Saturday, December 3, 2022

How the East and West will Part Ways on the Great Reset

The East and the West are both collaborating in an effort to impose the Great Reset -- but each side’s different interpretation of the Great Reset and their incompatibility eventually will tear them apart.

These differences fall into four categories: (1) environment, (2) food production and delivery, (3) global currency, and (4) global governance. 

The Environment

The West’s vision is wrapped in the Green New Deal (GND). The GND is intended not to protect the earth, but is key to reduce global population and to pay off President Biden's debt to China. China, which will be the source for electric vehicle batteries and windmills, will receive some Western reparations for environment damage. While the U.S. and the EU will make costly adjustments under the Paris Climate Accord, China will not. Meanwhile, locked in by contracts across the globe, China controls most of the worlds' rare minerals  and is the largest manufacturer of windmills.

The East, especially China and Russia, do not care about the environment. China will continue to be the world's largest manufacturer run by carbon-based fossil fuels far into the future. China emits 27% of the world's carbon emissions, more than Japan, the EU and the U.S. combined. While the West obsesses about the environment, China and Russia have consolidated global oil producers and sellers -- Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela -- against the energy buyers, Western countries -- and at $100 a barrel are reaping massive profits at the West's expense.

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Food Production and Delivery

As for the West, both Schwab at Bali and Biden in his new biotechnology Executive Order call for building “sustainable, healthier, more equitable food systems.” But is that their intent? Since the environmental crisis has replaced COVID, Western globalists are trying to eliminate CO2 from the atmosphere and eliminate nitrogen and fertilizers; all of which stunt plant growth to lead to the development of synthetic foods. Bill Gates is pushing fungus and crickets over methane-producing cattle. Globalists are tampering with plant food resulting in threats to agro-ecological systems also leading to the creation of synthetic foods. High-tech crop technologies and food distribution, moreover, favor major food processors while excluding smaller stores and producers as well as rural access to food.

Large Western corporations like Bayer are teaming with Big Tech companies like Microsoft to gain detailed digital overviews of entire land, water, and food flows through artificial intelligence. Digital farming would be a boon for these companies and their investors and would leave smaller producers in the dust. With this alliance between huge food processors and Big Tech, the West believes farmers across the globe will be forced to share “real-time data about local agricultural conditions and farmer behaviour.” Gathering this data on a global scale will allow Big Tech to digitalize and control of global food systems.

But the East may not be so obliging. In developing countries, farming is a staple industry and their agricultural acumen is improving each year. Intrusion by Western behemoths will not be welcome, since China will be the leader in digital food and biotechnology. China has been gobbling up American farmland at a record pace since 2010, but also has invested in synthetic food production and is already far ahead of the West. As the West moves closer to synthetic foods, China sees another opportunity to lead in this area and reap millions in selling products to the West.

Digital Global Currency

The West wants the G-20 to control international finance. They envision a global digital currency replacing cash in a system where the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, and central banks -- all controlled by the West -- would manage both the flow and supply of money.

The East also wants a global currency, but not the petrodollar or any currency the West might develop. As financial misery in the West over the GND increases, China will continue its manufacturing dominance and control of international finances by selling oil and gas. They believe this move will give the East great leverage over the West, resulting in the digital yuan becoming the new global currency.

To ensure currency dominance, Russia and China formed BRICS, an acronym for an association of five major economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Each country is large and is situated in different regions of the world where, because of their individual size, they can influence their respective neighbors to form additional alliances with them.

All five are G-20 members. Collectively they represent 40% of the world’s population, a quarter of global land area and a third of global GDP. More importantly they trade in their own currencies. All of them want to shed their dependence on the U.S. dollar and restructure both the international financial system and current geopolitical alignment.

Global Governance

The West believes that the G-20 is sufficiently manageable to serve as the basis for global government as long as the international banking cartel controls global finance.

The East distrusts and hates the West. The WEF vision of the Great Reset has a strong Western bias. The East, however, emboldened by its added leverage of carbon fuel and nation size membership, wants to run the Great Reset on its own terms.

The West, moreover, has based its Great Reset vision on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other technology. China's Made in 2025 Program, however, aims to be the technological leader in 10 critical high-tech areas, including Artificial Intelligence. Its universities have received more funds for AI research than schools in any other countries while obtuse American Big Tech companies like Google are even supporting China's effort.           

The Result: Cooperation or Conflict

So consider the East's edge over the West:

  • In the most recent Military Index, China and Russia have militaries superior to that of the United States. Forget NATO country’s “militaries.”
  • China leads in manufacturing, mineral deposits, pharmaceutical ingredients, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence.
  • China wants to be the leader in 10 critical technologies by 2025.
  • Russia leads the new cabal of oil and gas producers/sellers and the West, as energy buyers, is at their mercy. 

China and Russia know their advantages but will play along with the WEF as long as it is in their interest to do so. As for the West, they have completely ignored both China and Russia's vulnerabilities. Opening up U.S. oil and gas would again reduce the price of oil from over $100 a barrel to $40, crushing Russia's mainstay. China has severe population and banking problems. The Chinese people can't get access to their money and property is being confiscated rapidly. Because they eliminated girls at birth years ago, the male-female ratio is incredibly unbalanced.

Nonetheless, the West insists on kowtowing to the East, financing their comparative advantages and thus preparing for its own demise.          

The West and East share essentially the same vision, but their differences mean the race is on. If China-Russia win the race, Western globalists will be the first to go. Why? Because Western elites will seek power, which would be a real threat to the East.

Klaus Schwab should remember his history. His Great Reset has been tried before by his comrades China and Russia. Mao's "The Great Leap Forward" saw millions murdered, as did Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution.