Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022: Looking back at another life changing year


It's been another life changing year! Time to look back at it and pin point the highlights:


I'll admit, I was pretty worried when this year started. Jab mandates were threatening to become a thing, and my mom's place was going to implement them if SCOTUS allowed them to become forced. If SCOTUS did that, I fear I would've already lost her by now to the jab. Thankfully, that never happened.

Despite what alllll the doom mongers have been saying all freaking year whenever 1 thing didn't go their way, this HAS been a great year in politics! The evil Left is more exposed then ever, they don't have the House anymore, Roe V Wade is dead (🥳🥳🥳), Face diaper and Jab mandates are all dead everywhere (except in a couple loser Blue States), Twitter no longer belongs to the Left, School boards in several states have been cleaned out and replaced with actual GOOD people who don't want to brainwash children, Parents are more aware then ever to what the Left wants to really do to their children and are successfully fighting back, and so much more that has been discussed in every single 1 of my daily reports!


Woke Hollywood got more exposed then ever as well. Several woke filled movies absolutely bombed at the box office, while the patriotic sequel to Top Gun is the top movie of the whole year!

Every big Hollywood company is in big time money trouble due to their terrible choices. Netflix and Disney are paying the price due to their extreme wokeness, Warner Bros Discovery got taken over by a new boss and he's been really cleaning house by cancelling a lot of low rated garbage shows on all of the networks WB owns (including the ones that have been previously renewed and haven't aired their new Seasons yet!), Great American Family has grown significantly in popularity while Hallmark flirts with low rated terrible movies and bad new actors who couldn't act their way out of acting school

My life:

Growing up is, something. Sometimes you think you have things figured out, then it turns out you may not. 1 thing I've come to learn is: Just because you're not a kid anymore, doesn't mean you have to have everything figured out, or fully understand life. Some parts of us, will always be growing up in some way.

The upsides for me this year:

-Writing more fanfic stories then usual this year

-Spending a whole year on here

-Feeling more like I'm becoming who I feel like I'm meant to be

-Getting to contribute to more sites

-Meeting new friends who appreciate what I have to say

-Getting to witness several political victories

The downsides:

-Losing some dear friends, either because they deleted their accounts, or due to a falling out

-Feeling sorry for 2 NCIS LA fans who got unfairly banned from a site, giving them a place to talk on my site, then the casual disagreeing turned into outright troll behavior, which eventually led to both deciding to avoid my site because they couldn't take my positive views on Hetty anymore (1 of them even said I was possibly a victim of abuse myself because of me saying that all this bogus crap about Callen's past these past few years is all BS and that she's innocent until proven guilty!!). Guess that proves that 'casual disagreeing' on issues that I'm protective over eventually boils over with some.

-More then 1 annoying minor 'seasonal illness' (I hate the sore throats, the chills and the coughs!)

-Literally zero new Hetty content this year (aside from 1 single BTS pic that was taken in the summer of 2021 that wasn't posted until May). She was left out of everything NCIS LA related this year that was big! That stupid Paleyfest panel, the 300th episode celebration, the 'finale', the S14 premiere, everything!! And all that's been said is teaser after teaser that has yet to go anywhere!! 😡😡


Thank you all so much for listening to me on here, and for giving me a platform to speak on. 🥰 Hope you enjoy what I have to offer in 2023.

-Maria (TUF)

(I keep thinking of Hetty when I listen to this song, because it just describes her and her situation perfectly! Plus, if a Hetty prequel happens, this would be the perfect theme song!)