Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Maricopa County Arizona Has Election Vote Counting and Tabulation Issues Again

The counties with ballot counting issues remain consistent over years until someone steps in and fixes the root cause of the problem, democrat election officials.  Nothing destroys election integrity faster than county election problems that repeat in the exact same precincts year after year.

Unfortunately, Maricopa County, Arizona, is one of those regional areas with major election integrity problems each voting cycle, this midterm 2022 election is no different.

According to multiple reports Maricopa County ballot tabulation machines are not working again.  Approximately 20% of the ballot tabulation machines in Maricopa County are not working which is causing delays, frustration and voter concern over the integrity of the election.  Voters have been told to leave their ballots in a box for tabulation later at a central location.  Many voters are not willing to ‘trust’ the process.

ARIZONA – Vote-counting machines weren’t working in about 20% of polling sites in Maricopa County, Arizona, as Election Day voting in the midterms began, county officials said.

The Maricopa County Recorder’s Officer said technicians were called to fix the tabulator machines that weren’t working, Fox10’s TV station in Phoenix reported. It’s not clear how many of the machines were malfunctioning in the state’s most populous county.

“About 20% of the locations out there where there’s an issue with the tabulator … they try and run (completed ballots) through the tabulator, and they’re not going through,” Maricopa County Board of Supervisors chairman Bill Gates said in a video posted on Facebook. Long lines of voters were appearing throughout the county as officials tried to reassure people that all votes would be counted. (read more)