Thursday, February 17, 2022

Poll Shows Democrats Are About To Get Hit by the Midterm Freight Train and Republicans Are Driving It

Brandon Morse reporting for RedState 

Democrats are flailing and failing in almost every department right now. Their media outlets are collapsing, their narratives are being disrupted, their agendas are being stopped cold, and they consider it a good day for their leader when he manages to complete a cohesive sentence.

With all this going against them, it’s no surprise that the Democrat Party’s chances aren’t looking too hot going into the midterms. According to the Trafalgar Group, Democrats are lagging behind Republicans by double digits.

The poll contains answered 1,073 likely voters and in a generic ballot, Republicans held a 13 percent lead over Democrats, 54.4 percent to 41.9 percent.

The rest of the poll doesn’t look too promising for Democrats either. When it comes to confidence in getting their agenda done, Democrats actually had more faith than Republicans did in the Republican party, meaning that Democrats don’t seem to believe their party can withstand a Republican offensive in the coming years. Republicans aren’t so confident in their own party at 39.1 percent, but Democrats believe in the right’s ability at 55.5 percent.

This doesn’t mean Democrats agree with Republicans. Disagreement on things such as who should have control over what students learn in the classroom, parents or teachers unions, finds the two groups opposed. In fact, the only thing Democrats and Republicans do seem to have a majority agreement on is that China is a very real threat to America.

Regardless of these disagreements, likely some Democrats and most Independents seem to prefer Republican candidates enough to give them that double-digit lead. What’s more, Trafalgar’s poll contained almost four percent more Democrats than Republicans (39.3 to 35.6 percent respectively), with Independents coming in at 25.1 percent.

Democrats and Republicans still can’t seem to agree on much, but the takeaway from this poll is that Democrats have more or less lost absolute faith in their party to accomplish anything. While they support the Biden administration’s agendas by a majority, they’ve been taught by their own party not to expect much in terms of movement. Failure has become the standard for the left which continues to get disrupted at every turn, and not just from Republicans, but from their own party as well.

While the midterm elections are still a good ways off and there’s a lot of football left to play, if the pattern holds we may see even more of a shift in favor of Republicans, allowing the pendulum to swing their way dramatically and giving them control over the House and the Senate, as well as keeping safe gubernatorial seats in various states.

If Democrats continue to push radical politics, we may even see Republican governors added to that roster.

Anything is possible, including a reversal of the favor toward Republicans. It’s a long road to midterms and many things could happen, but as it stands, Democrats have been tripping and stumbling down the road since 2020, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to change for the foreseeable future.