Monday, October 10, 2022

Politico Obtains Military Records of GOP Candidate Jennifer Ruth-Green, Releases Story of Her Sexual Assault

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

In what may be the most egregious example of gutter politics of the 2022 cycle, Politico obtained and wrote a story on the stolen military records of GOP House Candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green, who is facing off against Democrat incumbent Frank Mrvan in Indiana.

But while the hacks at Politico were obviously looking for dirt, what they instead found was an instance of Green being sexually assaulted by an Iraqi soldier while she was serving a tour in the Middle-Eastern nation. Yet, instead of hitting pause, recognizing the sensitive nature of such personal information and the harm releasing it could cause, Politico published it anyway.

Green’s opponent must be incredibly desperate to pull a stunt like this. It’s bad enough to steal her military records (there is no legal way they could have been obtained given Green did not consent to their release), but to then treat an instance of sexual assault as if it’s just campaign fodder is disgusting.

According to Green, she actually asked Politico not to print the story, but the reporter refused to heed her pleas. Ask yourself what possible justification could exist to print a woman’s experience with sexual assault, garnered via allegedly stolen documents, without her consent. Was Politico thinking that would somehow make Green look bad? Or were they just desperate to salvage a dud of a story after it became clear the records didn’t show anything but Green being an honorable member of the Air Force?

Whatever the reason, it’s inexcusable, and it’s a damning indictment of the mainstream press, which will apparently do anything to try to prop up Democrats during an election.

Green responded to the situation with a video and by putting out a statement. Here’s what she had to say.

“I’m a survivor of sexual trauma in the military. I am being forced to share this information outside of my own timeline and for the first time publicly because my Congressman, Frank Mrvan, and his cronies illegally obtained my military records describing my sexual assault. His team fished the details of my assault to different news outlets, asking them to share misinformation to portray me as a failed military officer who lacks integrity. This is false.

I believe after sharing my assault against the advice of some in my command, my career was intentionally derailed. The paperwork Congressman Mrvan illegally obtained contains information that reflects me in a negative light. I have since appealed the incident with the military, and the entire issue is settled. Clearly, I have progressed as a military member, promoting to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, and successfully completing a command tour.

I have written to the U.S. Attorney, the Air Force Inspector General, and the Department of Defense asking them to launch criminal probes into the release of my confidential personnel file.

I am saddened to have to share publicly one of the most private events of my life, and I’m even more saddened that Congressman Mrvan, who I applauded for authoring the Military Sexual Trauma bill, would engage in or tolerate this despicable behavior from his campaign and his allies. It’s unacceptable for every vet, it’s unacceptable for every woman, and it’s unacceptable for anyone who has ever been a victim of sexual assault.

However, God, my family, my Pastor and his wife, and the mental health providers at the Adam Benjamin VA have been instrumental in helping me thrive after this great difficulty.

As a servant and as a leader, I take my words and my responsibilities seriously. I will continue to serve people with integrity, and I am undeterred by Congressman Mrvan’s attacks. As I have always, I will move forward and succeed despite obstacles such as this thrown in my path.”

One of the things that has Green so incensed is that Politico boiled the story down to a dry account that absconds from the horrifying details. For example, Green wasn’t just randomly grabbed. She was grabbed by an Iraqi man with a gun, trapped in an enclosed area she couldn’t escape, who then exposed himself and tried to force her into sexual acts. Instead of her story being fully told, Politico chose to use a general account as political fodder to help a Democrat out, though it will certainly backfire.

I can only imagine the emotions that Green must be feeling after being forced to relieve her sexual assault because some leftwing rag, sourced by a scumbag Democrat, has no standards. If the shoe were on the other foot, there’s a zero percent chance Politico publishes the story. But because Green is a Republican, there are no boundaries.