Saturday, November 5, 2022

NBC Broadcasts, Then Deletes, a Report From San Francisco That Directly Contradicts FBI Statement About Pelosi Attack

Something sketchy is going on here.  NBC aired a report on the attack against Paul Pelosi that directly contradicts the FBI affidavit of the events when police arrived at the Pelosi home.  NBC then deleted the broadcast report from Twitter and their website saying it “did not meet their journalistic standard.”

It’s worth noting the contradiction stems from the FBI report written by FBI Agent Stephanie Minor, who is relatively new to the FBI: “I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) and have been an FBI Special Agent since 2019.” [Source, page 2, item 4 “affiant background] Why would the FBI use such a junior agent for such a high-profile case?  It seemed odd when the FBI affidavit was released.

The NBC broadcast {Direct Rumble Link} says that Paul Pelosi opened the door, didn’t declare an emergency….. and then walked back to his attacker and was attacked.  NBC Scrubbed this report, but not before it was captured on the internet. WATCH:

Compare the NBC hit to the probable cause affidavit: 

{Page 3, PCA LINK}

That’s not a minor discrepancy.

NBC reporting from San Francisco about what happened when the police arrived at the home of Paul Pelosi directly conflicts with the FBI affidavit about what the police saw when Paul Pelosi opened the door.

After people noted the discrepancy, and began sharing the report, NBC quickly scrubbed the report.