Monday, January 31, 2022

Trudeau Refuses to Meet with Truckers, Denounces Protest Group as Abusive, Angry Mob Harassing Canadians

In a rather remarkable doubling-down against his own people, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to the microphones today to denounce the protest group that threatens the institutions of his government. [Video Below] Trudeau said the group does not represent truckers or responsible Canadians.

Introducing his position against the truckers and the Convoy for Freedom, who have demanded the government remove COVID-19 mandates and forced vaccinations, the Canadian prime minister portrayed the movement as an irresponsible minority of angry protestors who have defiled monuments in the capital.

Trudeau said he would not meet with the group, because they do not represent “true Canadians,” and are not worthy of recognition.  Trudeau contrasted his prior support for the Black Lives Matter protestors and cast the Freedom Convoy as filled with “hateful rhetoric.”  He further stated they were attempting to “incite violence” and said the movement did not deserve support.  WATCH:

The smug and condescending tone in the delivery of his official position toward the protest was quite remarkable. The prime minister also warned politicians not to support this group and demanded that all supporters of the convoy reflect on their association, as the protest group is viewed by the government as hateful and without concern for the greater good of Canadian society.

Trudeau said he had no interest in going “anywhere near protests that have expressed hateful rhetoric and violence towards their fellow citizens.”

So to those responsible for this behavior — it needs to stop,” Trudeau said. “Canadians at home are watching in disgust and disbelief at this behavior, wondering how this could have happened in our nation’s capital.

Trudeau said that while Canadians have the right to protest, no one has a right “to abuse, intimidate and harass … fellow citizens.” He promised to press ahead with pandemic measures despite “intimidation” from some members of the convoy.