Saturday, December 31, 2022

My Favorite Dianny Images of 2022

An entertaining visual recap of 2022.

As it is New Year’s Eve, I thought I’d recap some of my favorite Dianny images from the past year.

While I might not have posted as much this year as I have in years past (damn you, Lupus!), I could, on occasion, still muster enough creative energy to come up with a Dianny Image that tickled me.

So here are some of my favorite Dianny images and a recap of the stories that inspired them.

Biden’s Bunny Bodyguard

Remember when Joe Biden got off leash at the White House Easter Egg Roll and started answering questions from reporters and a staffer dressed in a bunny costume stepped in to corral him away?

Sure you do! Because it was simultaneously hilarious and, in the broader scheme of things, completely embarrassing.

Suddenly, I’m thinking of that time Joe Biden proudly declared “No one fucks with a Biden.”

No one, except Putin, the Taliban, Xi Jinping, and a White House staffer dressed like a freaking bunny.

After free-range Joe got away from her, Bunny girl spent the rest of the White House Easter Egg Roll shadowing Joe’s every step. In fact, one of pictures Jill Biden posted on Twitter captured Bunny girl hovering behind Grandpa like a fur-covered care worker from Visiting Angels.

To accompany my post, “Old Joe and the Bunny,” I created this image:

Harvey: Favorite Dianny Images of 2022

Biden Bleats about a Bully

The day after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine, Biden’s @POTUS account tweeted, “America stands up to bullies.”

Ooooh! Tough words, Joe.

But exactly what you’d expect from the guy who used to boast about how much he wanted to take Donald Trump behind the gym to beat him up.

Joe is perpetually stuck in junior high.

In my column, “Putin is a Bully? Is Joe in Seventh Grade?” I said Joe’s stupid tweet made me think of Butch, the bully from Little Rascals:

Bully: Favorite Dianny Images of 2022

But Putin isn’t a bully.

Bullies will knock your lunch tray out of your hand and leave you to clean up the mess while the rest of the kids in the cafeteria laugh at you. They’ll yank your pants down when you’re walking to class or take your books from your hand and throw them in the toilet.

What bullies don’t do is invade a sovereign nation and bring Europe to the brink of war. That’s a bit beyond their field of expertise.

Kamala Harris, Foreign Policy Ignoramus

The war in Ukraine exposed Vice President Kamala Harris for the foreign policy know-nothing that she is.

Just three weeks after the invasion, Kamala delivered remarks at the DNC Winter Retreat in which she implied that Ukraine is a member of NATO.

The White House comms team snapped into action to cover Kamala’s mistake by amending the official transcript of Kamala’s speech to include a bracketed [and] to her remarks so they read, “the Ukrainian people [and] in defense of the NATO alliance.”

The only problem is that three days later, Kamala remained true to her vow to say it “over and over again” when she tweeted:

“The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance.”

For my post, “Dear Kamala: UKRAINE IS NOT IN NATO!” I slapped together this image because it tickled me:

Kamala: Favorite Dianny Images of 2022

Liz and Adam Dance for their Masters

When the January 6 Select Committee’s live televised hearings made their primetime premiere in June, I referred to the overly-produced, Made-for-TV extravaganza as “Dancing with the Tards.”

My use of the pejorative “Tards” got a bit of pushback. But there was never a more fitting adjective to describe Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.

Those two were so consumed by their hatred of Donald Trump that they happily danced for their Democrat organ grinders like a pair of costumed monkeys. They deserve whatever pejorative we want to hurl their way.

Tards: Favorite Dianny Images of 2022

Tiny Head Fetterman

While I enjoyed Photoshopping John Fetterman as Frankenstein’s monster (as I did HERE and HERE), it was his teeny tiny head that really got the creative juices flowing.

Remember when Joe Biden flew to Pittsburgh in October and John Fetterman and his Instagram-Influencer wife Gisele met Grandpa’s plane at the airport?

For the first time in recent memory, Fetterman wore a suit and tie instead of his hoodie and shorts “working man” costume. And in so doing, we all discovered why the lumbering oaf avoids wearing a suit and tie.

It made his head look itty bitty.

In my post, “Dr. Dementia Meets Frankenstein’s Candidate,” I said that my plan to do a photoshop of Tiny Head Fetterman got scuttled after I saw that Matt’s Idea Shop was already planning something on Twitter.

Then, later that evening, the Talking Heads song “Once in a Lifetime” got stuck in my head and inspiration hit, giving me the perfect image idea to commemorate Tiny Head:

Tiny Head: Favorite Dianny Images of 2022

Where’s Jackie?

Back in September while delivering remarks at the White House, President Dementia began searching the crowd for Indiana Republican Congresswoman Jackie Walorski who was killed in a car accident nearly two months earlier.

The funniest part of that embarrassing moment was when the ResistanceLOL Twitter account “Occupy Democrats” sent out this now-deleted tweet:

“Radical Rightwing Republican Jackie Walorski skips White House forum on hunger initiative. She also was unable to be reached for comment about her act of defiance. RT IF YOU ARE TIRED OF THE CONSTANT DISRESPECT OF PRESIDENT BIDEN!!!”

Now might be a good time to mention that the little-brains behind Occupy Democrats were among the social media “influencers” that the Biden administration invited to the White House in October.

If that isn’t the cherry on top of the sundae.


In my post about the “Where’s Jackie” incident, “Where’s Bruce Willis when you need him?” I decided to do a send-up of the movie “The Sixth Sense,” or as I called it, “The Forty-Sixth Sense.”

46th Sense: Favorite Dianny images of 2022

President Walter Mitty

I’ve done oodles of Dianny images mocking Joe Biden’s penchant for lying about his life story, including a 2019 series called “Flights of Fancy with Joe Biden.”

The man lies so much that he often repeats the same phony stories even after he’s forced to admit a story is untrue. And some cases, Joe’s “embellishments” get more embellishy with each retelling.

One of favorite porkies from Joe’s fictional biography is the one he told in early December last year, when he claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Golda Mier invited him “to come over” when he was acting as a liaison between Egypt and Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War.

It was all lies.

wrote at the time:

First off, Golda Meir was not the Prime Minister of Israel during the Six-Day War. Levi Eshkol was Israel’s prime minister. Meir didn’t become prime minister until 1968.

And President Walter Mitty? Well, he wasn’t even Senator Walter Mitty during the Six-Day War. He was Joe the mediocre law student at Syracuse University where, in 1968, he graduated number 76 in a class of 85 people — or, as Joe once put it, in the top half of his class.

Moving on…

One of the favorite fictionalized stories Joe loves to recount is about the time in 2004 when a small kitchen fire broke out in his Delaware home. And that small kitchen fire grows more massive and harrowing with each of Joe’s retelling of it.

In October while hosting a summit on fire prevention at the White House, Joe added another heretofore unknown layer to the story, claiming two firefighters nearly lost their lives.

In my column “Fiction Creep,” after recounting how the minor kitchen fire slowly evolved into “The Towering Inferno,” I wrote:

At the rate Joe’s fiction creep is moving, by January, his version of that kitchen fire will include half of Wilmington burning to the ground while planes fly overhead dumping water from the sky. And he’ll cap it off by recounting his own brave act of derring-do, rescuing an innocent child from the inferno.

And since equity is the order of the day, no doubt the child he rescues will be black.

Mitty: Favorite Dianny Images of 2022

This year, Joe got caught revising another lie about his life, namely the tall tale of the oily windshield.

When he first started telling the story several years ago, Joe claimed that the oil that got all over the family car when he was a child caused him to develop asthma. In fact, that oily windshield in childhood is the reason Joe “and 80% of the people” he grew up with got asthma.

But in July, just one day before Grandpa tested positive for COVID (the first time), he claimed that being exposed to that oily windshield as a child is the reason “why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer.”

What?! Joe has cancer? The news came as a bit of a surprise to everyone, including reporters, forcing the White House Office of What He Meant to Say to snap into action, as I noted in my column “Oily Windshields, Cancer, and COVID:”

But rather than simply explain that the president misspoke and meant to say oily windshields gave him asthma, the White House explained that the president was referring to the non-melanoma skin cancer he had removed before becoming president – skin cancer that was attributed at the time to sun exposure, not oily windshields.

I feel bad for the White House clean-up team. It’s hard work mopping up all those messes Joe leaves behind.

He’s like a 6-week-old puppy with an over-active bladder, except the only incontinent thing about Joe Biden is his mouth. Or at least I hope so.

Oily Windshields: Favorite Dianny Images of 2022

Tater and the Red Stapler

It was hard not to take childlike delight in Brian Stelter getting fired from CNN in August, especially since his unceremonious departure happened just two days after Liz Cheney was unceremoniously kicked to the curb by voters in the Wyoming primary.

In my post “See ya later, Tater!” I confessed to having to “bite my cheeks to stop grinning from ear-to-ear” after getting such a Schadenfreuderrific two-fer.

It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving pair.

While I’ve employed the “Milton and his red stapler” imagery for a couple of other Dianny images over the years, using it again to mark the end of Brian Stelter’s charmed career at CNN, was just too perfect to pass up:

Well, those are my favorite Dianny images from 2022. While there were a few others that tickled my fancy as I was combing through this year’s columns, these are the images that tickled me the most.

The runners-up include the image accompanying my column about Trump allegedly having taken classified nuclear secrets to Mar-a-Lago and my “Biden Plays Risk” image from “Just how out of the loop is Joe Biden?” I was also pretty partial to my image of Joe Biden as a robot with doll’s eyes from my column “Joe Biden the Animatronic Doll.”

Okay, I’d love to stay and chat some more, but I have three loads of laundry to do. So I should probably get that started.

I know what you’re thinking, “Dianny sure knows how to party on New Year’s Eve.”

If you think I’m setting the bar rather low for this auspicious day, I’ll have you know that I also plan to dust, straighten, vacuum the carpet in my office, and clean the cooker. But I’m not making any promises. The day after I give myself my weekly immunosuppressant injection, I’m weak as a kitten and a bit on the dozy side. So if all I can manage is the laundry, I’ll still consider it a win.

A Better Year Ahead?

Think about this as we head into 2023: 330 million human beings live in America. Every day they eat at least two meals, about 10 pounds of food is consumed, that means 3.3 billion pounds of food is consumed per day. This also means someone needs to produce, distribute and finally, deliver that food.

330 million people also need a home to sleep in every night. They also need transportation, most likely have a smart phone, probably have an email account, if not many; they buy things, including clothes, shoes, cars, subscriptions, drugs, furniture, shoes, entertainment, and the list goes on and on….

In short, no matter how badly our political leaders might mess things up or make things complicated, there are still 330 million people in America who need and consume stuff every day, and this all but guarantees there will always be others who provide the products and services to this 330 million customer base.

Add to this because our country operates in a free-market system, anyone can get in on the program. Businesses are created, products are produced, things are sold. The barter system works best in a free-market system because all things have value and every person who can produce something can get in on the action, hence the prospect of a better life is always possible.

Add to this that we have devices now that make it easier than ever to move and get products and services. Even a nine-year-old child has better tech in his hands than NASA had when we landed on the moon.

And this is why no matter how bad things appears, or how awful things seem to be, 330 million people guaranty business will be done. Not just in America, but in Europe, the United Kingdom, India and even China.

People are the key to continued prosperity.

It is society that makes the world go round. People make a civilization, a civilization does not make a people. And as long as there are massive amounts of people you can be assured life will go on with very small changes from time to time. On the macro change is slow; on the micro it appears to fluctuate based on variables such as weather, war, periodic pestilence (that can affect man, animal or both). And from time to time, bad leadership. 

But in the main, life moves slowly but progressively and inversely proportional to the mass contained. Think of how cattle move slowly the more cows there are in a herd. It is no different with humans (ever walk out of a crowded theatre at the end, or find yourself in rush hour traffic?). The masses therefore become society’s safety brake.

Thank God for this. People ensure life continues to progress. People are innovative, we are creative adventurers. Think of the Wright brothers, think Edison, or Tesla, people who, for no other reason, are curious about how to make things better. And then everyone’s life is improved. 

An acquaintance who knows a thing or two about commerce and business says the quality of life in the last 100 years all around the world has vastly improved. Fewer children are dying, standards of living and literacy have risen tremendously, and he says, "life continues to improve for people everywhere," despite some spots where there is political conflict. A human being living on earth today has a far greater chance of living to 70 or 75 than ever before. 

It is the constant 24-hour coverage of bad things that makes people feel anxious about the present. All too often we read and hear about other peoples' downfalls and disaster, but this is not the full picture. Far more of us have regular happy lives, even people in less financial shape. As a child of poverty most of my young life, I don’t recall ever feeling unhappy because of it. You make do. People are creative. That is the human condition, no matter what the experts say. 

When you see life as a bigger picture and with a much longer timeline, you begin to realize most of us have it pretty good in this age, far better than even two generations ago, despite the tension and consternation. 

And for the people who wake up every day feeling like they are in battle, life is short, every minute is precious. Ask yourself what you want to spend your time on, what brings you and others joy? Focus on the good, not the bad, for there is far more good in the world than bad, despite what Twitter or Facebook tells us. 

Celebrate your life and the people you love. Not every day is a miracle, but every day is one more opportunity to make a positive difference. It really is the best option if you want to have a fulfilling life.

Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus thought in 1798 that mankind was doomed to starve to death. Little did he know the Industrial Revolution was soon to appear on the stage of human progress. Just as today we fear we will run out of energy, or food, or both, we cannot know the future or how close we are to new discoveries to address our greatest concerns. History shows man always pushes forward, no matter the odds or the threats we face.

Man survived two horrific plagues during the Middle Ages, plagues that decimated a third of the population, yet within two hundred years, man had found the cure for many diseases, developed new ways to grow and distribute food, and soon prosperity wealth displaced poverty across 180 countries. Talk about a rebound!

Today we stand at the threshold of even better discoveries; the elimination of poverty, higher literacy, fewer stillbirths, better healthcare, all of these things portend an even more promising future. These things men and women do, not because we are cursed, but because we are blessed with a superior mind.

Man dies from fear, nothing else can rob him of his future estate more than panic and fear, which leads to irrationality and hopelessness. But even in the worst of circumstances, courage and persistence saves the day even in our darkest hour.

Said Winston Churchill when battling against the most evil of enemies, “we will fight in the streets and in the fields, we will never surrender!”

Never surrender to hopelessness, it is man’s weakest character flaw if he is not girded with the knowledge of his illustrious past, a past filled with triumph over adversity. It is the only explanation of how we have been able to survive the last million years of existence.

And we Know- December 31 🎉


Thank you all so much for tuning into all these reports this year! 🥰 I look forward to keep on making them in 2023.

Here's tonight's news:

Five New Year's Resolutions for House Republicans

1. Rally around a Speaker. Quickly.

If Republicans plan to get anything done in the 118th Congress, they're going to have to rally around a Speaker. Without one, new members can't be sworn in, Republican legislation can't be passed, committee chairmen can't thoroughly conduct investigations and much more. Attorneys working in the White House Counsel's Office have already made clear they plan to slow roll oversight and investigations. Time is limited. Until House Republicans agree on a Speaker, whether it's Leader Kevin McCarthy or another candidate, they're handicapped on Capitol Hill. Pick a nominee, rally around them and get to work. 

2. Reign in the FBI, DHS and Other Government Censorship Machines 

In the aftermath of the "Twitter Files," it's clearer than ever the country's most powerful law enforcement agencies have wavered from their core missions by becoming overtly politicized on behalf of the left and Democrats. In fact, we know the FBI has worked with private companies like Twitter and other Big Tech social media companies to subvert the First Amendment. While regulation of Big Tech is a daunting task, reigning in federal law enforcement agencies in the executive branch is far more attainable and addresses the fundamental issue of civil rights violations conducted by unelected political agents. 

Incoming House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan recently sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray detailing the violations with demands for rectification. 

"We are investigating politicization and abuses at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as Big Tech's censorship of conservatives online. Newly released information shows the FBI has coordinated extensively with Twitter to censor or otherwise affect content on Twitter's platform. These documents show that the FBI maintained this relationship with Twitter as a permanent and ongoing surveillance operation apart from any particularized need for a specific investigation. These revelations sadly reinforce our deep concerns about the FBI's misconduct and its hostility to the First Amendment," a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray states. "The FBI's close coordination with Big Tech threatens Americans' civil liberties."

3. End the Illegal Immigration Industrial Complex 

According to a new report from the Heritage Foundation, dozens of non-governmental organizations, known as NGOs, are benefitting from cartel human trafficking and helping to facilitate the illegal immigration crisis not just at the border but in cities across the country. 

"The Biden border crisis was sparked by the deliberate implementation of open-borders policies and the removal of Trump-era borders security policies by the Biden administration. While the Biden administration caused the crisis and allows it to persist, they are not the only party responsible for facilitating this crisis. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have played a substantial role in exacerbating the crisis by actively helping process and transport tens of thousands of illegal aliens into the interior of the United States," a memo published by Heritage states." After observing this dynamic, the Heritage Oversight Project and Heritage Border Security and Immigration Center obtained and analyzed movement patterns of anonymized mobile devices that were detected on the premises of over 30 NGO facilities at or near the border...The investigation found approximately 30,000 cell phone devices in the NGO facilities and traced the location of those devices in the U.S. during the month of January 2022." 

Republicans must work to make human trafficking and finishing the work of cartels prohibited by starving NGOs engaged in this behavior of federal grant funding or reimbursement from DHS. 

4. Root Out Politicized Bureaucrats at the CDC

Like the FBI, DHS and other U.S. intelligence agencies, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been infected by leftist politics. The revelation that CDC bureaucrats, including CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, worked with teachers' unions to keep schools indefinitely closed is unacceptable. School closures inflicted horrific harm on the nation's youngest generations and changed the trajectory of their futures forever. By allowing politics rather than science to dictate policy, the CDC violated its medical mission to do no harm. Young people, parents and taxpayers deserve answers, change and accountability. 

5. Hold Biden accountable for the disaster in Afghanistan 

President Joe Biden's exit from Afghanistan was one of the most catastrophic foreign policy failures in the history of the country. The lack of transparency, the abandonment of Americans behind enemy lines and the gifting of billions in weaponry to the Taliban cannot go without a thorough accounting. The sloppy and frantic exit is an unforgivable disrespect to the U.S. servicemembers who gave their lives in the country and lost limbs during the nation's longest war. They made these sacrifices only to watch it all be handed back to the enemy. A complete disgrace. 

The Greatest Threat to Americans’ Freedom, Rights, and Security Comes from Within

The cascading release of the “Twitter Files” by Elon Musk and his cohort of independent journalists clearly illustrates the need to drain the Washington swamp once and for all.

Nowhere is this more necessary than in the U.S. intelligence and security apparatus, which—despite ostensibly existing to protect Americans and safeguard our freedoms—poses a greater threat to the United States than the foreign actors they are supposed to protect us from.

Giving a full accounting of the released files is beyond the scope of this piece, though I would urge you to comb through the full documentation released to date. Despite the mainstream media’s attempts to downplay the significance of the files, the findings are extraordinary.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is perhaps the greatest offender. Much of the Twitter Files are exclusively dedicated to the role of the FBI in censoring information, especially the Hunter Biden laptop story. Within hours of the New York Post’s 2020 story being published, the FBI—through Twitter and its other tentacles within the media—implemented a total clampdown, alleging that it appeared to be “Russian interference.” This, despite FBI agent Elvis Chan stating, “Through our investigations, we did not see any similar competing intrusions to what happened in 2016.”

Despite some pushback from Twitter employees and executives who saw no evidence of tampering nor violations of Twitter policy, Twitter Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker asserted the Hunter Biden materials were either leaked, hacked, or both, and therefore a violation of Twitter policy. Baker, uncoincidentally, was formerly general counsel for the FBI, and a chief actor in the banning of President Trump’s account post-January 6. The rest is history: the story was suppressed, and President Biden won the election—with evidence strongly suggesting Trump would have emerged victorious had the story been allowed to circulate.

The FBI’s relationship with Twitter was not relegated to this one isolated event. One author of the released files, Matt Taibbi, labels Twitter an “FBI subsidiary,” as hundreds of emails were exchanged between FBI agents and Twitter executives through confidential channels. Many of them were direct requests to flag posts for moderation. When prompted, Twitter almost always responded in the affirmative with alacrity. Particularly telling is an email from Twitter legal executive Stacia Cardille to Baker, asking whether there were any “impediments” to sharing classified or confidential information between Twitter, the FBI, and other national security agencies. Baker’s response: “FBI was adamant no impediments to sharing exist.”

As alluded to, the FBI was hardly the only agency within the intelligence community to act in such a manner. In addition to the FBI, Twitter executives held weekly meetings with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were heavily involved as well. These organizations and others comprised the Foreign Intelligence Task Force (FITF), which consistently used the excuse of “foreign meddling” to justify expanding its mandate to domestic surveillance and censorship operations, despite little to no evidence existing of such interference. Moreover, these agencies ended up sharing intelligence not only with Twitter, but also with Facebook, Microsoft, Verizon, Reddit, Pinterest, Yahoo, Twitch, Cloudflare, LinkedIn, and Wikimedia.

Even the Department of Defense (DoD) had its hooks in Twitter, using the social media company to aid the Pentagon’s psychological operations to influence public opinion against foreign adversaries. Twitter allowed the DoD to operate fake accounts—and amplify their reach—to create deep fakes and disseminate false propaganda.

These agencies—along with public health services such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—even worked with Twitter to suppress what they unilaterally deemed to be COVID-19 “misinformation.” Examples include the banning of former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson and the “throttling” and restricting of Harvard epidemiologist Dr. Martin Kulldorff’s account. Presenting contrarian viewpoints and challenging established theory has long been the basis of scientific inquiry. The censorship of anything that skews from the official government narrative is not only the antithesis of science, but also directly caused mass suffering and economic calamity from the near-useless lockdowns and myriad mandates.

The campaign against coronavirus “misinformation” was not relegated to Twitter, either, as shown via the current investigation by Attorneys General Eric Schmitt (R-MO) and Jeff Landry (R-LA) into the government’s censorship enterprise throughout the pandemic. Their joint statement reads, “The discovery so far demonstrates that this Censorship Enterprise is extremely broad, including officials in the White House, HHS, DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, and the Office of the Surgeon General; and evidently other agencies as well, such as the Census Bureau, the FDA, the FBI, the State Department, the Treasury Department, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.”

I wonder if we would see a situation similar to that of Twitter if we dug more deeply into Facebook and YouTube’s internal communications, not to mention other technology companies such as Google, and Apple? What about mainstream media corporations such as CBS, ABC, and NBC? I strongly presume we would.

To be clear, not everyone who works within our security and intelligence agencies, not to mention much of the rest of our federal government, should be considered willing agents in this shadow war against the American people. Many are patriots and public servants who joined out of a sense of duty to their country.

Nonetheless, these institutions have become so thoroughly corrupted, and their leadership so systematically compromised, that there is no other effective course of action than to cleanse them and erect something better in their place. Rather than serving the whims of globalist organizations, financial oligarchs, the military industrial complex, and warmongering political elites, our security and intelligence apparatus—not to mention the rest of our bloated government bureaucracy—must be re-oriented to serve the interests of the American people if our constitutional republic is to survive.