Thursday, November 17, 2022

NATO Backtracks, Now Admits It Was Not Russia Who Fired Missile into Poland – It Was Ukraine, But Still Putin’s Fault

This is a great example of two dangerous dynamics. First, the intellectual dishonesty that is needed to believe that Russia would attack Poland. Second, the insufferable immediate response from U.S. and international media stenographers lusting for war, and the danger they represent.

After the media initially proclaimed a “pentagon spokesperson” reported that Russia fired two missiles into Poland, and then ran with that narrative with such ferocity that Polish President Duda requested an article-4 convention in preparation for a NATO war,… 24 hours later the NATO alliance says ‘whoops‘ it wasn’t a Russian missile, it was a Ukraine missile that landed in Poland.

(Politico) NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg chaired an emergency meeting of alliance ambassadors on Wednesday in Brussels to discuss the incident.

After the session, he said information so far suggests the missile that landed in Poland came from Ukrainian air defenses fighting off a massive Russian attack on Tuesday that saw the country pummelled by dozens of missiles that caused blackouts across Ukraine.

“We have no indication that this was the result of a deliberate attack,” he said. “And we have no indication that Russia is preparing offensive military actions against NATO. Our preliminary analysis suggests that the incident was likely caused by a Ukrainian air defense missile fired to defend Ukrainian territory against Russian cruise missile attacks.”

Duda said the explosion that killed two people in the village of Przewodów, about six kilometers from the Ukrainian border, was likely caused by the missile’s propellant, saying it was probably an S-300 anti-aircraft rocket produced in Soviet times.

“There is also no evidence that it was fired by the Russian side,” he said, calling it “an unfortunate incident.”

Earlier, U.S. President Joe Biden said it was “unlikely in the lines of the trajectory that it was fired from Russia, but we’ll see.” (read more)

Now let’s get beyond the nonsense and talk about the reality of the situation.

We all know the U.S. State Department, not Ukraine or Zelenskyy, is in control of ground military operations in Ukraine.  As a result of that reality, the intellectually honest observer admits to themselves the CIA is therefore the tip of the spear in the country.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy today stomping his little feet and saying no, no way it was Ukraine, only highlights the reality of World War Reddit, where Zelenskyy is nothing more than a casual front man -in Hollywood garb- for the CIA/DoS mission.  Puppet Zelenskyy has no idea who, what, where and why strategic U.S. military forces and contractors are operating in his country.  Zelenskyy’s Ukraine function is to be the Bob Geldorf face in the Ukraine funding and money laundering operation. Nothing more.

So, we have a Ukraine missile fired now supposedly fired “errantly” in a westward direction into Poland, while trying to intercept a Russian missile fired from the east.  Um, well, yeah, that sounds like, :::cough::: bullshit :::cough::: but so be it. As the kids say, “whatevs.”

CIA Director Bill Burns also just happened to be in Ukraine at the time of the “errant” missile firing.  What timing…. And all of this comes on the heels of increased public awareness that the FTX cryptocurrency exchange was coordinating the movement of laundering of U.S. taxpayer funds from Ukraine into DC pockets via campaign contributions.  Wow, more coincidences.

The Occam’s Razor of the situation would indicate that our U.S. proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is entering that dark and energy dependent time of the year, ie winter, and Russia is not being defeated in their securing of the pro-Russia eastern Ukraine region.  So, some knuckleheads in the DoS office of plausible deniability, in coordination with some knuckleheads in the CIA office of plausible deniability, decided to try and pull in some more NATO elements with operation “errant missile into Ukraine that we will blame on Putin.”

Brilliant plan guys… except for the whole potential for NATO nuclear war part.

Luckily for the normies in Ukraine, they avoided the downstream consequence, likely operation vaporization, after reasonable people -few though they may be- said, it might not be a good idea for the whole let’s go to war with Russia in winter thing.

Yep, unfortunately that’s the reality of our current state dept geopolitical outlook, in combination with the ideological thirty-somethings that are running out of Hollywood actors to show up and fundraise.