Friday, July 8, 2022

Wonderful GAC Family news from Jen Lilley and Bill Abbott



The CEO of GAC Family, Bill Abbott, revealed with Jen Lilley in a new Instagram story - GAC Family will be airing NEW Movies (with the exception of Labor Day weekend) EVERY Saturday night starting August 20th until the end of the year!!! Isn't that great news? We knew they were bringing back new movies on that date, but we had no idea they would keep rolling out new movies every Saturday night. This is very exciting!!!

Also, Bill shared some wonderful news with Jen Lilley regarding GAC Family's Christmas movies! They are currently planning 16-18 NEW Christmas Movie Premieres for the 2022 Great American Christmas Season!!! He also said they are planning movies with a faith element that celebrates the true meaning! Yes!!!! I'm truly ecstatic! I couldn't wait to share this fantastic news with all of you! Stay tuned - as I'll be sharing even more details as soon as GAC Family shares it!


My take: 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 I absolutely love this!! I'll also be very happy to promote the movies on here and in the comment threads when I see the network's Tweets. :)