Monday, August 15, 2022

Using Familiar Leaks, the New York Times Frames the Case Against President Trump 4.0

State Dept use CNN.  CIA/IC use Washington Post. DOJ/FBI use New York Times/Politico. These are the constants in an ever evolving, ever changing, yet always consistent narrative engineering roadmap.

The New York Times frames the newest version of the ‘case against Trump.’  This is technically update 4.0, from the original 2015/2016 targeting effort.  Version 2.0 was Robert Mueller. Version 3.0 was the impeachment revision built upon 1.0 and 2.0.

In the latest update, 4.0 carries the same intent but a modified and expanded design.

New York Times – […] Last year, officials with the National Archives discovered that Mr. Trump had taken a slew of documents and other government material with him when he left the White House at the end of his tumultuous term in January 2021. That material was supposed to have been sent to the archives under the terms of the Presidential Records Act.

Mr. Trump returned 15 boxes of material in January of this year. When archivists examined the material, they found many pages of documents with classified markings and referred the matter to the Justice Department, which began an investigation and convened a grand jury.

In the spring, the department issued a subpoena to Mr. Trump seeking additional documents that it believed may have been in his possession. 

[…]  In an effort to resolve the dispute, Mr. Bratt and other officials visited Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., in early June, briefly meeting Mr. Trump while they were there. Two of Mr. Trump’s lawyers, M. Evan Corcoran and Christina Bobb, spoke with Mr. Bratt and a small number of investigators he traveled with, people briefed on the meeting said.


Mr. Corcoran and Ms. Bobb showed Mr. Bratt and his team boxes holding material Mr. Trump had taken from the White House that were being kept in a storage area, the people said.

According to two people briefed on the visit, Mr. Bratt and his team left with additional material marked classified, and around that time also obtained the written declaration from a Trump lawyer attesting that all the material marked classified in the boxes had been turned over.

A short time after the meeting, according to people briefed on it, Mr. Bratt sent Mr. Corcoran an email telling him to get a more secure padlock for the room. Mr. Trump’s team complied.

The Justice Department also subpoenaed surveillance footage from Mar-a-Lago recorded over a 60-day period, including views from outside the storage room. According to a person briefed on the matter, the footage showed that, after one instance in which Justice Department officials were in contact with Mr. Trump’s team, boxes were moved in and out of the room.  (read more)

That’s essentially the nub of the current DOJ/FBI effort to target/remove President Trump.

According to the narrative, President Trump isn’t allowed to have any records of his administration.  So goes the origin of the targeting.  All other presidents are permitted to have documents, but not Trump.   Trump bad. All others, good.

…”the footage showed that, after one instance in which Justice Department officials were in contact with Mr. Trump’s team, boxes were moved in and out of the room.” Yeah, well, kind of hard to respond to whatever they wanted, without actually touching or moving the boxes; but ignore that… we need to make it suspicious or something.

NBC Legal Analyst Barb McQuade showcases the current DOJ plan as outlined by the Lawfare crew. [link]

To anyone concerned, I would simply say ‘relax‘.  Be angry, but not despondent.

The effort is as much intended to wear YOUR psyche down as it is to attack Trump.  Remember the Alinsky strategy: Ridicule, Isolate, Marginalize… This is the essential goal of political lawfare.

Yes, political lawfare is corrupt, horrible and infuriating.   However, at the end of the day it is based on weak arguments and fear.

The problem they face against Trump is simple.  In 2020 President Trump earned 75 million votes in the election.  75 million.  How can they duplicate the election fraud to defeat 75 million voters, without the benefit of covid mail-in ballots?

That’s their problem.  They cannot defeat him or us.

They must remove President Trump because he/we represent an existential threat.

They will fail…

….There are more of us, than them.