Sunday, October 30, 2022

The Ladies of the GOP Are Leading the Charge This Election Cycle—and They Are Having a Blast

T Duke reporting for RedState 

The GOP has changed a bit over the past 30 years, and one of the telltale signs of this is that the ladies in the Grand Old Party are rolling over the press and the opposition.

My, how the world has changed.

Back in the day when I was a co-host of a show called “The Snark Factor with Fingers Malloy” on FTR Radio, I made a quip about how repealing the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which gave the ladies the right to vote, should be done. I was regurgitating a joke that I had heard from a comic weeks before, who complained about women at the turn of the last century getting booze banned with the 18th Amendment, and then gaining the right to vote with the 19th. He made light of the fact that after women were given the right to vote, that was actually the time that the whole nation really needed to drink.

As you can imagine, some of the ladies of all political stripes sometimes did not find that joke funny.

I have made that a running gag ever since, and I have actually seen the hashtag #RepealThe19th on Facebook and Twitter. While I have never had anything to do with that trending at any time, or being promoted, I still chuckle whenever I see it. Of course, not because I believe that women should have the right to vote taken away from them, but more because of the whole absurdity of the thought. As the #cancel and #woke movements have shown us, some people just do NOT have a sense of humor and want to yell and scream about everything.

Yet what this current election cycle has taught us is that women are not just part of the conversations in national, state, and local races; they are, in many cases, leading the charge and fighting back against the nonsense of the past two years.

My colleagues and I here at RedState have been covering some of this, documenting some of the glorious actions that have been taking place. Let’s take a look, shall we?

Let’s start out with the lady who, this past June, was elected in Texas in a special election for a congressional House seat and decimated the idea that a Hispanic woman needed to sound like AOC to be valid. My colleague Sista Toldjah covered why Mayra Flores had a great response, after not being allowed to join the crooked Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Mayra Flores Has Best Response After Snub From Congressional Hispanic Caucus

After ripping the Caucus for their apparent lack of tolerance for opposing viewpoints, Flores took to the Twitter machine and made a quip about “maybe” not being “the right type of taco,” a reference to eye-opening remarks made by First Lady Jill Biden over the summer during a “Latinx” conference in Texas in which she infamously compared Hispanics to San Antonio breakfast tacos:

I’m sure Dr. Jill Biden–in between ice cream cleaning-up duties with Sleepy Joe–loved that comment.

Back in my home state of Michigan, the Republican challenger to Gov. Whitmer, Tudor Dixon, had two solid, debate performances against the incumbent Democrat and had a blast blasting her over her mistakes on lying about how long she had closed down schools. I covered this just days ago, right here: New Ad Eviscerates Gretchen Whitmer Claim of Michigan Schools Only Being Closed for Three Months. From that article…

Yet the undeniable GOP Queen of this cycle has been the Republican candidate for Governor in Arizona, Kari Lake.

What the former journalist-turned-politician has done this cycle to the press has been a masterclass in how to make these drooling vegetables look a tad bit more incompetent than Joe Biden or John Fetterman. How she does this so effortlessly will be studied for years.

First off, she absolutely drilled Dick Cheney’s daughter about her donation to Lake’s hapless opponent Kari Lake Has the Perfect Response to Liz Cheney’s Ad Buy Against Her and destroyed the press about the non-Watergate-style break-in at her opponents’ campaign office Kari Lake Fires Back Against Hobbs’s ‘Defamatory’ Statement on Burglary as Non-Politically Motivated Suspect Is Arrested.

From the article directly above…

There is zero evidence that the suspect had political motivations given his past history with mental health issues. In August 2021, there was a civil probate mental health lawsuit filed in Maricopa County regarding him, and the case status is disposed of, according to UniCourt.

RedState reported on Wednesday that Hobbs’ office in downtown Phoenix was burglarized, and embedded a tweet to Hobbs’s statement, but did not directly include it in the story; we did write that “there are no details about whether or not the burglary was politically motivated.”

In Lake’s press conference on Thursday, she said that the media overplayed Hobbs’ angle that Lake and her supporters somehow incited the incident. On two posterboards, Lake showed news clips, tweets, as well as comments from the Arizona Democratic Party that she believed leaned too heavily into Hobbs’ statement.

“You all spread a defamatory statement yesterday, in an effort to influence the election,” Lake said.

“You couldn’t get the facts out, and you were willing to put out defamatory statements about me, my supporters, and my team. That’s my problem,” the Republican said to the press.

If you’re a progressive Democrat, these examples of Republican women absolutely tearing up the rule book of how things have been done in the past and blazing their own trail–and fighting back with facts and charm–has to terrify you. What happens when the political landscape is filled with women who not only have the right to vote, but are also popular enough to get elected, and who don’t believe uniformly that Planned Parenthood is not the arbiter of virtue on women’s health?

Did you feel that cold shiver up your spine? I didn’t, because I’m not a mindless leftist hack.

I’m not sure what we’ll keep the progressive whiners up more at night, Elon buying Twitter or these three women and another wave of them coming in two, four, six, or eight years getting elected.

Actually, I don’t really care which one gives them more heartburn. I’m just thrilled that the 19th Amendment passed, and that these ladies are racking up political points by destroying the press and the failed ideologue that they are fighting so effectively against.