Monday, November 28, 2022

New COVID Variant Drama, Anthony Fauci “Not Sure” if States Will Need to Lockdown Schools Again

The Joe Biden administration have extended the COVID-19 ‘National Emergency’ through the end of 2023, next year.  This permits all of the government control mechanisms to remain in place; however, the COVID national emergency declaration runs counter to their legal justification for open borders.

In Washington DC the Biden administration is declaring a national health emergency still exists; meanwhile in Texas, the same Biden administration is arguing in court that no national health emergency exists.  To reconcile the conflict U.S. media and White House officials just pretend not to notice, and bizarro world continues accordingly.

Into this blend of COVID propaganda, the White House is now promoting the latest COVID fear variant to stimulate greater population acceptance of booster shots.  Ignoring any adverse health outcomes, western governments are heavily invested in the continued promotion of the COVID vaccine.  Stepping in with the assist for COVID alarm is CBS and Margaret Brennan who asks Dr. Anthony Fauci [Full Transcript Here] if another winter of severe illness and death will lead to a need for more lockdowns. WATCH:

Transcript – MARGARET BRENNAN: More than 100,000 parents last month had to stay home from work to care for kids, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And we’ve seen schools in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, cancel classes because of these large numbers, so coming out of the holidays, should parents expect schools to shut down?

DR. FAUCI: I don’t know. Margaret, I’m not sure. When- when you talk about shutting down schools, there’s always the–

MARGARET BRENNAN: That’s also radioactive.

DR. FAUCI: Exactly. There’s always the collateral issue. So you have to balance, and you do it in real time depending upon the viral load of disease in your region. Whether you know, the upper northeast may be quite different from the southwest, from the- from the- from the Pacific coast, from the upper Northwest. So you have to have the local authorities evaluate on a situation by situation basis, the potential collateral deleterious effects, with the effects of what might happen if you have so many kids getting infected–

MARGARET BRENNAN: Some of these places just didn’t even have teachers–

DR. FAUCI: Exactly. Well, that’s the local decision you’re gonna have to make. It’s a local issue. That’s the thing that gets lost in the discussion. (more)

Leftism is driven by committee advice; it’s how the echo-chambering communal groupthink works.

After the White House COVID “Winter of Death” 2021 messaging was ridiculed and ignored by almost everyone in the general public, the communications team quickly went back to the drawing board.  You can almost hear Ron Klain instructing the team to find ways to avoid the ‘Grinch team‘ labeling.

However, the ordinary emotional disposition of leftists and Democrats, writ large, is depressing, angry and negative, the result from a lifetime of blame casting.  The most valued skillset advancing the career of any professional leftist, is their ability to project victimhood.  If you do this long enough, it becomes the only thing you know how to do.  ‘Hang around a one-legged man long enough, and you will walk with a limp’.

As a direct result, the political left genuinely does not understand or experience joy, nor do they have a connection to the emotion of happiness. So, when the political left gets together in a focus group to discuss the urgent need to shift messaging from pessimism, which turns everyone off, they end up with recommendations like this:

Yes, White House Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, hired dancing nurses in December 2021 to come into the East Room to deliver a performance for the First Lady.  The group sang about the joy of covid, the “winter of death”, and needing to spread a little Christmas cheer.

You might have found the entire performance cringeworthy, because it was.

The messaging was ridiculous, odd and, well, just plain weird.  However, this is what happens when the narrative pendulum swings wildly amid the communications team.  The base of Biden supporters, ideological leftists, do not see the cringe, instead they see COVID-19 as a cute opportunity to express their collective attachment – but that’s also because they have no connection to the emotion of Christmas joy.

CBS’s Margaret Brennan is a performance artist on CBS, much like the dancing nurses pictured above.