Thursday, February 17, 2022

Ottawa Police Chief “It is now unlawful to protest against government, 100 checkpoints have been established”

The interim police chief of Ottawa, Comrade Steve Bell, made it clear today that he and the residents of Ottawa are “sick” of the protesters. Therefore, effective immediately, no Canadian citizen will be permitted to access, enter or walk lawfully in the downtown Ottawa area.

“100 police checkpoints have been established” Bell said, and citizens are being questioned about the reason for their travel.  Additionally, within his current authority as the regional guard for government, he has been authorized to offer “safe passage” out of the area for any current protestor or dissident supporter.  However, if people do not exit the area within this current window of amnesty, the safety of the remaining citizens cannot be guaranteed as heavily armed tactical operations begin.  WATCH:

The skull-cracking will commence shortly….

p.s. Still no discussion about covid or the removal of the mandates.

Biden Came to Make a Mess and Eat Ice Cream

As former President Trump might say, “Total disaster!”

When Joe Biden ran for president, we were told he was the embodiment of competence and intelligence. Biden, his backers insisted, would solve our problems in a genial, grandfatherly way. He’d make fixing America look as easy as licking an ice cream cone on a nice Delaware day. A year into his presidency, it seems that Biden came only to make a mess and eat ice cream. 

The ordinary American consumer  suffers and endures high prices due to the bad decisions and policies of the Biden Administration. It is no wonder, then, that a recent poll found 60 percent of voters would vote Biden out of office were the election held today. From the supply chain to Ukraine, Biden seems to have had the opposite of the Midas Touch—and it isn’t going to get any better! 

The Chip Shortage Will Be with Us

To combat the worldwide computer chip shortage, Biden told the press that his policies had led to the construction of new computer chip manufacturing facilities being built within the United States for the first time in decades (currently, nearly 90 percent of all worldwide computer chips are produced overseas, in places like Taiwan and Japan). But these facilities will take a few years to come online. 

And once these production facilities are producing computer chips, it will take months and years for them to meet all the varying demand for chips. So, one can anticipate the prices of anything requiring a computer chip (including cars) to remain high over the next few years—especially if China invades Taiwan during that time, thereby knocking one of the world’s largest computer chip manufacturing facilities offline. 

Biden did champion the American CHIPS Act, a bill designed to allot $52 billion to encourage more domestic chip manufacturing. Instead of his “Build Back Better” boondoggle, this should have been Biden’s chief legislative priority. And $52 billion for a crisis decades-in-the-making is pathetic (and shows just how unserious Biden is on this matter). 

Biden’s Ukraine Policies Are Squeezing Americans’ Wallets

Meanwhile, gas and grocery prices continue to rise. And, while Biden may want to blame his predecessor for having locked down the country at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (a policy that Biden and his fellow Democrats insisted should have continued), the fact remains that these negative trends are occurring under the Biden Administration’s watch. More to the point, there are direct actions Biden has taken since his turbulent inauguration last year that exacerbated what were already dangerous trends in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For example, as I have noted previously, Biden’s decision to terminate the Keystone XL Pipeline as well as his obsession with imposing the most onerous restrictions on North American natural gas and oil shale development has helped raise the cost of fuel for millions of Americans. 

Similarly, the Biden Administration’s shambolic Ukraine policy has resulted in a dangerous standoff with Russia. The Russo-American spat over Ukraine risks devolving into a nuclear war unless some diplomatic off-ramp is taken by both sides. As the fight rages between the two sides, ordinary Americans are caught in the middle. Once more, because of these unnecessary tensions over Ukraine, the price of fuel is spiking everywhere, with some analysts predicting the cost per barrel of oil could peak to around (or even slightly above) $100. 

Related to Biden’s horrible Ukraine policy is the slowly rising price of foodstuff. Ukraine is a major exporter of agricultural goods to the global market, so if Russia invades Ukraine, you can expect the  price of food will explode soon. 

It is unlikely that this administration will ever accept a Russian-controlled Ukraine. It’s a fair bet the United States would impose sanctions on Russia if Putin invades Ukraine, which would likely knock production and distribution from the region out of the global market entirely. In effect, you and I are set to pay permanently higher prices on essential goods unless their production and distribution changes fundamentally. And what are the odds of that happening quickly? 

Biden’s Vaccine Mandates and Our Supply Chain

Speaking of distribution, supply chain problems have mounted as the leadership of many countries—including the Biden Administration—have insisted upon what many view as extreme vaccination mandates for private companies. In fact, it is opposition to the vaccine mandates in Canada that has sparked the ongoing Freedom Convoy of truckers currently “terrorizing” the gelded leadership of Justin Trudeau. In both Canada and the United States, failure to comply with these mandates usually results in a loss of business and the firing of workers en masse. 

What’s more, it means there are only a limited number of businesses and workers to carry out their jobs—imposing greater costs on consumers. Thus, our supply chain and distribution woes are exacerbated yet again by bad Biden policies as there are not enough workers or businesses in compliance with the vaccine mandates to fulfill the national demand for supply chain services. 

And rather than deploy the logistical capabilities of the United States military to ameliorate the ongoing distribution problem, as retired U.S. Army General Russel Honoré argued in October 2021, the Biden Administration has simply insisted that Americans consume less. This was the message of the current secretary of transportation, Pete Buttigieg, who could not have been less helpful during the height of the supply chain crisis over the recent holiday season. Honoré’s prediction has proven correct: the longer the crisis continues, the greater the threat to our national security. 

Biden’s team doesn’t really care, apparently. It’s time to feed the Old Man some more ice cream! 

We Need Solutions, Not Rhetoric

Joe Biden was elected on a message of competence and intelligence. A year into his misadministration, everything is falling apart, both at home and abroad. It’s easy to blame your predecessor for everything that’s gone wrong. But, at some point, Biden needs to take the blame as readily as he took the reins of power. 

Nearly every problem the United States has faced over the past year has been self-induced. Extreme or unwise Biden policies have led us to a place where inflation is soaring and where that problem is being worsened by the ongoing Biden-induced crises in Ukraine and in the supply chain. The few times that Biden has addressed these concerns he has glossed over the fact that his policies either caused or exacerbated the problems facing ordinary Americans today—namely high prices, and insufficient access to goods. 

The solutions are straightforward, though. Biden should ratchet down tensions with Russia over Ukraine. A simple declaration that Ukraine does not—and will not—qualify for NATO membership coupled with a call to restore the Minsk II Agreement signed with Russia in 2015 for Ukraine will likely give Vladimir Putin an excuse to stand down on his invasion threat. Once that occurs, volatility in global commodities markets will decrease and likely give American consumers a reprieve. 

At home, the Biden Administration must reexamine its draconian stance on vaccination mandates—especially for critical workers. Further, Biden should order the military’s vast logistical capabilities to be brought to bear on items closer to home—assisting with clearing American ports and getting the country’s supplies moving again. 

Americans are not able to keep pace with the spike in prices that so many bad Biden policies are causing. It is a drag on the economy. Biden’s goal should be to mitigate the pain most Americans are feeling by enacting policies that will help to reduce the costs on ordinary consumers for essential items, like gas and groceries. 

Thus far, all Biden has done is pick fights with nuclear-armed Russia and fired essential workers for not getting their vaccines—all while eating ice cream. If this is competence, according to our elite, I don’t want to see what incompetence looks like. 

As former President Trump might say, “Total disaster!”

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-Feb 17


Processing a lot of speculation right now related to NCIS LA, and it actually feels kind of refreshing instead of groan worthy! Here's tonight's news:

NCIS LA: Nate's back! And is a Hetty update coming?!


CBS released the press release for Episode 11 'All the Little Things' today, and yup. The shrink is finally back! (He hasn't been on the show since Season 8).

What is also making me so giddy?

Here's the guest star list for the episode:

Explanation: Zasha is the Russian girl that Callen sent to look after Hetty in the Season 13 premiere. And Keane is the guy Hetty risked her life for in Season 9. He also helped her out at the start of Season 10.

As you can guess, a LOT is going through my mind right now!! Like, did Zasha find Hetty? Is Keane working with Hetty?

Also, here's the title of the episode that comes after this: Murmuration. The title that means 'a large flock of birds circling to protect 1 of their own.'

Is it possible that this is the stretch of episodes that I've been awaiting all Season??!! 

SOS phone call about Hetty?!

The episode airs March 13. Cross your fingers that this turns out to be good news on my end!!

Models Debut Jockstrap Mask at New York Fashion Week... & MEME THREAD

Models Debut Jockstrap Mask
at New York Fashion Week

New York Fashion Week has debuted an item that salutes the imperative form must follow function in the age of coronavirus: say hello to the jockstrap mask.

A model wore the distinctive piece of apparel Monday as he sashayed down the runway at the week-long event that finished Wednesday.

The novel creation featuring a breathe-through jockstrap mask came from the Dion Lee Fall/Winter 2022 show.

Well, if this isn't a kickstart to a meme thread, then I don't know what is. Post 'em if you got 'em. Or just steal them
and claim them as your own down in the comments.

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Hillary Clinton’s Greatest Masterpiece ~ VDH

Will the people ever learn how false information was seeded throughout the government and media in a conspiratorial effort to destroy a sitting president?

Hillary Clinton’s never-ending shenanigans in 2015-2016 could be summarized as an attempted slow-motion coup. 

Four years of national hysteria, a divided nation, and dangerous new tensions with Russia were some of the wages of Clinton’s machinations.

Clinton hired a British national and ex-spy, Christopher Steele, to compile dirt on her election opponent, Trump. She hid her likely illegal campaign payments to him through at least three paywalls—the Democratic National Committee, the Perkins Coie law firm, and the opposition research firm Fusion GPS. 

Partisans in the FBI helped her, by variously spying on minor officials affiliated with the Trump campaign, like George Papadopoulos and Carter Page. To expedite its improper surveillance, a corrupt FBI hierarchy presented fraudulent documents to a FISA court that authorized the illicit surveillance. 

Clinton’s orbit of former subordinates and friends seeded the lies in the dossier throughout the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the CIA. 

During the Trump transition, the FBI also tapped into the communications of national security advisor designate General Michael Flynn. The illegally leaked surveillance put an end to his service to the Trump Administration and ruined his life. 

The country went through 22 months and $40 million in legal expenses under special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate the Clinton-inspired Russian collusion hoax.

When it was all over, Mueller’s “dream team” found no such actionable Trump-Russian collusion. 

Mueller himself ended up nearly humiliated, preposterously claiming under oath no knowledge about the Steele dossier or Fusion GPS—the twin pillars of deceit that prompted his own investigation. 

But Clinton was undaunted. 

According to a recent affidavit filed by Special Counsel John Durham, Clinton furthermore had previously hired members of the Perkins Coie law firm to contract with tech experts to leverage their own existing access to the White House and Trump servers—and tap into the top-secret communications data of candidate and then President Trump. 

Their apparent desperate purpose was to find any dirt that the failed Steele dossier had not discovered. 

As a result, Clinton’s tech hirelings helped promulgate another “collusion” lie that Trump Tower computers were communicating back and forth with the Russian Alfa Bank. 

This additional Clinton investment in ruining Trump succeeded, as planned, in provoking media “collusion” hysteria that further paralyzed the Trump presidency. 

Nightly news still trafficked in the fake Steele dossier and the Russian collusion hoax. The additional phony Alfa Bank smear was cited as further proof that Trump should be removed from office.

Clinton’s efforts created the general background landscape of hysteria and untruth that greenlighted the first Trump impeachment over a phone call to the Ukrainian president. 

“Collusion” helped prompt efforts to remove or discredit him through possible invocation of the 25th Amendment. 

And such skullduggery mainlined the once unthinkable scenario of a military coup. In this Clinton-created climate of collective madness, retired generals referenced their commander in chief as Hitler and Mussolini-like. A former Obama Pentagon official even wrote out a scenario of a military coup removing him.

Nonetheless, Trump completed a solid record of accomplishment of border security, energy production, full employment without inflation, deregulation, and a deterrent, but not interventionist, foreign policy. 

The chief criticism of his administration was that Trump believed the Washington establishment and media were out to get him. In furor, he railed nonstop that the Left had conspired to monitor his communications and break the law to ruin him. 

Yet that supposed paranoia is proving to be an unpleasant reality.

What would Trump’s presidency have been like had opponents like Clinton kept to normal adversarial politics? What if they had avoided spinning conspiracies, often through violation of federal laws? Could they have been content with just opposing him rather than seeking to destroy him?

One of the reasons why American-Russian relations are poor, aside from Vladimir Putin’s aggressive efforts to reclaim the borders of the old Soviet Union, was the nonstop and politicized demonization of “Russia.” 

Americans were repeatedly and falsely told that “the Russians” had tried to destroy the Clinton campaign to partner with the traitor Trump and betray the United States. That was a slanderous lie

Former CIA director John Brennan fed such hysteria by libeling Trump as “treasonous.” The retired Director of National Intelligence James Clapper smeared Trump as a “Russian asset.”

Will the nation ever demand an investigation to find out how and to what extent Hillary Clinton’s subordinates and contractors infiltrated the private communications of the president of the United States? 

Will the people ever learn how such false information was seeded throughout the government and media in a conspiratorial effort to destroy a sitting president?

Hillary Clinton by now is an old master of scandals. Her lifelong oeuvre is vast—the cattle futures scam, Rose law firm missing documents, Travelgate, Uranium One shenanigans, missing emails, and the Steele dossier. 

But the ongoing effort of her paid associates to tap into the top-secret communications of a presidential candidate and further use such illicit information to ruin the American presidency will go down as her greatest masterpiece of deceit. 

All Of Joe Biden’s Problems Are Someone Else’s Fault

Joe Biden has not given Americans any reason to believe he understands the issues facing our country, let alone has plans to solve them.

The president stepped to the microphone and thoughtfully laid out the litany of issues now plaguing America in the “middle of a cold dark winter.” Opening up to speak candidly for the first time, he related his concern about how “this virus has disrupted our lives,” from canceled holidays and weddings to botched gender reveal parties that caused wildfires and, well, something about Novak Djokovic.

Then he looked straight into the camera and proclaimed in his signature voice: “America, I’m here to tell you, there’s one simple thing you can do to make this whole virus go away – stop seeing ‘Spider-Man!'” Yes, “Just stop seeing the movie, “Spider-Man: No Way Home.” Laughter erupted as he attempted to explain to the studio crowd at NBC’s “Saturday Night Live.” 

For once, SNL’s writers ever so slightly acknowledged the flaws of a Democrat president, and they got it precisely right. The insanity of the comedic Joe Biden perfectly exposed the real Joe, not as commander in chief, but as the blamer in chief that Americans increasingly recognize in the Oval Office.

After absorbing the shock of the latest inflation numbers showing consumer prices rising at the highest rate in 40 years, people from both blue and red states wanted answers from the guy in charge. What they got from President Biden was more of the same — obfuscation, blaming, and no solution. 

Rather than chart a safe path forward, Americans suffering under the weight of a new 7.5 percent inflation tax heard the president instead assure them it wasn’t his fault but a consequence of supply chain issues and the fact that “a few giant companies” control certain industries such as meat processing. 

Families struggling to find food on grocery store shelves should perhaps be forgiven for failing to understand that the president, the leader of the free world, the one who commands every federal agency, is powerless to take action about supply chain breakdowns. Our leader is unable to explain why cereal is 10 percent higher because the delivery truck was delayed, but not due to input price increases (labor, materials, and energy).

Those worried about higher meat costs should likewise be forgiven for wondering why the man who chaired the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee for eight years — the one tasked with handling antitrust laws — did nothing to prevent a corporate monopoly in the meat processing market, or in any of the markets he so desperately wishes to take a judicial stick to today.

Joe must know that CEOs, especially those who have been with a company for decades, don’t get a pass for operational failures.  They can’t just blame somebody else or some nebulous force beyond their reach. The markets don’t allow them to say “we have been using every tool at our disposal” to fix the problem while providing no detailed guidance on what that actually means. 

Politicians are expert at dodging, obfuscating, and blaming. Leadership requires ownership, an honest assessment of the situation, and the ability to communicate and implement the solution.  If Americans seem dismayed at this point (and polls suggest they are), it’s because they hear nothing in Biden’s words, and more importantly, they see nothing in his actions or policies to indicate that he understands the issues or can remedy them.

After his Afghanistan withdrawal exploded into a televised foreign policy disaster, the president declared to the nation, “I am president of the United States of America, and the buck stops with me,” before explaining that this excluded the part caused by past President Donald Trump, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, the Afghans themselves, and anybody else within reach of culpability. 

Biden has become the political equivalent of Steve Martin’s Navin Johnson character in “The Jerk,” the carnival barker who offers everything, meaning anything “below the stereo and on this side of the bicentennial glasses” — or rather, “anything between the ashtrays and the thimbles” — or actually, “anything in this three inches, right in here in this area that includes the Chicklets but not the erasers.” His zone of personal responsibility is as small as it needs to be to never lose.

More than a dozen times, candidate Biden promised on the campaign trail, “I’ll put in place a plan to deal with this pandemic responsibly … I’m going to shut down the virus.” Not only did his plan not work, but there’s been no willingness to modify it based on the reality on the ground or to be accountable for the failure. Instead, he has become an SNL parody of a leader who would rather blame anything, even Spider-Man, than own a problem.

As SNL’s “Joe Biden” explained to the bewildered “press corps,” everything from Covid to inflation, the Ukrainian mess, and failures in legislative goals, are all somebody else’s fault. So expectations are lowered. We must stop expecting so much. He’s only the president.

Even as polls show rapidly growing concern about inflation, he remains stubbornly flat-footed in his response. Rather than pivot to address the core spending problem, he continues to lobby for the remnants of his big-spending “Build Back Better” legislation, which would inject more cash into the dangerously hot economic system. Pouring gas on an out-of-control fire that you just lit with the expectation that the Federal Reserve Fire Department will come to the rescue is still economic arson. Voters are watching, and they are on to it.

Things have deteriorated to the point that even Democrat-friendly legacy media are now calling out this president’s failure to take on the inflation problem. In a sit-down interview with NBC News, Lester Holt asked about his statement last year that inflation would be temporary. 

After Biden shot back calling Holt a “wise guy” and citing Nobel laureates to back him up, CNN political analyst Bakari Sellers slammed his “terrible answer” and noted that “nobody … wants to hear what Nobel laureates actually say about the problem” but they “would (like to) hear more about the solutions” because “the problem is yours to fix now.”

A few weeks earlier the president called Fox News’ Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a b-tch” for asking if “inflation is a liability in the midterms.” More troubling than the insult was that he defended inflation as “a great asset.” Perhaps the Nobel Laureates called from Davos to share this wisdom with him, but it’s doubtful voters will agree or reward such callousness at the ballot box.

In each instance, it’s noteworthy that the president never offers any solution. He appears to simply hope the inflation will just go away, or as he said, “start to taper off as we go through this year.” No, hope is not a business plan, nor does trillions more in spending constitute sound monetary policy, but our captain insists on staying the course even if it means sailing into the abyss of historic inflation. 

“In the meantime,” he adds, “I’m going to do everything in my power to deal with the big points that are impacting most people in their homes.” The president should first review “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” and ponder which things are more important to the average family than food, energy, and shelter, the specific items that drove most of the increase in the January CPI-U number.

SNL’s “Joe Biden” was eventually asked if “elsewhere in the multiverse there’s a version of you that wants people to see Spider-Man,” one that takes responsibility for problems. “Finally, a good question!” he retorts to more laughter, explaining “that there are at least three Joe Bidens,” the one in the White House, the one that lost to Trump, and a third “who is the greatest president in history.” 

If the real Joe Biden was watching, let us hope that he realizes that Americans are longing for the one willing to tackle real problems with real solutions. Enough with the blaming.

Key Indicator Hints America Is Headed For Its Worst Real Estate Crash In History

A shockingly large price bubble appears to have formed in the real estate market.

Although it’s impossible to predict economic crashes with certainty, a key economic indicator suggests the U.S. housing market is on the verge of an unprecedented crash, one that could end up being the biggest in America’s history.

Following the 2008 stock and real estate market crashes, the Federal Reserve, Democratic-led Congress, and the presidential administrations of George W. Bush and Barack Obama began an unprecedented effort to pump new dollars into the financial system — and, to a lesser extent, the economy at large.

The strategy behind the flood of quantitative easing, government takeovers, stimulus checks, and government welfare programs that followed was that the Fed, working in conjunction with Congress and the White House, needed to prop up the economy to keep it from sliding completely off the cliff.

One of the primary tools the Fed used to accomplish its goals was to keep interest rates at near-zero for years on end. From 1980 to 2000, the Fed’s federal funds rate — the primary driver of interest rates economywide — rarely dropped below 4 percent, and it was common for interest rates to be 5 percent or higher.

However, from 2009 through 2016, interest rates were consistently much lower than 1 percent. Beginning in 2017, the first year of the Donald Trump presidency, the Fed began to more aggressively raise rates, but it only briefly topped 2 percent in 2018 and 2019 before the Fed once again slashed rates to near-zero as part of its plan to address the effects of the Covid-19 lockdowns.

When interest rates are kept low, it’s easier for governments to spend more money than they take in, because debt is cheap. Additionally, banks and other financial institutions are more likely to lend out money for high-priced items.

The real estate market is especially sensitive to rate changes, because a home is usually the biggest purchase a person will make in his or her lifetime, and the vast majority of purchasers rely on large mortgages to complete the purchase.

When interest rates are kept extremely low, people can afford to take on more debt, because the monthly payments cost less. As a result, sellers increase their prices.

This is one of the reasons the real estate market crashed so hard in 2008. Following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Fed kept interest rates low, encouraging people to take on higher-than-usual levels of debt, especially in the real estate market.

Rather than learn its lesson from the 2008 crash, the Fed doubled down on this failed strategy, and then tripled down during the Covid-19 response. Congress and the White House were all too willing to cheer the Fed on, since lower interest rates have helped them expand government programs without begging foreign governments to finance U.S. debt.

As a result of these policies, a shockingly large price bubble appears to have formed in the real estate market. The average sales price of a home in the fourth quarter of 2021 was $477,900, compared to $403,900 in the fourth quarter of 2020 and $384,600 in the fourth quarter of 2019. That’s a $93,300 increase in just two years, by far the biggest increase ever recorded in just 24 months.

Further, the 12-month home sales price increases for the second, third, and fourth quarters of 2021 were all above 17 percent, the highest hike recorded over a three-quarter period since at least 1963, the earliest date in the Fed’s data made available online.

Put simply, Americans have literally never seen housing prices skyrocket like they are now for this long of a period. And every time they have approached the numbers we are seeing today in the past — in the 1970s, late-1980s, and early to mid-2000s — there was a massive real estate or stock market crash that soon followed (or both). There appear to be no exceptions, other than a few rare cases where housing prices increased quickly immediately after a crash had occurred.

Determining the size of a market correction is extremely difficult, but if the 2008 crash is an indicator of what’s in store for us today, then if the current real estate bubble pops soon, as all bubbles inevitably do, it could end up being the largest real estate crash in history.

The bubble that developed from 2002 to 2007 peaked at around a 47 percent price increase, before plummeting by 20 percent from 2007 to the first quarter of 2009. If we see a similar pattern emerge for the bubble that has been developing since roughly 2012, then we could see housing prices drop by 30 to 40 percent over a two-year period.

Whatever the final numbers end up being, the evidence is clear: based on data reported over the past six decades, America appears to be on the verge of an epic real estate crash.

As painful as such a correction would be, it is likely necessary. The price increases we’ve been seeing in recent years are primarily the result of inflation and reckless monetary policy, not real economic growth.

However, there is a chance that housing prices will not drop, or only drop minimally. If the Fed decides to continue to keep interest rates low, despite the ongoing inflation crisis, it might prevent a real estate crash the size and scale of the one discussed above. It will come at a cost, though — more inflation, even bigger market distortions, and perhaps the collapse of the dollar.

Regardless of what the Fed does in the short term, it’s clear that America’s disastrous monetary-policy chickens are coming home to roost. Prepare accordingly.

Poll Shows Democrats Are About To Get Hit by the Midterm Freight Train and Republicans Are Driving It

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

Democrats are flailing and failing in almost every department right now. Their media outlets are collapsing, their narratives are being disrupted, their agendas are being stopped cold, and they consider it a good day for their leader when he manages to complete a cohesive sentence.

With all this going against them, it’s no surprise that the Democrat Party’s chances aren’t looking too hot going into the midterms. According to the Trafalgar Group, Democrats are lagging behind Republicans by double digits.

The poll contains answered 1,073 likely voters and in a generic ballot, Republicans held a 13 percent lead over Democrats, 54.4 percent to 41.9 percent.

The rest of the poll doesn’t look too promising for Democrats either. When it comes to confidence in getting their agenda done, Democrats actually had more faith than Republicans did in the Republican party, meaning that Democrats don’t seem to believe their party can withstand a Republican offensive in the coming years. Republicans aren’t so confident in their own party at 39.1 percent, but Democrats believe in the right’s ability at 55.5 percent.

This doesn’t mean Democrats agree with Republicans. Disagreement on things such as who should have control over what students learn in the classroom, parents or teachers unions, finds the two groups opposed. In fact, the only thing Democrats and Republicans do seem to have a majority agreement on is that China is a very real threat to America.

Regardless of these disagreements, likely some Democrats and most Independents seem to prefer Republican candidates enough to give them that double-digit lead. What’s more, Trafalgar’s poll contained almost four percent more Democrats than Republicans (39.3 to 35.6 percent respectively), with Independents coming in at 25.1 percent.

Democrats and Republicans still can’t seem to agree on much, but the takeaway from this poll is that Democrats have more or less lost absolute faith in their party to accomplish anything. While they support the Biden administration’s agendas by a majority, they’ve been taught by their own party not to expect much in terms of movement. Failure has become the standard for the left which continues to get disrupted at every turn, and not just from Republicans, but from their own party as well.

While the midterm elections are still a good ways off and there’s a lot of football left to play, if the pattern holds we may see even more of a shift in favor of Republicans, allowing the pendulum to swing their way dramatically and giving them control over the House and the Senate, as well as keeping safe gubernatorial seats in various states.

If Democrats continue to push radical politics, we may even see Republican governors added to that roster.

Anything is possible, including a reversal of the favor toward Republicans. It’s a long road to midterms and many things could happen, but as it stands, Democrats have been tripping and stumbling down the road since 2020, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to change for the foreseeable future.