Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Clown World Administration

Why in Lucifer’s reach are we all expected 
to play along with this stupid charade?

It isn’t as if we need more proof that the Biden administration has turned the federal government into Clown World. But here goes.

One of the Biden administration’s diversity hires was arrested after he stole a woman’s expensive suitcase at the airport in September and then proceeded to continue using her suitcase on subsequent flights.

The guy’s name is Sam Brinton. He serves in the Clown World administration as the deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition at the Department of Energy.

Only Sam Brinton identifies as “genderfluid,” which means he should really consult with a mental health professional who can help him work out his gross emotional problems.

And because this is Clown World, the news reports about Brinton’s arrest are careful to describe him as “they” and not “he,” which is all manner of confusing for anyone with a firm grasp on the English language and grammar.

Like this sentence from the New York Post:

Brinton initially denied stealing the suitcase to police officers, but later claimed they took it by mistake and still had it in their possession.

Or this one:

According to the court filings, Brinton said when they opened the bag at their hotel, they realized it wasn’t theirs, but got nervous that someone would think they stole it and didn’t know what to do. They said they emptied the luggage and left the person’s clothes inside the drawers of a dresser in the hotel room.

He’s a he, not a “they.” “They” is plural. Unless Sam Brinton is more than one person, he is not a friggin’ “they.”

Let’s leave aside for a moment that this is the guy the Clown World administration put in charge of dealing with nuclear waste.

Why in Lucifer’s reach are we all expected to play along with this stupid charade? 

It’s bad enough that this administration picked a man who thinks he’s a woman to be Assistant Secretary of Health at HHS and expects the whole world to play along with the farce by pretending that Richard Levine is “Rachel” Levine while using female pronouns to describe him.

But now we have to pretend such a thing as “genderfluid” exists?

It’s absurd.

As Jesse Kelly said last year:

But this is what we get from an administration that prioritizes “diversity” over competence.

A competent administration would have thoroughly vetted every potential hire to make sure it wasn’t getting stuck with a weirdo who dresses in women’s clothes and shouldn’t be placed in any position with national security implications.

But this Clown World administration sees the dude dressed in women’s clothing and all further inquiry ceases because all that matters is being able to boast about hiring a dude who “identifies as genderfluid.”

This is how the country got stuck with an obese man pretending to be a woman lecturing us on public health and a cross-dressing man pretending he has no gender overseeing the country’s nuclear waste … while occasionally stealing someone’s expensive luggage.

And you wonder why I referred to this administration as the Oberlin College Student Council.

They care more about stupid “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” than they do competent governance. And to add insult to injury, this administration demands that the rest of us play along with this insane farce as if it’s something to celebrate.

But as a general rule, nobody should celebrate delusional people.

This isn’t normal and it certainly isn’t healthy.

And it’s making the Biden administration, and by extension the entire country, look like complete clowns.

Is it any wonder America’s enemies have been emboldened by the Biden presidency?