Thursday, December 1, 2022

Spice Girl 'Shocked' by 'Racism' of Not Seeing 'Brown or Mixed or Black' People in Colorado

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

On this episode of Mensa Moments in Race-Hustling… 

During a recent trip to the U.S., Spice Girl Mel B — dubbed “Scary Spice” during the heyday of The Spice Girls — was left “shocked” while filming a documentary in Colorado because she didn’t see “anybody brown or mixed or black in this town.” Incidentally, “this town” appeared to be a ski resort.

So what did “Scary,” who hails from northern England, conclude? America is “still” a racist country.

As the U.K.’s Metro reported, Scary hooked up with British comedians Ruby Wax and Emily Atack to film a BBC documentary in the U.S. — with zero predisposed perceptions, I’m sure. [sarc] The documentary, titled Trailblazers: A Rocky Mountain Road Trip, shows the happy trio following the footsteps of British explorer Isabella Bird, who explored America on a solo trip in the 1870s.

One might assume that the subject matter alone would make for an interesting documentary, but toss in Mel B’s “always find myself looking” for “racism,” and one would be wrong.

Throughout the whole show, I was saying, ‘Is there anybody brown or mixed or black in this town? Is there anybody?’ I always find myself looking.

The singer told Metro she was “shocked” by Colorado’s lack of diversity, adding that it changed her “outlook in a few ways.” Oh please, Scary: your “outlook” was what it is before you ever visited Colorado; you should’ve said it confirmed your belief that America’s “racist.”

So even though Colorado is massive — the whole world is massive — but when it actually comes down to it where people of color, whether it be mixed or brown or some kind of mix of ethnicity, they kind of have it even harder, people of color.

For me, I thought that there wasn’t as much racism as there was say when my mom had me 47 years ago, but it’s still there.

If you understand that verbatim first sentence, or even the central point she was trying to make, you’re smarter than I am.

I assume Scary attempted to say that people of color have it harder than everyone else, regardless of where they live, but that their lives are even harder in “racist” places like Colorado. This causes me to wonder if Mel B has ever walked the streets of Chicago’s Southside on a Saturday night, or ridden the New York City Subway, virtually any time of the day. How hard are the lives of those people, regardless of race or ethnicity, Scary, vs. life in Colorado?

The answer, of course, is “Oh hell no, no way,” given Mel B’s estimated net worth of $6 million and propensity to hang out in places far less dangerous than the streets of Chicago or subways of NYC.

So here’s the point, as noted by Front Page Magazine’s Daniel Greenfield:

Colorado doesn’t have that many black people for reasons having nothing to do with race. If Scary Spice was going to small towns, and I presume there’d be little point in filming a documentary about exploration set in Denver, they’d have really few black people. But then again so would villages in the Cotswolds [U.K.].

The state only has 5.8 million people to begin with. Subtract some of the major cities and it’s more like 4.8 million. Territorially, Colorado is bigger than Britain, but it’s got a small percentage of the population.

The Bottom Line

Scary Spice, Mel B, whichever she prefers,  had zero basis on which to draw such idiotic conclusions.