Friday, August 12, 2022

Joe takes a vacation from taking vacations at his vacation home

Tired of Rehoboth Beach, old Joe heads to 
an island off the coast of South Carolina.

This past weekend, Joe Biden celebrated his reemergence from COVID isolation by traveling to his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

It was his 48th visit to Delaware since becoming president and his ninth trip to his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach.

But I guess when you spend so much time at your vacation home, it stops feeling like a vacation home and starts feeling more like a run-of-the-mill home-home.

So to recapture that feeling that he’s on vacation, old Joe decided to take a vacation from taking vacations at his vacation home.

Yesterday, just two days after returning to the White House, Joe, along with First Lady Jill and his crack-addict son Hunter, boarded Air Force One to take a weeklong vacation on a posh island off the coast of South Carolina.

It will never cease to amaze me that a White House so obsessed with optics can be so bad at optics.

Americans altered or canceled vacation plans this summer rather than spend money they couldn’t afford thanks to Biden’s shitty economy.

And the guy who delivered this shitty economy isn’t content with rubbing our faces in it by spending weekends at his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach. Nope. Now he has to fly on Air Force One down to South Carolina to spend the next week frolicking on a cozy little island.

Isn’t the point of having a vacation home to spare yourself the trouble and expense of finding somewhere to take a vacation?

This man hasn’t put in a full week on the job since God knows when.

Come to think of it, I don’t know if Joe has ever put in a single full week on the job since he meandered into the White House on January 20, 2021.

If he isn’t flying off to Delaware, old Joe is making tracks for the presidential retreat at Camp David.

According to former CBS reporter Mark Knoller, who tracks Biden’s frequent trips out of town, by the beginning of July, Joe had taken 18 trips to Camp David for a total of 61 days. That’s in less than 18 friggin’ months.

During his four years in office, Trump visited Camp David 7 times for a total of 17 days. Obama only went there 13 times in 8 years, for a total of 30 days. But somehow Joe managed 61 days in less than a year and a half on the job.

How much vacation does this man need?

I know. Stupid question.

Joe is 79 years old and losing what’s left of his marbles. The guy can barely make it through a single day without coming apart at the seams.

Forget the bad optics of having the author of our economic destruction jetting off for a vacation while the rest of us suffer. Shouldn’t a White House obsessed with optics be concerned that Joe’s overly-frequent weekend getaways may only reaffirm our belief that the old codger isn’t up to the rigors of the office?

And don’t give me that, “The president is on the job 24/7 no matter where he is” song and dance.

Joe Biden has never been on the job 24/7 even when he does manage to stay in the White House for seven consecutive days.

He isn’t even on the job when he’s on the job.

Look, the dude is a broken-down old crock who never should’ve run for president in the first place. He should’ve retired in 2017. Then he could’ve spent the remainder of his days at whatever vacation home he likes.

But he didn’t.

Instead, the old fart decided to run for President of the United States.

The least he could do is stop acting like a retiree living a life of leisure and start pretending to do his job.