Friday, November 11, 2022

Lauren Boebert Wins Colorado CD-03, Also Arizona and Nevada Solid GOP Wins – Delays Are Media Anti-Trump Narrative Engineering Efforts

Folks, relax.  We’ve seen enough, and we’ve seen this exact playbook before.

The delayed “official results” from Colorado, Arizona and Nevada are all part of the organized narrative engineering from SoS offices, party officials (local and state) and corporate media.  It’s transparent now.

There were key “target races”, not defined for political outcomes per se’ but rather …. they were identified for official media targeting; for script writing and narrative engineering; under the guise of being identified as “key races” to sense, gauge and create a storyline for election distribution by corporate media.

In the big picture, the goal was to undermine and deflate the MAGA base represented by President Donald Trump.  2022 midterm MAGA wins downplayed and or delayed. 2022 MAGA losses overemphasized, highlighted and promoted as part of the script.  That’s what we are seeing now.  That’s all we are seeing now.

Lauren Boebert has won Colorado CD-03, exactly as I said she would at 00:32 on election night [DATA]:

The Boebert lead will continue widening until they “officially” call the race.  The delay is strictly because Lauren Boebert was an identified media/maga target, similar in construct to Marjorie Taylor Green, who won by too wide a margin to be useful for this intention.

The delays in Arizona are for the exact same reason.   All GOP wins.  Kari Lake easily won the Governor contest and Abraham Hamadeh has easily won the Arizona AG position. Slightly lesser probability, but still likely, both Blake Masters (AZ Senate) and Mark Finchem (AZ Secretary of State) will stand victorious at the end of this narrative engineering delay.

The same applies for Nevada where Republican Adam Laxalt has easily won the Senate Race and Joe Lombardo is the new Republican governor.

The U.S. majority in the Senate is currently sitting at 50 Republicans with Laxalt being #50, that’s a done deal.

Additionally, it’s highly likely Blake Masters will eventually be called as #51.  However, that reality diminishes the import of the media’s use of Georgia where Raphael Warnock (D) and Herschel Walker (R) will have a runoff.

The GA narrative engineering, media spin and effort to promote horrible orange man, is the purpose for dragging this out.

♦ Accepting this baseline, there are two states (almost three) where things went to shit.  Michigan and Pennsylvania (almost Wisconsin), and the reality of what happened in those states with ballot collection explains: (a) the results, and (b) why media don’t want to dig too much into those results.  You will note the media is all high level on those races with spin toward MAGA Trump couldn’t help the PA and Mich candidates win.

The reality is nobody could have helped the Michigan and Pennsylvania republican candidates win.  The ballots to assure Democrat victories were gathered before election day in both those states.

There is a big difference between “votes” and “ballots.”  The Republicans focused on winning votes; the Democrats focused on gathering ballots.   The ballots won.

Wisconsin tried essentially the same thing as PA and MI, except there was already residual election roll cleanup (hurts the ballot team) and strong election day turnout (helps vote team).  Wisconsin was a close contest, and they better fortify against the ballot team quickly before 2024.

Pennsylvania and Michigan are lost to the importance of voting now. Their house and senate constructs changed because the ballot team organized support to flip them blue.

PA and MI will now work to legislatively embed the ballot gathering operation as part of their legal election process for 2024.

A GOP presidential contest in PA is futile without a Keystone State Republican ballot collection effort in place.  The same thing is needed in Michigan now.

In states where ballot collection operations are allowed within the election law, the entire Republican apparatus in those states – and all the candidates – need to immediately change their entire outlook on electioneering (CA, WA, WI, MN, IL, NY, PA, VA, CO).

In those states like PA, Mich and Wisc, Republicans need to switch from electioneering to win votes, to electioneering to gather ballots.  Everything needs to change QUICKLY, and the RNC needs a fully organized, technologically assisted, geospatial digital outreach collection and assembly organization team in place by Easter 2023.

Organized voter ballot distribution, voter ballot delivery and ballot pickup systems need to be in place by the spring 2023.

There should be no other priority for any Republican Party or politician in any state where ballot collection, mail-in ballots, ballot drop boxes, or ballot harvesting is permitted by law.

Stop campaigning for votes and immediately switch the entire political operation to electioneering for ballots.

Votes require people, ballots require systems.  Republican officials, Republican politicians and the Republican voters need to switch the emphasis from people (votes and poll watchers) to systems (ballot collection and poll watchers) in these states.  Voters will understand if it is explained and clearly articulated.

The narrative engineering on the current vote/ballot outcome delays in Nevada, Arizona, Colorado (and more) are all related to the organized anti-Trump corporate media agenda.  It’s not coincidental the entire apparatus of the media and professional political establishment are trying to frame a ‘failed Trump’ narrative.

Accept that because of ballot collection, Michigan and Pennsylvania were lost before the election even started.   With that as the baseline, where exactly did Trump lose?

Last point.  RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel is from Michigan, she literally lives in Michigan…  She didn’t see the ballot gathering operation in her own state and recognize that campaigning for votes was futile?  Either she is too inept to retain the position, or she’s part of the turn a blind eye GOPe team; neither explanation is good.

Get rid of Ronna McDaniel.  Besides, the RNC needs a professional in ballot collection now, not donor outreach.