Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Comparing COVID Restrictions to Nazism Is OK

Because in 2022, there’s something happening here.

Dan Gelernter wonders if comparing COVID restrictions to Nazism is ever OK, and concludes that it is. His argument centers on government action against a disfavored class. In National Socialist Germany, Jews were the primary disfavored class. In the United States and allied nations today, the unvaccinated, or anyone critical of government health policies, find themselves increasingly vilified, disfavored, and even threatened. 

“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Joe Biden said in September. The unvaccinated “can cause a lot of damage—and they are,” and Biden has a plan “to combat those blocking public health.” As the Delaware Democrat warned, “we’ve been patient but our patience is wearing thin,” so “get vaccinated.” 

If that does not convey disfavored status it’s hard to imagine what might. Maybe a yellow star would do the trick, but to adapt what Marlon Brando said in “On the Waterfront” there’s “a lot more” to this Nazi comparison business than people might think. 

The primary author of Biden’s 3,548-word message was doubtless chief White House medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci. Biden has joked that Fauci is the real president, but that might understate the matter. 

Fauci, a government bureaucrat since 1968 and head of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, has never faced a vote of the people. The president must deal with Congress, which controls spending. With his budget of more than $6 billion, Fauci controls a great deal of medical research spending, even as he lays down public health policy. On top of all that, Fauci can boast the ultimate strategic ally. 

His wife, Christine Grady, heads up bioethics at the National Institutes of Health, including NIH’s work with “human subjects.” It is as though Nancy Reagan served as a special counsel for President Ronald Reagan, and greenlighted the Iran-Contra scandal. 

Fauci’s wife is also the author of The Search for an AIDS Vaccine: Ethical Issues in the Development and Testing of a Preventative HIV Vaccine, from Indiana University Press in 1995. To adapt a maxim of UC Berkeley molecular biologist Peter Duesberg, this book is like a bikini, interesting for what it reveals and for what it conceals.

At the time of publication, Grady was acting clinical director and research associate at the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), part of the National Institutes of Health. She claims the book was written “in her private capacity,” and not supported or endorsed by the NIH, though she acknowledges several people in NIH agencies, including NIAID and NINR.

Grady dedicates the book “to my family,” but does not reveal that she had been married to Dr. Anthony Fauci for 10 years. In his only named appearance, Grady’s husband shows up on page 55 as the “director of NIAID,” conveniently enough, “the branch of the NIH primarily responsible for vaccine development.”

Fauci headed up AIDS policy, and back then the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) and other activists were “taking matters into their own hands.” In July 1990, Fauci announced that such activists would have representation on all committees and in all activities of NIAID’s AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG). 

“The regulations governing the conduct for clinical trials for vaccines in the U.S.,” Grady explains, “are the same as those for clinical trials of drugs.” The drug of choice for Fauci’s NIAID was AZT, azidothymidine, marketed as Zidovudine and Retrovir

As professor Duesberg noted in 1990, AZT is a DNA chain terminator designed for the treatment of leukemia but never accepted for cancer therapy. AZT is cytotoxic, lethal to body cells, and there was no evidence that AZT would cure or prevent AIDS. Duesberg wrote the foreword to John Lauritsen’s Poison by Prescription: The AZT Story, published in 1992 and endorsed by, among others, UC Berkeley molecular biologist Harry Rubin, a pioneer in the field of retroviruses. 

The AIDS activists demanded AZT as their right and advanced a curious view of those participating in the clinical trials. As Grady notes, the exclusion of vulnerable groups such as children or women of childbearing age, “was called discriminatory.” Instead of being harmful, exploitative and unjust, “participation in clinical trials was seen as a benefit, so those denied access were being harmed. Some perceived participation not only as a benefit but as a right.” 

The rules for clinical drug tests and vaccine development are the same, and Grady explains that children “should not be one of the first groups to bear the burdens of efficacy testing of preventive vaccines.” (emphasis added) So the bioethicist, who earned a Ph.D. in philosophy from Georgetown in 1993, does not rule out the eventual use of children to “bear the burdens” of drug trials, which her husband also applied to pregnant women. 

“The ideal HIV vaccine,” readers learn on page six, “should be safe enough to administer to large numbers of healthy adults and children.” As she reviews past vaccine research, Grady charts what can possibly go wrong. 

“Nazi Germany brought the difficult issues in research with human subjects to the attention of the public and medical/scientific communities,” Grady writes. “In the name of ‘experimentation,’ human torture and atrocities were performed on thousands of Jews and justified as medical research.” 

Josef Mengele, the most notorious Nazi doctor, goes unmentioned, but “Dr. Klaus Karl Schilling infected more than 1,000 prisoners at Dachau with malaria without their consent.” The experiments exposed at the Nuremberg trials “forced an examination of human research,” and “the medical profession was aware that serious breaches of ethics had occurred in the past.” The author moves on to Thalidomide, released in the 1950s as a remedy for morning sickness in pregnant women.

Thalidomide was “thought to be exceptionally safe,” Grady writes, but left “thousands of children with severe and unusual deformities” such as hands attached to shoulders, feet attached to hips and so forth. “The harm done was the result of inadequate research,” according to Grady, who needed to conduct more adequate research on this subject.  

Thalidomide was the product of Chemie Grünenthal and the subject of a court case in 1970. A name on the original patent was Dr. Heinrich Mückter, the company’s head of research and a Nazi war criminal who conducted medical experiments in prison camps. In the 1970s, Grünenthal appointed as the chairman of their board Otto Ambros, the inventor of sarin nerve gas who was jailed for mass murder at Auschwitz

Professor Ray Stokes of the University of Glasgow finds evidence that, before 1944, Ambros had a hand in the development of Thalidomide as an antidote to the nerve toxins sarin and tabun. In the 1950s, with Mückter aboard, Grünenthalmarketed Thalidomide to pregnant women for morning sickness. Embattled Americans might find a parallel, or at least one in progress. 

Dr. Fauci’s NIAID promoted AZT, a drug the NIAID boss had to know was toxic, in trials involving children and pregnant women. Fauci’s wife Christine Grady touted the “effectiveness” of AZT and wrote that children should not be “one of the first groups” to bear the burden of testing. 

For women of child-bearing age, participation in the trials was their “right.” In similar style, Grady supports an ethic that downplays the rights, interest and well-being of the individual in favor of “the community.” This casuist now heads bioethics at the NIH and her husband, director of the NIH division responsible for vaccine development, is Joe Biden’s chief medical advisor.  

In his statement last September, Biden mentioned nothing about possible side effects or possible long-term medical problems with vaccines that had been hastily developed. “What more is there to wait for?” Biden said.  “What more do you need to see?  We’ve made vaccinations free, safe, and convenient.” And so on. 

Children are at low risk for COVID-19 but Fauci wants to vaccinate them, starting in the first grade. What could possibly go wrong? As it happens, Pfizer wants 75 years before revealing the data on its vaccine, and harmful side effects are already turning up with other vaccines. For embattled Americans, particularly those vilified by Joe Biden, that might raise some issues.  

Grünenthal did not officially apologize for Thalidomide until 2012, more than 50 years after the drug was withdrawn from the market. For further reading, see Silent Shock: The Men Behind the Thalidomide Scandal and an Australian Family’s Long Road to Justiceby Michael Magazanik. 

The author is Jewish, but as he says, “You don’t have to be Jewish to find the Nazis abhorrent, and the historic links between multiple Nazis and the company which developed and sold Thalidomide are deeply disturbing.”

Thousands of victims remain, and as Katie Thomas explained in the New York Timesthe unseen survivors of Thalidomide want to be heard.” This ongoing story has a moral: the medical and legal consequences of what Christine called “inadequate research.” 

We’re not living in Germany in 1944, writes Dan Gelernter, but much of the world looks like Germany before Hitler. Australia has set up COVID concentration camps, “where people are held against their will,” with police and soldiers on patrol. That justifies historical comparisons with Nazism, “unless you’re absolutely certain it couldn’t happen here.” 

As Gelernter learned in Hebrew day school, Jews in Nazi Germany thought it couldn’t happen there, “and they continued to think that, even while it was happening.” 

“There’s something happening here,” sang the Buffalo Springfield in “For What It’s Worth,” lyrics by Stephen Stills. In 1967, it was government backlash to the anti-war movement. In 2022, it’s the white coat supremacy of Anthony Fauci, validated by his wife Christine Grady. 

It now seems that whatever Fauci wants to do, his wife will tell him it’s OK. What could possibly go wrong? For what it’s worth, consider Stephen Stills’ warning: You better stop, children, what’s that sound?  Everybody look what’s going down.”

X22, Christian Patriot News, and more-Jan 12


Evening. Here's tonight's news:

Covid loses '90pc of its infectiousness within five minutes of being airborne'

Coronavirus loses 90 percent of it's infectiousness within five minutes of becoming airborne, a new study has suggested.

Preliminary data from the University of Bristol reveals that in a real world situation the conditions of the air dry out the viral particles.

The team measured how stable SARS-CoV-2 droplets – the virus which causes Covid – are over time, ranging from five seconds to 20 minutes.

“A decrease in infectivity to approximately 10 per cent of the starting value was observable for SARS-CoV-2 over 20 minutes, with a large proportion of the loss occurring within the first 5 minutes after aerosolisation,” the scientists write in the paper.

The findings indicate that the virus does not survive for long outside the warm and damp environment of a host's respiratory system, and loses its potency rapidly in the wild.

'Near instant loss of infectivity in 50 to 60pc of the virus'

The study, which has not yet been published in full or peer-reviewed, shows that in air with 50 per cent humidity, akin to that circulated in large buildings, there is a “near-instant loss of infectivity in 50 to 60 per cent of the virus”.

At much higher humidity, the droplet does not dry out instantly and remains fluid for longer, which means the virus remains stable and infectious for two minutes.

However, even under these favourable conditions the virus loses 90 per cent of its infectiousness after ten minutes.

“It means that if I’m meeting friends for lunch in a pub today, the primary [risk] is likely to be me transmitting it to my friends, or my friends transmitting it to me, rather than it being transmitted from someone on the other side of the room,” Prof Jonathan Reid, the study’s lead author from the University of Bristol, told The Guardian.

Prof Paul Hunter, professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, said that the study suggests airborne spread “may not be as important as some have thought”.

What Are Elections Supposed to Do?

Biden and his supporters would benefit 
from reflecting on the function of elections.

We live in a time of great change. New holidays like Juneteenth and new heroes such as George Floyd will soon eclipse our traditional Independence Day and our first national hero, George Washington. Along these lines, January 6 now looms large in the “bloody shirt” category of political symbols.

On the anniversary of the mostly peaceful breach of the U.S. Capitol, solemn ceremoniesprayer vigils, comparisons to Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attacks, and mountains of sanctimony about “Our Democracy™” issued from the managerial class and its leaders.

While the political wisdom of these outbursts is debatable, their intent is pretty clear. Amplifying January 6 as an attack on the country and democracy creates an “us versus them” dynamic, lumping all-but-the-most-cucked Republicans into the category of enemies of the state. 

At the same time, the overheated rhetoric galvanizes the Left’s urban bugman base with flattering suggestions of struggle and danger. The entire ritual gives people devoid of spirituality a sense of purpose and superiority. 

Our Democracy 

The Left makes a fetish of democracy, but their support for it is qualified. They don’t really believe in majority rule, otherwise they wouldn’t be so intent on upholding extra-democratic limits on majority rule, such as Roe v. Wade, nor would they be so hostile to populism. 

They purport to believe in the voice of the people, but they support the people only when their collective voice coincides with that of the Left and the managerial class. They believe this happens more often than not, because they believe in a thoroughly “Whig” view of history, which conceives of historical events as an ascent towards the progressive promised land. Thus, when Barack Obama was elected, it was the “arc of history” bending toward justice. 

Of course, there are anomalies and backsliding, but when this happens, the facts must be shaped to conform to the theory. Thus, when Trump was elected, the event was immediately suspect, because he prevented the first woman president from rising towards her rightful place in the march of progressive history. Everyone in power joined to defame his victory: he was a bad man, he did not win a majority of the popular vote, and the election itself was supposedly tainted by Russian collusion. In a similar way, the same people denounced George W. Bush as “selected, not elected.” Disrupting the norms of loyal opposition and the peaceful transfer of power are perfectly OK when the winner is on the “wrong side of history.”

One of the problems with all the democracy talk is that both sides think they are upholding democracy. The Left thinks whatever went down in 2020 was a perfect expression of democracy, and any inquiry into what exactly happened is disloyal and subversive conspiracy talk

At the same time, the chief objection of Trump and his supporters, whether they were present on January 6 or not, is that something really fishy happened in the 2020 election, and that the result was the opposite of democracy. 

Elections, Audits, and Recounts

The disputes over the 2020 election demonstrate a real weakness in the system. The procedures, records, and structures we have in place do not permit a timely audit of most states’ presidential elections. Previous elections were saved by larger margins in more states. In all but the closest elections, a rotten precinct in Atlanta or Philadelphia wouldn’t change the outcome. 

That was not the case in 2020. In fact, a tiny sliver of votes, obtained late at night in Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona put Biden over the top. Before the recounts and legal challenges were complete, the media and most of the establishment began to insist that Trump was obliged to concede. He did not. Even after the Electoral College spoke, a good swath of his supporters refused to concede Biden’s victory, other than as a practical matter. 

Those who breached the Capitol on January 6 were simply the most passionate of the bunch. But the media and managerial class, with their constant demonization of those protesters, know that they’re only the tip of the iceberg. Approximately 75 percent of Republicans believe there was significant election fraud in 2020. In maintaining this view, this class believes that these Republicans deprived Biden and the system as a whole of its legitimacy.

This is a problem. 

Elections and Legitimacy

Biden and his supporters would benefit from reflecting on the function of elections themselves. Elections do many things. They choose who will make up the leadership. They provide a sense of ownership and participation among citizens. Most important, elections are supposed to establish legitimacy and provide a peaceful means of transferring power. In other words, the losing side is supposed to respect the outcome because of the meaning and power of the majority’s will.  

The last point is important. Like most aspects of modern life, elections and voting are not so much an expression of virtue, but rather of “enlightened self-interest.” While the aspirational rhetoric imagines a “national conversation” in which the election is the capstone event, elections typically commanded ascent in the past because of their other function: they are a substitute for war. 

Instead of meeting on the field of battle, we count votes. Whoever has the most votes, probably would have won a hypothetical conflict. If someone is not willing to get off the couch to vote, they’re also less likely to get up and fight for their side. Thus, a certain amount of hassle is appropriate for voting, because elections are supposed to measure both numbers and commitment. An electoral victory is supposed to impress the losing side.  

Biden’s fall in popularity simply confirmed what everyone already felt: he was not elected president in the normal way, with all the prestige, power, and support that entails. His inaugural celebration only reinforced this suspicion, as it consisted only of insiders surrounded by security forces inside a literal “Green Zone.” While Biden has complete control of the state, no one thinks he has much support outside of the state and its adjacent institutions. 

It does not feel like Biden won, because his numbers were augmented by a variety of tricks. By extending voting timescollecting absentee ballots door to doormailing ballots to people who never would have otherwise voted, filling out ballots for cognitively challenged nursing home residents, and the proliferation of misleading poll numbers to depress Republican turnout, the votes he technically received do not mean what they ordinarily would have meant. Trump supporters were more passionate as seen with Trump’s numerous well-attended rallies, and there is little doubt Trump would have won an ordinary election if both sides had been subject to the ordinary burdens of voting on Election Day.   

Understanding elections as a substitute for real fighting is even more important in a disunited country, populated by unassimilated people from every corner of the globe, increasingly at odds because of regional, racial, economic, and ideological strife. Without a sense of community and fewer and fewer shared values, these conditions encourage both sides to take seriously non-electoral politics, including political violence.

With little else holding America’s factions together, a clear demonstration of who is more powerful through ordinary elections has some real value to both sides in deterring such a fraught path.

Is There a Peaceful Way Forward?

Because of the disuniting of the American people, the Left’s worry about January 6 is not altogether out of place. But rather than championing democracy or seeking some peaceful way forward, their focus on January 6 really is an expression of the spirit of pure partisanship, with no standards of the good outside the good of one’s team. 

The January 6 protest was a modest, spontaneous, and mostly symbolic form of violence, where much of the actual violence was either perpetrated by agents of the state or egged on by their agents provocateursEven so, the Left and the managerial class have compared it to the mass murder of 9/11. This is particularly galling after the sustained and coordinated antiwhite and anti-police violence of the summer of 2020 was excused as “mostly peaceful,” even as 25 people were murdered. 

Divided countries can resolve their differences in several ways: greater autonomy to reduce tension between incompatible regions, separation into two or more political entities, the cultivation of a common identity through shared experience, or complete suppression of one faction by the other. The latter appears to be the Left’s approach at the moment, with January 6 as the rallying cry. 

Unfortunately, rather than upholding Our Democracy™ and the Constitution, this is the approach most likely to lead to significant political repression, political violence, and even civil war.

FBI Refuses to Explain FBI Role in January 6

A top official with the Federal Bureau of Investigation repeatedly refused to disclose how many FBI agents and informants were involved in the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021.

Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday morning, Jill Sanborn, executive assistant director of the FBI’s national security branch, cited privileged protocols as to why she would not tell Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) the number of FBI assets that “actively participated” in the protest. “Sir, I’m sure you can appreciate that I can’t go into sources and methods,” Sanborn, who served as assistant director of the FBI’s counterterrorism division when the protest erupted on January 6 and would have full knowledge of FBI undercover operations, told Cruz.

The Texas senator also demanded to know if FBI agents committed any violent crimes or incited any violent crimes on January 6. Sanborn again declined to answer. Presenting photos of Ray Epps, a man caught on video on both January 5 and 6, imploring people to “go into the Capitol” but has not been charged with any crime, Cruz asked Sanborn whether she knew Epps. “I’m aware of the individual, sir, I don’t have the specific background to him,” Sanborn replied.

“Miss Sanborn, was Ray Epps a fed?” Cruz asked. Again, Sanborn said she could not answer the question. Cruz also asked why, based on reporting by Darren Beattie at Revolver News, Epps’ “magically disappeared” from the FBI’s Most Wanted List related to January 6.

Again, Sanborn had no answer.

According to a recent Newsweek investigative report, the Justice Department stationed elite FBI forces at the FBI training academy in Quantico the weekend before January 6; hundreds of agents were deployed to the Capitol grounds that morning.

In September, the New York Times confirmed that FBI informants infiltrated the Proud Boys, an alleged militia group, and participated in the first breach of the Capitol perimeter right before 1 p.m. The man seen with the Proud Boys before the first intrusion was Ray Epps.

Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) asked Matthew Olsen, head of the Justice Department’s National Security Division, whether any plain-clothes officers were at the Capitol on January 6. Olsen, who announced today the formation of a domestic terror unit within DOJ, said he was not “aware” of any plainclothes officers within the crowd or inside the building on January 6. Cotton slammed Olsen for repeatedly refusing to give the committee specific answers. “Did you prepare for this hearing, did you know this hearing was happening before this morning, Cotton asked Olsen.

Cotton also pressed Olsen about Epps; Olsen deferred the question to Sanborn. “Do you really expect us to believe you’ve never heard the name Ray Epps, you don’t know anything about him?” Cotton asked. Olsen said he had “no information at all” about Epps.

WATCH: Fauci's Revealing Hot Mic Moment After Republican Senators Fillet Him

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Dr. Anthony Fauci is not having a good day. As RedState reported, Rand Paul thoroughly filleted the NIAID director over the course of multiple question and answer sessions, providing more evidence that Fauci is both a liar and incompetent. That included the latest documents showing that NIH green-lit a formerly rejected grant for gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China.

The beatdowns didn’t stop there, though. Later, Republican Sen. Roger Marshall pressed the good doctor on his financial entanglements and lack of transparency. Instead of giving a straight answer, Fauci began to yell indignantly, which has been a pattern for him when he gets flustered.

But it was after the questioning ceased that he truly showed what a thin-skinned baby he is. On a hot mic, Fauci got caught calling Marshall a “moron” and then proclaiming, “Jesus Christ.”

Skin so thin you can see straight through him. This little garden gnome of a bureaucrat simply can’t handle being criticized. His accusations that Rand Paul incited death threats against him because the senator called for him to be fired were couched in the logic you’d expect from a five-year-old. Then, once Marshall nailed him with a very reasonable question about his pubic disclosures, he loses it again, not realizing his mic is still on. Calling a sitting senator a moron? Taking the Lord’s name in vain in a public hearing? It’s insanity, and it’s being perpetrated by a guy who believes he has no boundaries because no one has ever held him to any.

Of course, the Democrats in the room didn’t demand he act with some decorum. Heck, you can bet they enjoyed the doctor’s underhanded attack. Still, Fauci’s behavior was completely out of line, and yet another reason why he has no business being in his position. He has lied repeatedly to Congress, and every time more evidence comes out to show he’s been untruthful, he doubles down like the corrupt clown that he is. This man isn’t about science. He’s a politician and a coddled coward of one at that.

None of this is surprising, given this is the same over-credentialed nutjob who proclaimed that “he” is “the science.” Clearly, Fauci has lost touch with reality and is mired in delusions of his own grandeur. He refuses to accept responsibility for anything — despite the fact that he has been the leader of the response to COVID-19. That’s the ultimate mark of a man with low character, and while there are politicians on all sides that partake in such obfuscation, Fauci is worse because he claims to be above it all.

Look, I know a lot of Republicans, especially in the smart set, are going to want to just wash their hands and move on once the GOP retakes power, but that shouldn’t happen here. Fauci should be taken to the cleaners as soon as Republicans control these committees again. I’m talking multiple investigations and possibly criminal referrals because last I checked, it’s still a crime to lie to Congress. This man is a menace, leeching off of taxpayers while showing no respect at all to the representative government we ostensibly maintain.

After a Visit by Pete Buttigieg, Oakland California Joins Operation Hide the Ships

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg visited the Port of Los Angeles (POLA) and Port of Long Beach (POLB) to announce the Biden administration officially saved Christmas.  Yes, that actually happened.   Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti took it one step further and proclaimed Secretary Buttigieg as the official “man who saved Christmas”.   WATCH:

The Biden administration is making these ridiculous claims, because they know that no one in the media will actually look into the data and challenge them on the insufferable nonsense.  [SEE DATA HERE]

However, beyond the ridiculous claims about increasing port container delivery, when there was actually a decline in port container delivery, the POLA and POLB scheme to hide the ships {Go Deep} has now spread to the Port of Oakland, California.

“Operation Hide the Ships”

OAKLAND – […] Following its success in Southern California, the new system is being expanded to the Bay Area. Ships will wait 50 miles off the coast in a safety and air quality zone until their scheduled arrival time at the Port.

The new system became effective Monday. Ships will get an arrival time based on when they left their last port of call. Before Monday, ships were given an arrival time when they were fewer than 80 nautical miles from the coast.

The new system will allow ships to take their time getting to Oakland, reducing emissions while at sea. It will also allow more space between vessels at sea, making shipping safer especially in the winter when storms are brewing.

“The resounding success of the new container vessel queuing system in Southern California has set the stage for this expansion to the Bay Area,” said Jim McKenna, president and CEO of the Pacific Maritime Association, which represents maritime companies that do business on the West Coast, in a statement.   “This updated system has reduced the number of vessels at anchor near our ports.” (read more)

The purpose of telling the ships to await their port time in a queue farther offshore is transparent.  The Biden administration wants to give the illusion they eliminated the bottleneck of container ships.   Out of sight is out of mind.

Operation ‘Hide the Ships’ allows the administration to make claims about port efficiencies and increased productivity that are abjectly false.  The data from the first full month shows less container offloading and onloading happened in November than happened in the prior month of October when the new initiatives were announced. {Data Here}

It’s all just a fabricated Potemkin village of false information that permits them to stand at the port and declare they saved Christmas.

“We parked them ships so far away, you can’t even see them any longer”…

CALIFORNIA – […] “Starting Nov. 16, 2021, ships waiting to anchor at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach will have to wait for a green light about 150 miles from the coast, the Pacific Merchant Shipping Assn., the Pacific Maritime Assn. and the Marine Exchange of Southern California said in a statement Thursday. That compares with 20 nautical miles (23 miles) now.   North- and southbound vessels must remain more than 50 miles from the state’s coastline.” (read more)

…”And just like that, we fixed it.”