Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Mitch McConnell Uses Mar-a-Lago Ambush to Hit President Trump

As NBC has now outlined in detail, a trio of dubious characters leveraged President Trump’s previous support for troubled Kanye West as an opportunity for an intentional smear campaign construct by Milo Yiannopoulos, Nick Fuentes and Kanye West himself. [Details Here]  Mr. West, now known as Ye, intended to make trouble by bringing uninvited guests along to carry out the operation.

The media and political opposition gleefully latched on to the successful targeting operation, in an effort to smear Donald Trump.  In typical Alinsky fashion, the goal is to controversialize the operational target.  Senator Mitch McConnell followed up today with his own pile on supported by his Senate leadership.

Given Mitch’s well known use of fabricated political racism to attack Republicans who do not bend a knee to him, his statements are pure skullduggery.

CTH has been warning about the scheming conniving Mitch McConnell for well over a decade.

While no one except Donald Trump is at fault for trusting Kanye West, you can clearly see how the entire apparatus of DC politics is working in concert to retain power and remove the threat that President Trump represents.