Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Member of EU Parliament Questions Pfizer About Vax, the Answer Destroys Idea of COVID Passport

A member of the EU Parliament from the Netherlands, Dutch PM Rob Roos questioned the leading representative from Pfizer during an EU hearing.  Mr. Roos asked Pfizer if the mRNA vaccine was ever tested to see if it blocked transmission of the virus.  Ms J Small responded to the question by saying no, the vaccine was never tested to see if it blocked transmission. {Direct Rumble Link}

The question is important because it cuts to the heart of the issue surrounding the vaccine passport and various rules and regulations that were implemented against unvaccinated people.  Pfizer admitted the vaccine was never tested to block transmission, ergo the premise of the vaccine passport was built on a lie.  Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people could carry and shed the SARS-CoV-2 virus regardless of vaccinated status.   WATCH:

People need to pay for this.  Somewhere, somehow, eventually the politicians need to be held to account for the ridiculous dual class system they manufactured under the guise of nonexistent science.   It was all a lie.