Sunday, November 13, 2022

X22, On the Fringe, and more- Nov 13


For those looking for encouragement to start this week off, I have some:

I heard today from a friend of mine that 3 crew members have been visiting Linda several times over the past 10 days. Between that, and knowing that they cleaned up some of her clothes from past Seasons a couple weeks ago, my gut is definitely telling me that she's getting ready to return to set! Another fact right now to support this instinct is the episode number that they're filming right now. The number is lining up with the episode numbers that the 2 part Vietnam rescue arc took place back in Season 9, and Daniela is directing number 14, and it starts filming in the next couple of weeks! (they take the week of Thanksgiving off).

Yes, this is all speculation, I know. But I really am feeling confident that either this week, or the next, or in the last few days of this month, I'll get to finally write that big announcement article that I've been wanting to write since this summer! Stay tuned.

Here's tonight's news: