Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Democrats only do what benefits them

The Democrats must believe the benefits of the FBI raiding Trump’s home must far outweigh the damage it will cause.

I admit I didn’t know what to think when I saw the news that the FBI served a search warrant at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, mostly because I know that Democrats are willing to go to any extreme so long as it benefits them politically.

These are the same people who are spending tens of millions of dollars to interfere with the Republican primaries in the hope of securing Republican candidates that the Democrats can more easily defeat in November.

Nothing is off the table so long as it benefits the Democrat Party.

Knowing that’s the case, I asked myself what possible benefits could the Democrats gain from such an unprecedented and highly political action like sending the FBI into Mar-a-Lago.

As far as I can see, there are a few.

First, is it possible the Democrats hope that going to such an extreme might force Trump to prematurely announce his 2024 campaign?

We all know Trump tends to react rather than act. Admit it. You know he does.

Are Democrats hoping that Trump will be driven into such a rage over the FBI searching his home that he decides to react with a little “well oh yeah?!” by officially announcing he is running again?

I think that might be a good possibility.

Let’s be frank. Trump making his candidacy official before November would suck all the oxygen out of the room, hamstring the Republican Party’s midterm momentum, and turn the focus of the November election away from the Democrat Party’s failures and onto Donald Trump.

And that benefits the Democrats in the midterms.

This idiotic raid is also going to fire up the Democrat base.

Democrat voter enthusiasm for the midterm elections is nowhere near as vibrant as it is among Republicans. The Democrat Party had hoped the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade would be enough to fire up its base. But polling reveals that the Roe decision alone isn’t doing nearly enough, mostly because the Roe decision is also firing up Republican voters.

But staging an evening FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago is bound to get the anti-Trump ResistanceLOL in the Democrat base so fired up that they’re at risk of self-immolating. Those guys have been fantasizing about this for nearly six years. Trust me. They’re near orgasmic right about now.

A fired-up base benefits the Democrats.

It also doesn’t hurt that the media will now turn all their time and attention to Donald Trump while ignoring the fact that Congress is adding more spending and taxes on a citizenry already being crushed by the Biden economy.

The economic news coupled with a deeply unpopular Joe Biden is killing the Democrats. So getting the media to focus on Trump benefits them.

What remains to be seen, however, is if the Democrat Party can manage to avoid pushing too hard and too far.

But that ship may have already sailed. Let’s be honest, executing a search of Trump’s home is, in itself, pushing too hard and too far.

It certainly doesn’t help matters that the DOJ and FBI are already plagued by accusations of political partisanship.

Between the RussiaGate “investigation,” the prosecutorial overreach against January 6 detainees, and the so-called “Whitmer kidnapping” plot, not to mention targeting parents protesting school boards as “domestic terrorists” while doing nothing to stop pro-abortion crazies from targeting Supreme Court Justices’ homes, these guys don’t have a whole hell of a lot of credibility left.

At this point, it is impossible not to see what happened yesterday as politically-motivated persecution.

Given that, the Democrats must believe the benefits of such a politically-motivated move far outweigh the damage it is bound to cause.

So what do we do with it all?

Well, the key here is not to fall into the trap. Because trust me on this, it is a trap.

Hopefully, Donald Trump can resist his need to always react when goaded. Heaven forbid he hand the Democrats exactly what they want by walking directly into their trap.

And I admit, much of the nervousness I’m feeling right now stems from my suspicion that Trump is incapable of resisting.

Democrats only do what benefits them