Friday, November 4, 2022

Super woke NBC medical junk show tries to mourn the end of Roe V Wade, and it's as bad as you'd imagine



NBC’s medical drama series New Amsterdam mourned the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade in this week’s episode, using a maudlin montage set to an overwrought score to portray its characters’ devastation.

Tuesday’s episode, which the network timed to air just one week before the midterm elections, opened with a teary-eyed Dr. Max Goodwin (Ryan Eggold) looking forlornly at his young daughter as he reads about the high court’s decision then drops his smartphone in despair.

The dialogue-free montage depicts cast members in various states of panic, anguish, and shock before culminating at New Amsterdam Hospital where everyone gathers around a TV to watch the news because clearly there is nothing else to do in a major metropolitan hospital.

Watch below:

The sappy montage was followed by a storyline devoted almost entirely to abortion, with Dr. Lauren Bloom (Janet Montgomery) revealing to Dr. Floyd Reynolds (Jocko Sims) that she had an abortion when they were together.

“Deciding whether or not to have an abortion, that was clear. And I was able to do the right, responsible thing, and I was able to get it done safely and quickly,” she said, according to a TVInsider recap.

In one subplot, the show punishes its one pro-life character by giving her cervical cancer. 

The episode concludes back with Dr. Max who explains to his daughter why he looks so sad. “A sad thing happened today. Not just to me, to everybody. And I guess it made daddy a little sad, a little mad, and a little frustrated,” he said.

Democrats and their mainstream media partners are using the overturning of Roe v. Wade to stoke voter passion in the midterms, hoping lingering anger among leftists will motivate them to turn out.

But as Breitbart News reported, abortion doesn’t rank at the top of concerns among voters this election season. Half of U.S. voters say the economy or inflation is their number one issue heading into the November 8 midterms, according to a recent ABC/Ipsos poll.


My take: I have a strict Zero Tolerance Level for these propaganda episodes. So whenever a conservative site reports on these type of lying episodes, I'll feature them on here as well. Because combating lying pro choice propaganda against the truths about being pro life is very important and must come at all sides.

I sometimes can't even believe that I actually liked this POS show in it's 1st 2 Seasons. Also, as revealed in a TV Line interview earlier this week, every single idiot who works on this show is 'pro choice', which is not at all surprising, because no real conservative would ever approve writing this kind of episode, or even write it all.

This isn't the only show that's turned to this kind of pathetic propaganda either this Season. 'FBI Most Wanted' did it too (I even reported on it last month, it's still somehow in the Popular Posts section at the bottom of this site!), and 'Grey's Anatomy' (how is that virtue signaling POS even still airing?! it ran out of creative juice YEARS ago!) did it's own pro choice propaganda episode last night. And it's equally virtue signaling spin off 'Station 19' has also mentioned abortion this Season as well, in the most liberal way possible because you know, the only ones who are stupid enough to do these types of episodes are all pro choicers, most of whom probably have their own families (that they SOMEHOW didn't try to abort!🤣)  or are probably too old to get pregnant, or are men.