Saturday, November 12, 2022

Kari Lake Discusses Status of Race as Maricopa Ballot Counting Issues Continue

Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake appears on Fox News with Tucker Carlson to discuss the insufferable and chaotic state of the Arizona election counting fiasco. {Direct Rumble Link}

Maricopa County remains the epicenter of the ridiculous exploits from election officials, including the intentional dragging out of the vote tabulation in an effort to support the Sunday Talk show narrative.  However, that said, when the final ballots are counted, it’s almost certain that Kari Lake will stand victorious despite the shenanigans of the election officials; the remaining question is by what margin. WATCH:

Additionally in Nevada, Republican candidate Joe Lombardo has been declared the winner [data].  Republican Senate Candidate Adam Laxalt remains in the lead by 2,000 ballots/votes with 93% of the stuffing counted.   Meanwhile in Colorado, as expected, Lauren Bobert has widened her lead with 95% of ballots (and votes), counted.