Friday, September 30, 2022

Where’s Bruce Willis when you need him?

“Watch Me.” – Joe Biden on “60 Minutes” 9/18/22 

Maybe the White House should fire the incompetent press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and replace her with Bruce Willis.

I mean, if anybody would know how to explain why Grandpa Biden thought a woman who died nearly two months ago should have been at a White House function yesterday, it would be Bruce Willis.

At least Bruce Willis has experience dealing with those who see dead people.

Only, instead of “The Sixth Sense,” Bruce’s new assignment would be “The Forty-Sixth Sense.”

I know this is an exercise in futility, but imagine Donald Trump forgetting that a member of Congress was killed in a car accident two months earlier.

Holy smokes, the calls for invoking the 25th Amendment would be coming from every quarter.

But Joe Biden hunts the audience for a woman who was killed weeks before, and the same people who would have demanded Trump be ousted are making excuses for the senile old crock.

When the clip went viral (currently there are over 4 million views), some knob-heads rushed to protect Peepaw.

“There are 435 members of the House. Biden can’t be expected to remember all of them!!!!”

On August 3, the day Jackie Walorski and three others were killed in that car accident, the White House released a statement from the President that began:

“Jill and I are shocked and saddened by the death of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski of Indiana.”

So shocked and saddened by her death that Joe completely forgot about her death.

Speaking of knob-heads, after Biden noted that Jackie was skipping yesterday’s event, those idiots that run the Twitter account “Occupy Democrats,” quickly tweeted:

“Radical Rightwing Republican Jackie Walorski skips White House forum on hunger initiative. She also was unable to be reached for comment about her act of defiance. RT IF YOU ARE TIRED OF THE CONSTANT DISRESPECT OF PRESIDENT BIDEN!!!”

Needless to say, after discovering that she couldn’t be reached for comment BECAUSE SHE IS DEAD, the morons deleted the tweet.

If they wanted her comment, perhaps Occupy Democrats should’ve gotten in touch with Bruce Willis.

Honestly, how do those idiots from Occupy Democrats manage to get through a day without a cartoon anvil dropping on their heads?

But nobody was a bigger idiot than Karine Jean-Pierre.

In a surprising turn of events, the White House reporters actually grilled Jean-Pierre about Biden hunting the crowd for a woman who had been dead for nearly two months. And that in-over-her-head press secretary managed to make the situation a thousand times worse.

Rather than simply admit that the president forgot Jackie Walorski had died and then issue a humble apology, Jean-Pierre made a right mess of things by trying to act as if there is absolutely nothing weird about what Biden did.

Newsbusters’ Curtis Houck chronicled the Q&A from yesterday’s press briefing. And I’ll admit, every clip is agonizing to watch:

Good heavens. Are you cringing? I’m cringing.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the White House announces the imminent departure of Karine Jean-Pierre after this.

Her job is to minimize the destruction caused by Joe Biden’s mashed potato brain, not make it worse.

Say, remember what Joe said last weekend when Scott Pelley of “60 Minutes” asked him what he thinks when people say he’s unfit to serve as president?

“Watch me.”

Whelp, we’re watching, Joe.

And the only pudding here is between your ears.