Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Tucker Carlson Discusses Leaked Documents Reflecting Direct DHS Portals to Social Media Companies

My suspicious cat sensibilities are triggered by the timing of these “leaked explosive documents,” in relation to the Elon Musk Twitter takeover.  That said, here is Tucker Carlson interviewing Intercept journalist Lee Fang.
{Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:

Lee Fang… “Over the last five years“… Yeah, bulls**t on that. Sorry.  CTH has outlined in painstakingly granular detail, the weaponization of the networks involved began immediately after January 2009 – specifically right after Obama’s Cairo speech that kicked off the ‘Arab Spring‘ movement.  That’s when Facebook and Twitter were recruited for participation in the construct.

After a few years of beta-testing the govt-corporate relationship, and simultaneously measuring the influence factor, things sped up, and by 2011 Obama-era DHS operatives began collaborating with Big Tech in constructing the modern surveillance and influence system for domestic rollout.

This system didn’t just pop-up “over the past five years.”   A timeframe which, not coincidentally according to the Intercept, removes Barack H Obama from the era of accountability.  The effort to construct a fraudulent timeline makes me even more suspicious of this “leak.”

Tucker Carlson saying “I’m not sure why you wrote this“… indicates to me his own awareness of the suspicious timing.   Watch the other hand.

Suspicious Cat remains, well, suspicious…