Wednesday, September 21, 2022

What did Putin say?


  • President Putin has given a rare TV address to the nation

  • He said reservists would now be called up to serve in Ukraine - starting today

  • He accused the West of engaging in nuclear blackmail against Russia

  • Putin said Russia has "lots of weapons to reply" and that he was not bluffing

  • He said again he was defending "our people" in the Donbas  

    This is not a bluff, says Putin  

    After explaining the mobilisation, Putin issued a threat.

    “If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, to defend Russia and our people, we will use all means we have. This is not a bluff.

    "The territorial integrity of our motherland, our independence and freedom will be secured, I repeat, with all the means we have.

    "Those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know that the prevailing winds can turn in their direction.” 

    Russian stock market takes downturn as partial mobilisation is announced  

    President Putin and his Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, in their appearances on Russian TV this morning, were very keen to stress that this mobilisation is strictly partial.

    Only reservists will be called up, Putin said.

    “Under no circumstances“ will students or conscripts be asked to serve, stressed Shoigu. Nonetheless, this announcement will make Russians very nervous.

    The shock news that mobilisation will begin immediately, today, means that many Russians, especially young professionals, will be considering leaving the country as soon as possible.

    The Russian stock market took a sharp downturn at the news, and there are reports of increases in sales of plane tickets in order to leave the country.