Thursday, August 11, 2022

FBI Director Chris Wray Claims Victim Status, Any Agency Targeting is “Deplorable and Dangerous”

FBI Director Christopher Wray gave remarks in Omaha, Nebraska today. He was questioned about reaction to the FBI raid on President Trump’s home and noted threats circulating online against federal agents and the Justice Department are “deplorable and dangerous.” “I’m always concerned about threats to law enforcement,” Wray said. “Violence against law enforcement is not the answer, no matter who you’re upset with.”

Director Wray also noted that FBI agents should be “valued and cherished” for their willingness to “put their lives on the line” to protect the institutions of government. On other matters, Director Wray declined to answer questions about the nine-hour search conducted Monday by FBI agents of Trump’s Palm Beach, Florida home. Instead deflecting any questioning to the U.S. Department of Justice. WATCH (2 mins):

This is the same agency that refused to prosecute any FBI agents involved in the cover-up operation to protect rapes of U.S. female gymnasts, and the same FBI agency who conducted a four-year corrupt investigation of false Trump-Russia accusations manufactured by Democrat political operatives.

The collapse of institutional credibility has nothing to do with deplorable Americans and everything to do with their own conduct.  As noted recently by Senator Chuck Grassley:

“If these allegations are true and accurate, the Justice Department and FBI are – and have been – institutionally corrupted to their very core to the point in which the United States Congress and the American people will have no confidence in the equal application of the law. Attorney General Garland and Director Wray, simply put, based on the allegations that I’ve received from numerous whistleblowers, you have systemic and existential problems within your agencies.” (LINK)