Monday, November 7, 2022

X22, And we Know, and more- Nov 7


Do I know for sure what will happen tomorrow? I don't.

Do I firmly believe there will be many many wins? Absolutely.

Will there be possible twists or unexpected surprises? More then likely.

I do know this though: God is on our side. Always was, and always will be.

We are all here right now for a reason, we've all survived these last 2 years for a reason, and it's so we can fight back! 

So much goodness has happened this past year, and I believe that tomorrow will definitely be the main highlight of this amazing year.

I would also like to say: I am very proud of all the conservatives on here for sticking with these daily podcasts for the last 15 months! Helping out all of you and helping you all to have hope in a brighter future is why I started doing these, and it's a blessing to get to keep doing them every night. ❤

So, sit back, relax, maybe pop on a movie you might have on the DVR, and enjoy yourselves until tomorrow comes. :)

Oh, and there's a rally in my homestate tonight and new podcasts to listen to!