Friday, December 30, 2022

Good Riddance to a Disappointing 2022

Ring in 2023—it can’t get much worse or disappoint more.

Arguably, this last year was one of the worst in recent history.

It was an annus horribilis in so many ways, it is difficult to count them. With an economy faltering, elections turning out other than planned, and a series of scandals, censorship, FBI wrongdoing, and not to mention the continuation of the Wuhan deadly viral disease, no one should be sad to see December 31 fast approaching.

If you are the type who makes lists, doubtless you have your own number of personal downfalls, scary turns, or failures to post. It seems year after year, we see more and more of these and they intensify and multiply, only compounding to make a bad situation worse. It is almost enough to make one into a continual pessimist or even a cynic.

Face it, the conservative cup is more than half empty, and we badly need a refill.

So, here is my list of 2022’s biggest disappointments (and the lessons we can learn from them) in descending order:

10) The Phillies

After giving us an exciting run for the money, my hometown team failed to deliver the goods. They just squeaked into the playoffs but then went on to roust the Padres and hammer the Braves. In the World Series, they beat the cheating Astros twice, but in the end could not carry the day. As so often before, the City of Brotherly Love failed to win when it counted. The issue here is that our favorite teams bring us so close, excite us so much, get us to near elation—and then the balloon bursts. 

Lesson: Sports teams disappoint. 

9) The Midterm Elections

With the pundits to a person, even the nasty Democratic and socialist ones, predicting a biblically proportioned red wave, it was a huge disappointment on the evening of the first Tuesday in November when that wave simply failed to materialize; and then again in the Georgia runoff. There wasn’t even much of a ripple. The Republicans struggled just to eke out the ouster of the House Speaker and lost the Senate. Fingers pointed every which way and the long knives were out, but the fact remains even with all the suppression of voting, fraud, and rigging, the Republicans are down and left to fight with each other, Trump included. 

Lesson: Politicians disappoint. 

8) Elon Twit

With Elon Musk, the white knight, purchasing the social media giant Twitter, it finally appeared the United States would finally have a First Amendment again. He would ride in to save the day and undo the evil actions of the past. Things would get better—immediately. And what did we discover? The proverbial shithouse was far worse than anyone expected. There was a scandalous entanglement between the deep state (FBI-CIA) and the media, big tech included, to make sure Trump was not reelected in 2020 and the Hunter laptop never saw the light of day. The facts were there for all to see and even still the mainstream media failed to cover it or frankly admit they are in the pocket of the progressive Left. In truth, many of us have come to find that the present system is so rotten to the very core it can’t be fixed or reformed. We need to start all over. 

Lesson: Media disappoints. 


A Ponzi scheme bigger than even the giant Madoff scam was unearthed involving a boy con-man, his Stanford Law School professor parents, a grifter hedgie girlfriend, and the whole Democratic Party, which he bought off with up to a half billion dollars in donations. It was enough to keep him out of jail (though he’s now arrested and awaiting extradition), living in luxury in the Bahamas, and to see the Democrats win with the stolen elections (while their loot is recycled through Ukraine). Putting crypto on the ropes, SBF (his now infamous initials) took the money of a million investors and it was all gone in a puff! 

Lesson: Ponzis disappoint.

6) Economics

The dull science was made even duller this year. Assets of every type were way down in value. Don’t even look at your 401K or IRA statement. Interest rates shot higher and higher. No one can afford a new mortgage. Inflation soared to a 40-year record high. Gas and food prices made living too costly for the average Joe. Many had to choose between gas or food. Financial losses were compounding and the president made things worse, printed yet more money, and denied the facts. We are all much poorer as our standard of living declines. 

Lesson: Economics disappoints. 

5) Adolf Ye

What is up with our sick culture? On one side, we have a bunch of woke racists and BLM-CRT ideologues who want to cancel anything with which they disagree. And on the other side, we have rap artists who have gone mad, praising Hitler and loving Nazis. If culture is a reflection of where we are as a society, God help us. The notion that we could discover or appreciate the good, the true, and the beautiful, has surely departed us. What we are left with are empty souls, degrading us in a complete desacralization of what used to be called Christendom, a.k.a. Western Civilization. 

Conclusion: Culture disappoints. 

4) The Pelosis

The emperor has no clothes, according to the Danish playwright Hans Christian Anderson. American royalty is no different, and this year it was exposed. Queen of Botox Nancy Pelosi was ousted at last from the House speaker’s office after disappointing citizens for decades. Her arrogance, fake zealotry, and San Fransicko values were always a farce. But this year, her poor prince of a husband, Paul, was likewise exposed. He got a DUI in Napa wine country while his “friend” in the front seat of the fast, expensive Porsche ran away. Then in an early morning scuffle, the same octogenarian had a hammer put to his head in uncertain circumstances in his own swank mansion bedroom by a man he “knew”—a homeless, illegal immigrant with weird views, habits, and sexual preferences. 

Lesson: Elites disappoint. 

3) Hunter and the Big Guy

The Biden crime family syndicate is perhaps the biggest scandal in U.S. presidential history and yet it goes nearly unnoticed and unprosecuted. Having fleeced the country in an unprecedented global influence-peddling scheme, the Bidens have shaken down the Russians, Chinese, Ukrainians, Mexicans, Romanians, and Jesus only knows who else, in a multi-million dollar pay-to-play game where the crack cocaine and hooker addicted, son of the president is the wingman, collecting money to benefit his astute but senile father. As the “Big Guy,” Joe cashes in his 10 percent, and the whole family over the decades has gotten incredibly rich. It is called corruption on the grandest scale. 

Lesson: Bidens disappoint.

2) Ronna and Mitt

There is a view in some Republican circles that only the Democrats are up to no good. The RINOs as a part of the uniparty—the oligarchy that runs America—is equally at fault. Trump tried to expose and weed them out but the McConnells, Ryans, and Romneys all struck back. They didn’t want any changes to their gravy train and they rather like things just the way they are. With Romney’s niece Ronna running the RNC, and Pierre Delecto incognito,screwing up the Senate, what could go wrong? 

Lesson: RINOs disappoint. 

1) Lord Fauci

Faucism, without question, is at the root of many evils today. The patron saint of Wuhan and the instigator and enforcer of lockdowns, masking, and useless experimental vaccines, Lord Fauci has probably done more than anyone in recent memory to cause harm and lead to the deaths of innocent people. His gain-of-function research gave us Chinese COVID and his dictatorial “public health” scientism shows him to be the tyrant and sadist he is. This highly paid, hubris-filled bureaucrat, who reportedly received millions of dollars in royalties from drug companies, was lionized as a hero when, in fact, he is an arch-villain. He was decidedly not the definition of science. 

Lesson: False science disappoints.

Ring in 2023—it can’t get much worse or disappoint more. When we sing “Auld Lang Syne” this year, we will mean it. Is it too much to ask that the future have a few slight glimmers of hope?

Can more America-loving, security-conscious old-line liberal Democrats resign and become independents, like the Arizona maverick senator? 

Urging it, I realize it may not necessarily be their choice to join the GOP, but to merely dissociate from their corrupt, unpatriotic, and unprincipled party in order to vote for freedom is an advance. Joe Manchin should also make the move and be followed by a handful of others.

This would allow America a chance to see the Democratic Party “outed” for what it is—abettors of a corrupt, power-crazed, and globalist cabal. And, on our side, is it too much to ask that Republicans put up a fight, do what they say, and start loving everything good about America again?

Bring on the new year!