Monday, November 28, 2022

Here’s How Conservatives Can Dominate on Twitter in the Musk Era

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Now that Elon Musk has taken over Twitter, he has made it clear that he is following through on his promise to create a more even playing field for the expression of political views. While he promised not to transform the site into a “free-for-all hellscape,” it is evident that the days of politically-biased censorship will become a thing of the past.

Now that we are in the Musk era, the question is: How should conservatives take advantage of this new digital paradigm? If the new CEO has his druthers – and he most likely will – the platform will provide new and exciting opportunities for content creators, influencers, politicians, and even casual users who wish to contribute to the national conversation.

For starters, conservatives must level up their content creation game. We have to continue making compelling arguments and exposing the machinations of the progressive left. Use the platform to its fullest. Since we don’t have to worry as much about censorship, we will soon be able to go against the leftist narrative with impunity.

Musk has indicated he wants to have Twitter become a competitor to YouTube by expanding its video offerings. This will provide even more opportunities for those seeking to reach a wider audience. I, for one, am excited by this prospect even though it means more people will have to see my ugly mug on Twitter. It seems that as long as we are wise about how we get our points across, shadowbans and other forms of suppression will not be a hindrance.

Secondly, we should continue engaging with Musk on the platform. Since taking over, he is inserting himself into the conversation even more and has shown he is open to feedback. In fact, some progressives have whined about the fact that he is interacting with right-leaning accounts like Catturd and others. We would be fools not to take advantage of this.

When Musk makes a decision with which we disagree, conservatives should make our opinions known in a tactful manner. At this moment, progressives on the platform are scolding, badgering, attacking, and insulting the CEO, which is not likely to persuade him to see things their way.

By way of contrast, we can be the adults in the room, which will go a long way toward getting him to continue taking us seriously. If we play our cards right, we can help to influence the direction of the company. This would be unheard of under Twitter’s previous leadership. Engaging with the organization’s new leader could open up a world of possibilities for people of all political stripes.

Twitter is about to become even more interesting going forward, especially since the 2024 campaign is already starting. With Musk creating an even playing field, conservatives have a chance to have more of an influence on the national conversation. The question is: Are we going to take advantage of this opportunity?