Thursday, August 11, 2022

And we Know, On the Fringe, and more- August 11


Before I get to tonight's news, I want to make 1 thing very clear:

This awesome gal may be 77, but she still looks pretty, and she can still kick major ass.

And that beyond pathetic stunt CBS did today by releasing the most awful looking 'PROMOTIONAL PICTURES' I have ever witnessed in my life of 7 of the 8 cast members (yeah, just take 1 guess at who they left out 🙄), shows how pathetic they are. They're trying to make good actors in their 40's, 50's, possibly 60's look like cropped up mug shots to try to appeal to a younger crowd, and it is a beyond terrible stunt.

I will now show the abominations, hopefully no one is eating when you gaze upon these dreadful images:

Awful, isn't it? Looks more like recycled images, mug shots that have been terribly photoshopped. CBS should be horrifically ashamed of themselves for this. (and do these morons not see the utter hypocrisy of having an old man invade her precious office???)

Actors in their 60's, 70's, even 80's, ARE, NOT, UGLY!! Many of them are still good looking and can still act very good!! And that, is, the, TRUTH!!! 💪💪💪

Fuck CBS. Linda and Hetty deserve all the fucking respect in the world, not pushed aside because she's 'not youthful enough for the YOUNGER crowd'!!! After all, I'm young, and I think she's incredible looking! Any one here agree? Then say it loud and proud!

Now, on to tonight's news (oh, and the current episode that is being filmed right now will air as the premiere, which is the 3rd episode that is now being filmed. Because nothing is ever straight forward for these bastards, and I hate it so much.):