Saturday, July 9, 2022

Our 'Catholic' President's Abortion Obsession


Article by  Larry O'Connor in Townhall

Our 'Catholic' President's Abortion Obsession

President Joe Biden is expected to take action ensuring federally funded abortion for government employees, including tax-payer-funded leave to "cover absences for reproductive health care." 

The order appears to be a direct response to demands from leading Democrats in the House, Senate and Hollywood for Biden to go on offense and do whatever he can to keep the abortion industry chugging along.

Imagine if Biden had the same rapid-response operation mobilized to protect the free flow of oil and gas in this country. 

There's been no sense of urgency from the somnambulant one as Americans face historically astronomical gas prices. Indeed, the oil and gas crisis we face is a direct result of his ham-handed actions choking off the energy industry on day one. 

But, damn it, he'll keep those abortions flowing. 

Where was this executive mobilization with the supply chain crisis? 

When American mothers were trying to feed their infants (you know, the ones who survived the Democrats' policy of prenatal dismemberment known as "reproductive health services"), they found empty shelves and sky-rocketing prices for the few formula canisters that remained. 

Hollywood luminaries like Bette Midler directed desperate mothers to simply breastfeed their 6-month-old babies who had never nursed and then swiftly returned to Twitter to call pro-life conservatives uncaring monsters for wanting babies to survive nine months in their mother's womb.

Meanwhile, President Afterthought first denied there was a problem, then claimed the problem was temporary, then acted as though he had mobilized to fix the problem on day one, then imported formula from Europe that his own FDA had blocked from being imported in the first place. 

But he's sure jumping through hoops to get those government employees their abortions so they can get back to their much more fulfilling lives as a federal bureaucrat. 

One could continue this exercise for several pages. Our nation faces a crisis (often of the president's making), he and his administration deny there's a crisis, ultimately some ineffective half-measure is put in place, and Team Biden (meaning CNN) claims victory. 

But when the question of abortion is merely returned to the states for the people to decide, Biden springs into action like FDR after December 7th.

His obsession with abortion is even more troubling when this president spends an inordinate amount of time proclaiming his devotion to his Catholic faith. 

That's right, our great theologian-in-chief keeps assuring us that the Catholic Church has never really defined when life begins (she has), nor has the Church been consistent over the centuries on the abortion question (she absolutely has been). 

President Aquinas would have you believe that he and he alone has a better understanding of Natural Law doctrine and the disposition of a pre-born infant's soul than the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.  

He's wrong… damnably wrong. 

But this latest episode does teach an important lesson about Biden's priorities: 

When it comes to abortion, the Scriptures, the Sacred Tradition of the Church, the Pope, the College of Cardinals, the magisterium and thousands of years of religious precedent don't carry the same kind of influence and authority as do AOC, Rashida Tlaib and former sitcom star Debra Messing. 

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