becoming apparent to all sane Americans.  The cycle of religion, culture, and politics, which sustains American civilization, has reversed course.  Politics is upstream from culture, which is upstream from religion.

Politics is temporally reactive and contains no unifying truth.  It is invariably divisive.  Civilization based in politics without unifying religious consciousness amounts to permanent and deepening social chaos.  The energy of this anti-civilization of the left arises in politics, which is leftists' religion.  Politics in turn controls and censors non-conforming culture, which is upstream from non-organized, therapeutic "spirituality" and denatured Christianism, which cares more about political issues than it does about children and protecting human life.

The profundity of the nightmare we are living through is hard to grasp.  The tone of our everyday lives as Americans is an anti-civilization controlled by the government-media-educational megalith that is anti-God, anti-American, and pointedly anti-Christian.  American social process now originates in the bitter energy of left-wing politics as replacement for religion.  That element of opinion maintains an inquisition of judgment of good and evil people based on a false, anti-historical obsession with long gone oppression by race, sex, and sexuality.  Left-wing politics operates as increasingly divisive fanaticism, which can be called scientistic materialism.  Science is prostituted to justify a hollow-eyed, humanity-hating doomsday cult of climate change.  The reverse cycle of civilization originating in godless political opinion has made a sacrament of disposing of pre-born humans, which idolatry is inexorably expanding to include post-natal infanticide.

Left-wing politics as religion substitute idolizes atypical and deviant sexuality and normalizes the abuse of children in that cause.  It is suffused with the odor of race grievance and enmity against European-Americans while writing a new scripture of falsified, degrading American history, wholly ungrateful for the magnificent sacrifices made by European-Americans to preserve the Constitution for all.  In short, American anti-civilization now originates in politics designed to cancel the God-given universality of American freedom and equality, and replace it with a political contrivance of toxic power derived from a  permanent derogation of traditional American faith and character.  And like all fanatic religionism, this politics places itself above the law and loves to shun.

The new American anti-civilization celebrated the theft of the last presidency because its outlandish hatred for the last president was a thinly disguised hatred of the American people.  Downstream from such politics is a deadening anti-culture industry.  Hollywood, Disney, Netflix, the race-obsessed "art" in virtually all public museums — these are creating not a new American culture, but a deconstructive anti-culture, which is erasing traditional culture.  Because they are largely based in politics, the left wing no longer has the inspiration, energy, or talent to create art or culture.  Leftists merely create propaganda of neo-elitist race, sex, sexuality, and victimization, which is purposed to destroy traditional culture, abusive to children, deadening, and boring.  Downstream from "mainstream" anti-culture of godless America are the self-soothing methods of therapeutic "spirituality" and the marginalized residue of once great religions.

In 1827, in his work entitled "Critical and Miscellaneous Essays," Thomas Carlyle identified "[t]he three great elements of modern civilization, gunpowder, printing and the Protestant religion."  For the sustenance of American civilization, the greatest of these was the Protestant religion.  The left is frog-marching its way through Carlyle's trinity, destroying the right to bear arms and the right to free speech — but for the ultimate destruction of American civilization, they must destroy classical American faith in God.  To get the great elements of civilization to pervert and turn backwards with politics as the originating point, power must be taken away from God and placed in grasping human hands.  The struggle is not between the right and left.  It is between civilization and chaos.

Why are we still using Twitter?  Why are we still using Facebook and Google and all the rest of the engines of our own destruction?  Why are we still giving  money to corporations that despise us and support the blood-drenched BLM?  Why did we let them close the churches and keep the liquor stores open?  Why did we wear those cloth masks?  From the wisdom of the American heartland comes the question: "If underpants can't stop a fart, how can a mask stop a virus?"  Why did we let them steal the presidency?  Why do we let them imprison and abuse righteous protesters against that massive crime? 

Freedom or slavery?  Civilization or chaos?  What is it going to be? 


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