Sunday, August 14, 2022

WaPo Has Trump Now: The Walls Are Closing In!

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

We’ve seen a lot of desperate attempts from folks on the left to bag President Donald Trump. At this point, it’s become sort of ridiculous, and anyone following along knows that anytime they come up with anything crazy, you should wait a couple of days until the true story comes out and blows out yet another claim.

They have shifted into overdrive of late with the FBI raid and the Jan. 6 efforts.

It’s driving the left into paroxysms of nuttiness — with folks like the former CIA Director Michael Hayden implying that Trump should be executed and soap actress Nancy Lee Grahn suggesting Ivana Trump should be dug up because Trump might have somehow buried documents in her coffin.

But hold on, because the Washington Post has the story of all stories — this is sure to get him now. How desperate are they now? This surely shows how over the edge they are going.

According to the Washington Post, Trump held an event at the Lincoln Memorial in 2020 and they allege it left scratches on the floor. Seriously. That’s their big story now in 2022 — an event that might have scratched the floor and gone against norms/regulations.

First, so suddenly people on the left care about Lincoln, memorials, or statues again? When did that happen? Did these same people give a good gosh darn when all through 2020, BLM/Antifa folks were ripping down statues of Lincoln, George Washington, and any number of other historical figures? We all know the answer to that. Suddenly they care about scratches on the floor from 2020? The left caused millions, if not billions in damage all across the country with the things they ripped down, burnt up, or vandalized. Remember, when the left was burning things outside the White House, including even setting historic St. John’s Church on fire? The Secret Service rushed Trump into the bunker because they were that concerned. The reaction of the media was not to say how that was “upsetting norms” but to mock Trump for “hiding” in a bunker. Many members of law enforcement were injured. But no one called it an insurrection and that was forgotten as inconvenient by the left almost immediately — except to mock Trump.

After the attack in Chicago that injured dozens of officers, Mayor Lori Lightfoot ripped the Columbus statue down to bend over to the radical mob.

That’s only a small sample of hundreds of incidents.

Let’s also note that this Lincoln Memorial “event” with Trump was to address the COVID pandemic — it wasn’t just a random thing. He was trying to calm people and note the concerns from all sides, from that point of the solidity of the Memorial. You know, the same guy who the left claims ignored everything about the pandemic. But now they attack it.

Of course, there was a Biden event during his inaugural, which appears to be in the same general area. Where is the objection to this?

Frankly, I wouldn’t believe this whole WaPo story for a second, to begin with. But if it were true, what is the point of this story two years later except to show how desperate and petty people on the left are? Trump accidentally scratched the floor and Biden has impoverished millions with his deliberate policies. The BLM/Antifa riots killed people and destroyed memorials. It’s an odd story you guys are asking us to care about at this point. Once again, it’s just very transparent, biased, and silly.