Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Team Walk Back strikes again

You can understand why the people in charge of the presidency do their best to limit Joe Biden’s interviews.

Before flying to London for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, Joe Biden recorded a 20-minute interview for 60 Minutes and by the time it aired, the White House had to walk back two statements made by the guy supposedly in charge of the White House.

Old Joe told Scott Pelley that the American military would fight to defend Taiwan should it be invaded by China.

Biden’s declaration was quickly followed by a voice-over from Pelley explaining the White House walk back:

But that wasn’t the only statement they had to walk back.

The guy supposedly in charge also proclaimed the pandemic over.

Then on Monday, the White House explained that the administration’s COVID policy has not changed.

You can understand why the people in charge of the presidency do their best to limit Joe Biden’s interviews. Flooding the country with over 4 million illegal aliens, destroying the economy, and targeting your political opponents for prosecution are time-consuming enough. Nobody wants to expend the time and energy it takes to constantly have to walk back this old fool’s remarks.

Next time, just have whoever runs the presidency sit down for an interview with 60 Minutes.

Old Joe got a bit rattled when Scott Pelley brought up concerns over his mental fitness.

Did Joe forget that he isn’t a candidate anymore? He already is the president.

“Watch me” is something a candidate would say.

We have been watching. For twenty months.

And after 20 months of watching, the majority of Americans have concluded that the guy in the Oval Office doesn’t have the mental fitness to do the job.

He tells Pelley we should look at his schedule. Well, okay, then. Let’s look at his schedule.

By September 2, Biden’s 591st day in office, he spent 214 days hiding away either in Delaware or at Camp David. In other words, 36% of PeePaw’s time in office has been spent ducking the office.

Is it any surprise that the old man who spends 36% of his time skiving off in Delaware or Camp David doesn’t know the official White House position on Taiwan or COVID? Is it any wonder the people running the show have to walk back things this absentee president says when he finally goes on record?

In March, I joked that the busiest office in the White House must be the Office of “What He Meant to Say.”

They’re the clean-up crew. The crew that’s responsible for walking back every statement from the foolish old man who is the only person on the Planet who still believes he’s in charge.

This is why I often get a chuckle when I read headlines from right-leaning blogs like, “Biden picks defund the police radical for DOJ” or “Biden targets parents protesting school boards” or “Biden colluded with social media giants.”

Who are they kidding?

Biden isn’t in charge. He isn’t the guy who did any of that.

The only thing this broken-down old crock is responsible for is sitting at a table and signing whatever the people in charge put in front of him while news cameras film him doing it.

This is precisely why, when he opens his gob and makes a statement, the folks running the White House have to walk back what he said while struggling to explain what he meant to say.

“Watch me,” the old man told Scott Pelley.

Oh, trust us, grandpa. We have been watching.

That’s why you’ve been polling underwater for over a year.