Thursday, December 1, 2022

Georgia Senate Ballot Race – DNC Gathering Ballots, RNC Wasting Time Losing in Court

John Fredericks appears with Steve Bannon to discuss the current state of the Georgia Senate runoff.  Fredericks is on the ground in Georgia trying to help early ballot collection on behalf of Hershel Walker and gives a brutally honest assessment. {Direct Rumble Link}

According to Fredericks, the DNC wanted to start early voting last week and the RNC wanted to fight them in court.  The DNC started collecting ballots last week on Wednesday and Saturday in key Democrat areas while the RNC led by Ronna McDaniel and her legal team including Harmeet Dhillon had no plan other than the lawsuit.

The court ruled in favor of the DNC, Ronna McDaniel and Harmeet Dhillon lost.  However, worse still the DNC wasn’t waiting on the court decision and were already assisting with early ballot collection and entry, while the RNC was doing nothing – except waiting on the court.  That gave the DNC a 200,000-ballot immediate lead.   The RNC is now traveling throughout republican areas in Georgia promoting early voting and trying to catch up.  WATCH:

Fredericks is opposed to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel remaining in her position.