Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Responds to Criticism of His Transfer of Illegal Aliens to Massachusetts

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has come under fire for his transfer of illegal aliens from Texas to Massachusetts, Martha’s Vineyard.   The Lawfare operatives within the leftist open-border community appear to be targeting DeSantis over technical elements in the Florida law he used to transfer 50 alien arrivals.

The legal maneuver being deployed to target the Florida governor, seems centered around his authority being limited to the movement of aliens who traveled to, or were residing in, Florida at the time of their transfer – as constructed in the Florida law used to authorize the use of taxpayer funding for his action. {LINK} As the argument is made, if the aliens were never actually in Florida, their legal transport would not be covered by the FL legislative authority that provided for their removal.

Today, during a press conference to announce state sales tax relief, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis fired back at those who are targeting him.  WATCH: 

When it come s down to it, the transport of the alien arrivals to Martha’s Vineyard was a great way to bring attention to the national border crisis. That's really what The Left is angry about.