Thursday, October 13, 2022

Things Are Much Worse Than They Seem for Democrats

Don’t believe the psy-ops polls: Democrats are in for a shellacking unlike any they’ve had in a long while.

As sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, corporate propagandists offer their best psy-ops for the midterms. Through the summer and into the early part of fall, they were driving the narrative that somehow the midterm elections were not going to be particularly devastating for the freakish Left, and by that I mean Democrats writ large. 

The general narrative—and this is the Cliffs Notes version—was that there is nothing to worry about as our economic house burns down, violent crime explodes, and our southern border collapses. In reality, it’s not that bad at all. Actually, it’s good for you! Those flames you see burning down the house, in fact, are a source of warmth to brighten your evening. And don’t worry, the foundations should still be intact when the flames die down. Maybe.

The most blatant attempt at shaping a rosy narrative for Democrats about the midterms has been the absurd push to take note of “registered voter” polls, which in the real world means almost nothing. The “likely voter” polls—that is, polls of people who are actually likely to vote in the midterms—paint a different picture across the board, from the congressional generic ballot to the Senate and gubernatorial races. Nevertheless, as is sadly and predictably the case, there are those on the Right who have fallen for this psy-op. If one really wants to get a snapshot of reality, look at the polls strictly focused on likely independent voters only. 

The good news is that reality eventually kicks in, sometimes because rational people acknowledge and accept it, or sometimes because it hits one like a sledgehammer right in the face. For example, since 1946 every president in his first midterm election who has less than a 50 percent approval rating loses 37 seats on average in the House. 

Grandpa Dementia, who just got bent over by Mohammed bin Salman and the Saudis after begging for more oil production, who wanders aimlessly—sometimes literally—from defeat to defeat, is not even close to the 50 percent margin. He hovers around 40-41 percent on his better days. I don’t know exactly what an approval rating around 40 percent means for House losses, but I can assure you it’s north of 37 seats. 

Democrats have attempted to say that abortion is going to be a highly motivating factor, but the latest Monmouth poll has it ranked as the seventh issue on people’s minds going into the election. It’s certainly not the deal-breaker the Left seems to think it is. Sure, you’ll get the worshippers of Moloch fired up in the deep blue areas, as they shriek, “Let’s go kill some babies!” But apparently, and try not to be terribly shocked, people are far more concerned by the lack of money in their pockets than they are with the right to butcher babies up until the moment of birth. As abortion has faded as an even a semi-motivating issue over the past month, the real issues on people’s minds are inflation, crime, election integrity, unemployment, immigration and infrastructure.

In short, the issues that are a direct result of Joe Biden and the Democrats’ infantile, intentional, and disastrous policies. 

Gas prices are now starting to go up despite Biden’s irresponsible draining of our strategic petroleum reserve—which was an obvious and cynical political move to try to make things look better than they are just before the elections. I can assure you over the last month before the midterms one of the best campaign signs for Republicans in key Senate and gubernatorial races will be gas station signs. As we watch the economy and markets crash, CNN shared Gallup’s poll asking, “Who do you think is best equipped to confront the issues we have today?” Republicans had an 11-point advantage, which for those wondering, is the biggest lead they’ve had on that question in about 80 years.

Other devastating news for the Left as we watch our southern border pretty much cease to exist: In 2020, Democrats had a nine point advantage among those who identify as conservative Hispanics. It’s now a 56 point advantage for Republicans. For those who still learned math before it became racist, that’s an over 60 point swing in less than two years. Which ties in to other big shifts that have happened since 2020. And just last year, Virginia had a 12 point swing towards Republicans. It’s safe to say things have not gotten better for Puddin’ Brains and his posse of idiots over the past two years. 

So if Republicans push hard down the homestretch I have every reason to believe that our low end gains in the House will be in the high 30s, though it’s likely up to the 40s or even 50s. I’m hard pressed to believe we won’t have a 52-48 split in the Senate though I think we can get to 54-46. In gubernatorial races we will likely end up with around a 30-20 advantage, though 32-18 is possible, and of course we’ll pick up seats in state legislatures and make drastic changes at the school board level. 

In order for the Left to get the definitive rebuke it needs and so richly deserves, however, it is important during these last four weeks before Election Day to do everything in our power to make it so. So keep calm, carry on, and annihilate the Left: the tears and screams of agony from those twisted souls as they lose their “precious” ring of congressional power will be extremely enjoyable on Election Night.