Monday, January 31, 2022

Trudeau Refuses to Meet with Truckers, Denounces Protest Group as Abusive, Angry Mob Harassing Canadians

In a rather remarkable doubling-down against his own people, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to the microphones today to denounce the protest group that threatens the institutions of his government. [Video Below] Trudeau said the group does not represent truckers or responsible Canadians.

Introducing his position against the truckers and the Convoy for Freedom, who have demanded the government remove COVID-19 mandates and forced vaccinations, the Canadian prime minister portrayed the movement as an irresponsible minority of angry protestors who have defiled monuments in the capital.

Trudeau said he would not meet with the group, because they do not represent “true Canadians,” and are not worthy of recognition.  Trudeau contrasted his prior support for the Black Lives Matter protestors and cast the Freedom Convoy as filled with “hateful rhetoric.”  He further stated they were attempting to “incite violence” and said the movement did not deserve support.  WATCH:

The smug and condescending tone in the delivery of his official position toward the protest was quite remarkable. The prime minister also warned politicians not to support this group and demanded that all supporters of the convoy reflect on their association, as the protest group is viewed by the government as hateful and without concern for the greater good of Canadian society.

Trudeau said he had no interest in going “anywhere near protests that have expressed hateful rhetoric and violence towards their fellow citizens.”

So to those responsible for this behavior — it needs to stop,” Trudeau said. “Canadians at home are watching in disgust and disbelief at this behavior, wondering how this could have happened in our nation’s capital.

Trudeau said that while Canadians have the right to protest, no one has a right “to abuse, intimidate and harass … fellow citizens.” He promised to press ahead with pandemic measures despite “intimidation” from some members of the convoy.

Neocons, Neolibs, and NATO Inch Us Closer to War with Russia

U.S. statecraft is driven by the arrogance of power and delusions of ideological superiority, as well as by self-serving elite concerns.

As this column pointed out in 2014, “the struggle for Ukraine” is a chapter in a series of U.S. orchestrated provocations, which began with the expansion of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) eastward to abut Russia’s borders—an expansion begun by President Bill Clinton and pursued by George W. Bush and Barack Obama alike. It gathered momentum with the U.S.-backed attempts to incorporate Georgia and Ukraine into the North Atlantic alliance, forgetting that the Ukrainian people, not unlike the “American People,” are not one people. The country is riven—divided into western and eastern regions, respectively. Western Ukraine has been seduced by potential membership in the European Union; the east is culturally and historically enmeshed in Russia. The disputed Ukrainian regions—mainly the Donbas, Crimea and the Black Sea city of Odessa—are Russian-majority separatists, and are almost entirely ethnic Russian.

With Central and Eastern Europe being swallowed up progressively by NATO, Russia finds itself between Scylla and Charybdis—allow a buildup on its border, or act—for it has legitimate security concerns. On its border, Russia will soon have to endure the provocation of NATO carrying out military maneuvers. As the Eurasia Review has quipped, “America has a military presence in the Black Sea and in several former Soviet republics.” Imagine if the Russian military sailed the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coastlines, as well as the Gulf of Mexico? As we know so well, NATO, at the behest of its paymaster, the USA, would never-ever dream of effecting regime change anywhere in the world. It’s not like the United States has done that before!

Kyiv is already controlled by Washington through the International Monetary Fund. We all remember (or should) how Obama State Department floozy Victoria Nuland was overheard and recorded plotting to “midwife a new, anti-Russian Ukrainian government.”

You can see why the U.S. State Department has purportedly requested recently that Russia not make its demands public. Making these public would show Russia’s security concerns to be immanently reasonable. And Foggy Bottom has no intention of allowing Russia to be anything but demonized. 

Before his untimely death in 2020, Stephen Cohen, the foremost scholar of Russian studies, had warned of just such a conflagration with Ukraine as a catalyst. On the facts, U.S. policy toward Ukraine and Russia has not promoted peace between the two, but has instead sought to sever the former’s centuries-long ties to Russia and bring it into the United States-led NATO sphere of influence. Cold War is when conflict outweighs cooperation. Détente is when conflict and friction are reduced. We’re in a new cold war, argued Cohen, more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

Although Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, who understood and feared nuclear weapons, thought they had ended the frightful Cold War, by the early 1990s, Bill Clinton had reignited it. It all began, in Cohen’s estimation, with Clinton expanding NATO and bombing a Russian ally, Serbia. Although George H. W. Bush had cast Russia as a defeated power beholden to America, Clinton amplified this characterization. Russia to these leaders had become a “vassal state.” George W. Bush, for his part, had flooded Russia with waves of “Democracy promoting” agitators. In a word, it is the United States that has meddled in Russia in an attempt to make it over in its image. 

So, why is the new cold war so much more dangerous? As Cohen had explained in his voluminous work on the topic, we have been raised without nuclear war awareness. In swallowing up countries and pitting them up against Russia, NATO has moved the epicenter of any putative conflict to Russian borders. Whereas proxy wars used to take place in Africa (Angola, for instance); now these are ongoing closer to Russia—in Syria, Georgia and Ukraine, increasing the likelihood of conflict. 

After the Cuban Missile Crisis, cooperation ensued, as the crisis awoke both sides to the dangers of a war to end all wars. Since then, however, nearly all cooperation with Russia has stopped. Talks have stalled, treaties have not been revived as they should have been—although Joe Biden’s administration must be commended for renewing the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty between the United States and Russia, which had lapsed under Trump. And both sides are developing “usable nuclear weapons,” which is Orwellian speak for working to make nuclear war more user-friendly, as though that were morally acceptable or practically possible.  

Scurrilous instigators of a Cold War redux include the CIA, the FBI, the Defense Department and the alphabet soup of intelligence agencies, all proven to be malign, politicized forces in recent conflicts and wars, engaged in expedient myth-making. They cooked up the Russiagate libel, and actively crafted the “myth propagated by elements of the U.S. intelligence community that Putin is attempting to subvert American democracy.”  

“The reverence with which some liberals greet pronouncements made by today’s intelligence chiefs is in sharp contrast to their past critiques of the malevolence and misinformation spread by” the intelligence community, notesIrish historian Geoffrey Roberts.

A read through the fevered briefs produced by America’s once-venerable intelligence agencies reveals that these are artsy concoctions scribbled by girls like Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, whose personal correspondence is a portmanteau of hysteria and hate: “F–k the cheating motherf—ing Russians. Bastards. I hate them.”    

A not-so-silent Greek chorus are America’s media, ever tuned-out, turned-on and hot for war. Having shed all fidelity to fact and truth, media, the likes of the New York Times and the Washington Post, inch Russia and America ever closer to conflict by constantly lying about and libeling Russia. Rumors for which no evidence can possibly be adduced are regularly recounted as facts in newsrooms that now function as rumor mills. 

Finally: The reason this is a new Cuban Missile Crisis, only more foreboding, is that America has sundered what Cohen has referred to as the “parity principle”—the custom in diplomacy of considering both sides to a conflict. Leaders and thinkers who attempt to avert conflict with Russia are thoroughly demonized and destroyed, even accused of treason. Naturally licit behavior—comity or diplomacy with Russia—is criminalized by a Federal Government that has enough laws on the books to indict each and every one of us, if it so desired. Witness the Helsinki summit, for which Trump’s diplomacy saw him branded a traitor. Anyone who wants to reduce pressure with Russia is run out of town.  

So far, the political storyline du jour has been manufactured by America’s gilded elites. To this, political operative Karl Rove confessed during the era of Bush II: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.” When you’re the most powerful entity in the world, as the U.S. government certainly was—you get to manufacture your own parallel universe with its unique rules of evidence and standards of proof. What’s more, as the mightiest rule-maker, you can coerce other earthlings into “sharing” your alternate reality. And when war is on the horizon, America’s elites enter a state of hysterical mass contagion, almost like animals in heat. 

Why wage a war to advance interests not our own? ask paleoconservative patriots like Pat Buchanan and Tucker Carlson. The question, alas, is a non sequitur, as it is incorrectly premised on the false notion that the United States government and Department of State conduct foreign policy in the interest of the American people. The assumption of congruity between U.S. foreign policy and the interests of the American people is utterly false. 

No such congruity exists. U.S. statecraft is driven, first, by the arrogance of power and delusions of ideological superiority, as well as by self-serving elite concerns. The U.S. ruling interests to prevail are those of “The Blob” (the permanent foreign policy establishment), military industrial complex, a media also engaged in expedient myth-making instead of news reporting, crooked corporate elites, and a sanctions-giddy U.S. Congress, in which there are currently no pro-détente thinkers (nor thinkers, for that matter). 

To remain powerful, these factions must reflexively project power. Because the relationship between the elites and the American people is zero sum, the stronger the elites aforementioned get; the weaker and more imperiled the American people become. 

Keep on Truckin', Working Class Rebels

 The workin’ class is going to revolt here in America, and I can’t wait. It’s a matter of both time and extent. 


Article by Kurt Schlichter in Townhall

Keep on Truckin', Working Class Rebels

The line of polite big-rig drivers crossing Canada in protest over the maple leaf mandate Marxism imposed by the ridiculous Justin Trudeau is a welcome sign of the workin’ class revolt to come. The courteous Canadians outside of its noxious elite, a caste that rivals our own useless elite in terms of unearned self-satisfaction, have discovered something. They make their country happen. It’s not diversity enforcers who feed the Great White North. It’s not regime journalists who fuel it. And it’s certainly not genderqueer-affirming professors who defend it.

The working class is getting sick of this Schiff, and it is starting to push back. And this will happened here in America too. How it ends is unclear, but my money is on the guys who can do push-ups.

Understand that “Democracy” means, to our garbage ruling class, rule by the ruling class with no annoying input from the people who actually make America work. The Democrat Party, once the party of the workin’ man, is now the party of tech zillionaires, college professors, welfare cheats, and sexually unsatisfied liberal wine women. The workin’ class was not merely abandoned by the Dems. It was thrown out of the party. Their love of family and country was both embarrassing to our overlords as uncouth and as humiliating as well. The workin’ class believes in traditional manhood – they can do the aforementioned push-ups – while our elite rejects the concept of traditional manhood in favor of a neutered weakness masquerading as gender enlightenment. Real men are scary and none will ever get pregnant. Eek! Why, those brutes even have guns!

When you see the moistened likes of David French mewling about how today’s conservatives – now the home of the workin’ man – are big hairy meanies who mock libs for being sissies, understand that this whining is because the libs know that they are sissies. They won’t admit it, but they are – properly – ashamed. And so are their wives, who drown their sorrows over being trapped with weak pseudo-men in goblets of screw-top Trader Joe’s chardonnay and by reading the books by Ibram X. Kendi and whoever wrote that Fifty Shades crap.

“But Kurt, you’re a noted LA trial lawyer who refuses to go anywhere where there’s not someone ready to serve you a glass of bespoke cabernet and hardly one of the mavens of the wrench turning set! Many of you con blue checks cheering on the workin’ class don’t break a sweat when you work!”

An interesting and superficially intriguing point, which misses the bigger one. Leaving aside that my first job was slopping out toilets in a Carl’s, Jr., restaurant, followed by one slopping out toilets in a basic training barracks, support for the workin’ class is not limited to those who turn wrenches. It’s not actually about wrenches at all. It is about something bigger. The main workin’ class concern today is no longer jobs and economic benefits. It is our culture, and you don’t have to sweat for a living for that to be your number one priority. The elite has put our families and our country at profound risk. Today, you need not be a card-carrying member of the workin’ class to sympathize. All of us share the fight against globalist elitist smiley-face dictatorship.

If you object to the name, you just can call us patriots.

But the real problem for the elite is that the actual workin’-class folks, who are usually busy workin’, are getting activated by the myriad assaults upon them made by our elite. It takes a lot to activate them politically. Look at those Canadian truckers. They would rather be trucking. Taking time off for protests – usually the province of parent-supported brats – costs them money they need. But now they have no choice but to stop earning and start making clear that they are done with the petty and not-so-petty oppressions of an elite that despises them.

The template of the elite response has been drearily predictable. First, it was studiously ignored by the regime media. That didn’t work, because there are now rebel media outlets that publish unapproved information (are you shocked about the pro-censorship movement to suppress “misinformation”?). Next, it tried to mock the revolt. Those truckers are just hicks, and rubes, and even racists. It’s always racists, of course. And when that hasn’t worked, when gleeful Canucks lined the off-ramps and overpasses to cheer on the truckers, the regime tried to ban public shows of support. Then its gimp media moved to issuing urgent warnings that the pleasant pedal-pushers were about to get violent.

Just remember this flex – and every flex over the last two years in Kangarooland – when they tell you to turn in your guns.

The idea is, of course, to get the protestors to go away and stop interfering in their own country’s politics. That is the idea here too. Our government has just gone farther. The whole post-January 6th festival of liberal onanism was designed to demonstrate to the masses that they have no role to play in their own governance, that any effort to do so is illegitimate, even (gasp) insurrectionist.

That will work. Uh huh. Yeah, our elite’s track record of success shows that it is full of smart people who are competent and make good decisions. They’ll get this right. Sure thing.

The workin’ class is getting tired of this. And it is activating.

It, adorably, once believed the hype and participated in the political process by electing Donald Trump. After all, back before CRT, when schools taught civics, they were taught that every American has the right to make his views known and to elect the leader of his choice. It is so cute how they believed that. They registered their displeasure by electing Trump, and the elite said “No.” 

Trump was ham-strung by an elite enraged that its control was challenged, and the rigged election of 2020 – rigged in part by traditional fraud, in a larger part by improper voting rule changes, and most of all by an institutional conspiracy to install the drooling cucumber who currently wanders aimlessly through the Oval Office muttering nonsense – ensured the workin’ class’ choice was suppressed.

So what is the workin’ class’ outlet for its grievances now? The elite somehow got the idea into its pointy collective collectivist head that with no outlet, the workin’ class will shut its whiny trap and get back to making and delivering things to the elitists’ condos and mansions. Except history teaches that when you suppress legitimate gripes, the pressure builds instead of dissipates. Unfortunately for our garbage ruling caste, they don’t study history anymore. Too many dead white guys.

The workin’ class is going to revolt here in American, and I can’t wait. It’s a matter of both time and extent. In November, it will revolt at the ballot box again. But if that is stolen from them again, if the releases of protest and electoral impact are totally foreclosed to them, the revolt will manifest in other ways. The elite will deserve the whirlwind it reaps.

And reap it shall, because there’s nothing this collection of naggy shrews and fussy femboys can do to stop a real workin’-class revolt. Our rulers can’t feed themselves, they can’t fuel themselves, and they sure as hell can’t defend themselves. Our rulers rule only because the workin’ class allows them to. And it may get ugly when that permission is revoked.

It need not come to that, but our elite is so transcendently stupid that you would be a fool to bet that it would not provoke a real rebellion. One way or another, this is going to get resolved. After all, history always keeps on truckin’. 

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Evening, here's tonight's news:

The Mysterious Case of the Absence of Evidence

When a court declares by fiat that half of the electorate is imagining things, it undermines the very idea of government of the people, by the people and for the people.

We live in what might be called a political opinion “bubble.” One of the features of this bubble is the authority of science. This is the idea that the magic words “the science is settled” foreclose further discussion of an opinion. It is often expressed as I f—ing love science, or IFLS.

The reason IFLS exists is to enforce political dogmas with the authority of empirical material science. The flip side of IFLS is the conflation of the absenceof evidence with proof or conclusive evidence. Let’s call this I f—ing love evidence, or IFLE. The purpose of IFLE is to discredit facts that might be used to resist a policy or political act. 

A few days ago, USA Today ran an IFLE story under the headline “Fact check: No evidence defunding police to blame for homicide increases, experts say.” 

The “experts say” part of the headline is a sly admission that IFLE really means I am feeling stupid, or IAFS. When someone points out that politicians degraded the anti-homicide infrastructure and an increase in homicide followed, that is evidence of causation. It may not be conclusive evidence. It may be only circumstantial evidence. Maybe it is just a correlation. 

There is a strong correlation between the broken windows policing that George Kelling and James Q. Wilson promoted in the 1980s and a reduction in homicide. During the Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg Administrations from 1994 to 2013, when broken windows policing was forcefully implemented, New York City homicides declined dramatically from above 2,000 in 1994 to 335 in 2013. Homicide rates thereafter remained roughly flat throughout the de Blasio Administration until 2020, the year of the defund the police movement. By 2021, homicides had jumped to almost 500, a 49 percent rise from 2013 levels. 

That’s evidence. Just because it doesn’t support a favored policy preference or factional interest doesn’t change that. “Experts say” is a preemptive defense that not USA Today but its expert sources are the ones suffering from IAFS. 

This brings me to the obscure matter of John Eastman, a lawyer for former President Donald Trump who advised on 2020 election matters. 

The United States District Court for the Central District of California Southern Division recently denied Eastman’s request for a preliminary injunction to protect his papers at Chapman University, where he was formerly dean of the law school, from the subpoena of the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack. 

In the order denying the motion, the “Facts” section states, “Despite the lack of any evidence of voter fraud or election tampering ‘a significant portion of the population came to believe the election was tainted by fraud, disregard of state election law, misconduct by election officials and other factors.’” The words “despite the lack of any evidence” through “tampering” were added to a quotation from the plaintiff’s complaint. 

Courts are in the evidence business. The “facts” are supported by evidence and decisions are made based on “burdens of persuasion” such as “preponderance of evidence” (more than half), “clear and convincing evidence” (strong evidence) and evidence that is “beyond a reasonable doubt” (no reasonable person could doubt it). In criminal cases there may be instances where there is a lot of evidence, even clear and convincing evidence, that the defendant murdered the victim, but no conviction because a reasonable person could doubt it. 

Facts can be established in court by the submission of testimony, physical evidence, and documentary evidence. They can also be established by judicial notice, where the court simply notices a fact that is generally known or can be readily determined from sources whose accuracy cannot be questioned. It appears that the court took judicial notice that there is a lack of any evidence to support the beliefs of nearly half the electorate. If the court is taken at its word, the beliefs of this half of the electorate are less creditable than the 40 percent of Americans who believe UFOs are visiting Earth from other planets. After all, there is evidence of crafts zooming about using unknown technology

A disturbing irony has pitched its tent in Eastman’s case. We are thought to live in a representative republic in which the electorate determines the broad policy direction for the government. If a near-majority of the electorate believes important political things for which there is a “lack of any evidence” the ground for living in a representative republic seems unstable indeed. The taking of notice of a “lack of any evidence” of misconduct in 2020 is an attack, whether witting or not, of a serious kind on the very idea of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

It is not a stretch to argue that the Left and the Democratic Party, once a champion of the middle class, represents today the elite of the country against the former middle class. If you don’t believe me, look at this older article on the income inequality of Red and Blue districts in America. Blue districts have vastly higher income inequality and therefore are likely to see things through the lens of their elites, who have vastly more money and (what follows from that) more power than most people in the country. There is strong evidence that the opinions of Blue and Red have a lot to do with oligarchic mores versus republican mores which are driven by economic and class structures. Perhaps this best explains the un-finessed thought that there exists zero evidence to support the opinions of almost half the electorate (mostly the Red half) about the conduct of the 2020 election. 

But it is erroneous, and it is made worse by disparaging all of it as “The Big Lie.” A massive expansion of the use of insecure mail-in balloting, a proliferation of ballot harvesting techniques which when combined with mail-in balloting seriously undermined at least the appearance of fair elections, interruption of counting, and problematic impairment of observation rights all marred the 2020 election. 

Admittedly, the grandiose behavior of certain persons connected to the president did undermine the credibility of such claims. But “lack of any evidence” is an unserious assertion. Defenders of representative republicanism would be better off admitting there is evidence, but they do not find it sufficient, and in any event, in the interests of certainty, the matter was put behind us by the many courts that were petitioned and declined to hear the claims, and on January 6, 2020 when the ballots of the electors were counted.

The view that it is somehow unpatriotic to question the fairness of elections is itself unpatriotic. America has a Voting Rights Act because people doggedly questioned the fairness of elections in America until Congress finally acted to address the misconduct. 

Coleman Young, the former mayor of Detroit, launched his high-profile political career in 1952 when he was called before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) to be investigated for his role in possible sedition, because his barber peddled street corner Marxism and Young might have shared some of his barber’s opinions. 

To defuse the inquiry, Young said to HUAC Chairman John Wood of Georgia: “I happen to know, in Georgia Negro people are prevented from voting by virtue of terror, intimidation, and lynchings.”

Without evidence, I submit that John Wood said, more than once, there is no evidence for that

Joe Biden and the Uses of Nihilism ~ VDH

America is battling an epidemic far worse than the Omicron plague.

Chaos is the new, the intentional, normal. A pandemic of nihilism has been unleashed upon the land. As in Lord of the Flies, when laws, rules, protocols, traditions, and customs are mocked and dismantled, primitive human nature in the raw is unleashed. 

Madness now reigns in every quarter, from the iconic to the irrelevant to the fundamental. Statues of Lincoln, Douglas, and Jefferson are toppled or defaced. The rules of capitalization have been altered. We are told that 1619, not 1776, was our founding date—and this by a “civil rights” activist-journalist who had no idea of the date that the Civil War began.

Quite quickly after the revolutionary boilerplate, America began reverting to its natural Hobbesian or Thucydidean essence. If you dispute that, look at looted packages along the Union Pacific tracks in Los Angeles. Try walking the nocturnal streets of Chicago or Baltimore. Visit the sidewalk homeless of San Francisco. Fly over our constipated ports. Drive into our empty new car dealerships. Pull up to our European-priced gas pumps. Shop in the emptying shelves of our Sovietizing food and discount stores. The common theme of the upcoming Super Bowl halftime show, apparently, is that the entertainers must have written lyrics threatening the police, denigrating women, using the N-word . . . and are worth $100 million.

Of course, that is what the elites celebrate, as people struggle to buy food, gas, and cars. The police are under attack and being killed on the street. The public is bewildered about criminals not being punished, workers paid to stay home, and biological men commandeering women’s sports

Abnormal is normal; normal is despised and discarded.

Friends and associates of all races and ethnicities are increasingly suspicious of each other. They are fleeing to the ancient refuge of tribal solidarity. Red states are hated, although they function , and are sought out; blue states are praised, even as they fail and residents flee . Our “leaders” are doing their best to confirm the age-old invective of our enemies that e pluribus unum simply cannot work.

Americans keep being pounded with “Vaccination! Vaccination! Vaccination!”—but never with commensurate advice on therapies, affordable drugs, and pragmatic protocols to survive COVID-19, as it often breaks through to the already thrice vaccinated. 

Americans could tolerate the misinformation and the contradictions emanating from the CDC, the NIH, and NIAID. But only if the deceptions were issued with some humility and qualifiers, reminding us of our shared ignorance about the mysterious virus. Instead, pompous and insufferably sanctimonious bureaucrats sent out flurries of false knowledge, as if they were religious edicts, with implied medieval punishments for the apostates. Apologies never follow.

The public cannot fathom the border. Prior presidents hunting for cheap political gain (Republicans for more labor, Democrats for new constituents) were lax on immigration enforcement. Yet no president has ever deliberately invited in more than 2 million foreign nationals—entering illegally, impoverished, unvaccinated, untested, and without background checks. No prior president has not only violated his oath of office to enforce the laws of the United States, but simply and intentionally destroyed the law as it was written. Apply the Left’s 2019-2020 impeachment standard to Joe Biden’s first year, and he would be impeached the minute a Republican majority captured the House.

Americans sense the United States is losing all influence abroad, as allies gravitate to or appease China and Russia. The public does not lament the loss of global clout and prestige alone. Rather, the people also fear the end of the ancient American strategy of keeping foreign enemies far distant from the homeland. 

As they figure out the themes of the present madness, Americans become troubled as they attempt to fathom the characteristics of the ongoing nihilism. 

One, they see much of the sudden anarchy as self-induced, deliberate, agenda-driven, and as correctible as it was avoidable. In other words, the catastrophe of 2021 was no accident, but a tactic in service of a strategy.

Two, they conclude that the nihilism intentionally targets the despised middle class—those who tend to obey the rules, who pay their taxes, who don’t get arrested, who largely keep quiet—and who are standing in the way of a revolution. These Americans are underrepresented in crime, in upward mobility, and on most college campuses, but overrepresented in suicide rates and the death tolls in optional wars aboard.

For their part, hoi polloi conclude that the more that they are libeled as “victimizers,” the more they are becoming the actual victims . Indeed, the heroic “victimized” are the ones most often flouting the law, committing violent crimes, and tearing down the institutions that in bygone days provided security and prosperity for everyone. 

Three, ordinary citizens feel the law has utterly vanished. Sometimes it simply is ignored, as we see with revolving-door criminals who kill, maim, and loot with near impunity. Sometimes the law simply is asymmetrically applied. Theadministration correctly jails those convicted of illegally entering the Capitol and trashing the chambers of government, but it then grants de facto amnesties to the thousands who deliberately injured, torched, and looted for 120 days of riots, death, and mayhem in 2020. 

Joe Biden meanders through his photo-ops indifferent to American civilization collapsing around him. His first year was the most disastrous of any presidency in history. Should that calamity continue, Biden will be known by posterity as the most inept president to have held office. 

So why does he not take to the bully pulpit to deplore the current smash-and-grab, carjacking, and murder epidemicnow reaching either all-time highs or levels not seen since the 1970s? Does Biden have a shred of empathy for the widow of a murdered policeman, the spouses and parents of those mowed down in Waukesha, the children shot dead in Chicago?

Joe Biden defended his policies by saying that automobile price spikes account for one-third of the spiraling consumer price index. So what? Does that mean inflation is somehow tolerable—as if citizens don’t drive a car most days of their lives? 

Is Biden aware that his administration’s core inflation definition and the consumer price index itself exclude energy as well as food price increases? What the real inflation rate is no one knows—but all understand that what we see and feel every day is far worse than what we are told. 

Biden has never explained to us the humiliation in Afghanistan—other than to whine that the generals failed to warn him of his own folly. Does he know why now Vladimir Putin again ponders attacking his neighbors— but did not between 2017 and 2020? 

Did Biden ever consider the fast-tracking of pipelines, more fracking, a restoration of 2020 levels of oil and gas production, and more leases granted to avoid America’s continued dependence on the Russians and the Middle East? Instead, Biden begged Russia and the Saudis—both of whom he has derided—to pump more of the oil he despises, and which we have in abundance but will not use.

Did Biden once say stop the new racial tensions, or argue that Americans should worry first about the content of our character not the color of our skins? Has he ever worried about the racial cauldron he has lit and fueled? Not at all. 

Instead, Biden has done his best to inflame race through his own vile racist slurs. The recent “you ain’t’ black,” “junkie,” “boy, “negro,” are added to his prior inflammatory repertoire of “clean African-American,” “put y’all back in chains,” and the racist Corn Pop saga. 

Second, Biden demagogues race to win the support of his base of racialists. Has any president ever announced ahead of time that only those of a particular race and gender would be eligible for selection as his running mate and first Supreme Court nomination? At least Harvard keeps quiet about its racialism and does not flaunt the idea that it systematically discriminates against Asians.

So, in a vast multiracial democracy of tribal competition and tensions, Biden has done his best to turn Americans against each other—and has succeeded in a fashion that would have made his old Dixiecrat Senate mentors Robert Byrd and James O. Eastland proud. 

The mystery is perhaps not that nihilism has swept through America as effectively as Omicron, but why the president and the Left unleashed it. So, what explains the madness? 

First, Biden is cognitively challenged to the point of not being physically or mentally able to meet the challenges of the presidency. His handlers know it. The media knows it. And the public knows it, too. 

Irony has become the Left’s enemy. After screaming that Donald Trump should be removed under the 25th Amendment, that he should take a mental competency test, and that everyone from the acting director of the FBI to Ivy League psychiatrists must scheme to prove he was nuts, they all have grown silent. The Left’s quiet reflects that they are terrified that anyone else might successfully do to a genuinely enfeebled and failed president what they themselves attempted to do to a cognizant and successful president.

Biden’s assigned task in 2020 was to put a familiar “centrist” veneer on a radical agenda. Thereby, the hard Left, with the help of COVID-19 and Silicon Valley, could push that agenda past an unsuspecting public. Upon election, Biden would not revert to old Joe from Scranton deploring the leftist tool that he had become.

The movers of the agenda are the hard Left of the Democratic Party, those who circle around Bernie Sanders, the Obamas, Elizabeth Warren, and “the squad.” The shock troops are Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the millions on the campus and the internet mob. The more confusion, chaos, and anarchy that follows , the more of their agenda they hope to push through, if not by legislative vote, then by executive edict, court decision, or simply ignoring the law . 

The third catalyst of the woke chaos are the hyper-rich—the franchise owners of the Left. These are the huge donors who nourish the think tanks, the media, the PACs, and the legal teams—the Zuckerbergs, the Soroses, the Bezoses and the rest of the Silicon Valley plutocracy. 

Equally important are the hypocritical professional classes—the tech upper-echelon, the media cohorts, the corporate lawyers and CEOs, the various university professoriate and administrations, the celebrities, the professional athletes, and the bicoastal movers and shakers. On the one hand, they are assuming that Americans won’t actually vote for their neosocialist utopias, which can be enacted only by changing the rules or demography or both. And on the other hand, they are hedging that their money, influence, and power will insulate them and their own from the stampede at the border, the growing criminality in the cities, price hikes that batter the middle classes, and the tribalism and racialism they helped to greenlight. 

In normal times, such hard-left agendas have no resonance. But during a plague, lockdown, riots and arson, during murder and mayhem, chaos and anarchy? 

The unimaginable can become the possible. 

On The Prospect Of World War III

Are these people so abysmally ignorant of history, geography, economics and the wherewithal of a true national security threat that they think the map below is worth WWIII?

Ukraine has never had stable borders, nor has it been a longstanding independent nation state. In fact, for hundreds of years under the czars and commissars alike, Ukraine was at best a vassal state and mostly a provincial satrapy of Moscow. Its current borders were actually drawn to precision by Communist apparatchiks during the Soviet era and thereafter embraced by the Kiev government that emerged in 1991 when the Soviet Union suddenly evaporated.

Ukraine’s history can be summarized as follows:

  • 700 or so years as a meandering set of borders in search of a country (1200 AD to 1922);

  • 69 years as an administrative appendage of totalitarian Soviet rulers in Moscow, who purged Tartars and replanted Russians in the eastern regions along the way;

  • 23 years as a happenstance nation-state that fell into existence when the biggest and most evil empire in history collapsed overnight (1991–2014); and

  • 7 years as a pretext for Washington interventionists, neocons and anti-Trump Dems to rekindle cold war fears, the better to keep hideously swollen national security budgets firmly in place.

Yet these Foxified Republican pols and neocons blather on about "weakness" and phony threats to our national security. Let’s see the extent of that threat.

The GDP of the New York City metro area is about $1.7 trillion, which is well more than Russia’s 2020 GDP of $1.6 trillion. And that, in turn, is just 7% of America’s $22 trillion GDP.

In terms of manufacturing output Russia’s annual manufacturing value added is currently (2020) about $197 billion, which amounts to just 8% of the $2.35 trillion figure for the US economy.

Basically, Russia’s economy cannot support a military establishment anywhere near to that of Imperial Washington. To wit, its $65 billion of military outlays in 2020 amounted to less than 32 days of Washington’s current $755 billion of expenditures for defense.

It may well be asked how Russia could remotely threaten homeland security in America short of what would be a suicidal nuclear first strike.

Recall the remnant of the Soviet strategic weapons arsenal at Putin’s disposal today amounts to 4,500 operational nuclear warheads, of which under two-fifths are actually deployed. That compares to 4,600 nuclear weapons in the US arsenal with a similar fraction actually deployed.

Accordingly, what exists on the nuclear front is a state of mutual deterrence (MAD) — the arrangement by which we got through 45 years of Cold War when the Kremlin was run by a totalitarian oligarchy committed to a hostile ideology; and during which time it had been armed to the teeth via a forced-draft allocation of upwards of 40% of the GDP of the Soviet empire to the military.

By comparison, the Russian defense budget currently amounts to just 4% of the country’s anemic present day economy — one shorn of the vast territories and populations of Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and all the Asian "stans" among others.

Yet given those realities we are supposed to believe that the self-evidently calculating and cautious kleptomaniac who runs the Kremlin is going to go mad, defy MAD and trigger a nuclear Armageddon?

Indeed, the idea that Russia presents a national security threat to America is laughable.

Not only would Putin never risk nuclear suicide, but even that fantasy is the extent of what he’s got. That is, Russia’s conventional capacity to project force to the North American continent is nonexistent.

Moreover, the canard that Washington’s massive conventional armada is needed to defend Europe is ludicrous nonsense. Europe can and should take care of its own security and relationship with its neighbor on the Eurasian continent. After all, the GDP of NATO Europe alone is $17 trillion or 11X greater than that of Russia, and the current military budgets of European NATO members total about $300 billion or 4.4X more than that of Russia.

But more importantly, the European nations and people really do not have any quarrel with Putin’s Russia, nor is their security and safety threatened by the latter. All of the tensions that do exist and have come to a head since the illegal coup in Kiev in February 2014 were fomented by Imperial Washington and its European subalterns in the NATO machinery.

Like everything reviewed above, the source of the current calamity-howling about Russia is the Warfare State. That is, the existence of vast machinery of military, diplomatic and economic maneuver that is ever on the prowl for missions and mandates and that can mobilize a massive propaganda campaign on the slightest excitement.

The post-1991 absurdity of bolstering NATO and extending it into eastern Europe rather than liquidating it after attaining "mission accomplished" is just another manifestation of its baleful impact.

In truth, the expansion of NATO is the underlying cause of America’s needless tension with Russia and Putin’s paranoia about his borders and neighbors.

It needs be asked: Precisely what juvenile minds bivouacked in Washington’s Warfare State beehive actually determined that America needs a military alliance with Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro and now the mini-state of North Macedonia?