Monday, July 11, 2022

Michael Moore Writes Totalitarian '28th Amendment' That Would Take Away Americans' Gun Rights

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

Welp, it’s been a minute since we’ve heard from this guy. And by this guy, I mean the self-aggrandizing, irrelevant independent filmmaker and attention w***e extraordinaire, Michael Moore, who for some delusional reason continues to believe he’s a super-respected, far-left influencer. Hell, maybe he is.

Either way, Moore’s back with another radical leftist idea — one of his “best” efforts in a while.

As the left continues its meltdown in the aftermath of several mass shootings and a couple of Second Amendment rights decisions by the Supreme Court, Moore has taken it upon himself to write his version of a 28th Amendment — there are currently 27 amendments to the U.S. Constitution — which if passed by Congress would do away with the Second Amendment and the rights it preserves and instead, put in place massive federal confiscation of legally-purchased firearms owned by law-abiding gun owners.

Nope, nothing totalitarian police state about any of this, at all.

Moore’s proposed 28th Amendment, which he laughably signed, “The above constitutional amendment was written by Michael Moore of Michigan and presented to the 117th United States Congress on July 11, 2022,” reads like something out of Vladimir Putin’s Russia (or that “WW II guy” Democrats love to equate with Donald Trump), from beginning to end. Let’s check out a few excerpts:


The inalienable right of a free people to be kept safe from gun violence and the fear thereof must not be infringed and shall be protected by the Congress and the States. This Amendment thus repeals and replaces the Second Amendment.

Congress shall create a mandatory system of firearm registration and licensing for the following limited purposes: (a) licensed hunters of game; (b) licensed ranges for the sport of target shooting; and (c) for the few who can demonstrate a special need for personal protection.

All who seek a firearm will undergo a strict vetting process with a thorough background check, including the written and confidential approval of family members, spouses and ex-spouses and/or partners and ex-partners, co-workers and neighbors. A mental health check will also be required. There will be a waiting period of one month to complete the full background check.

Those who meet all the requirements for the restricted gun owners groups and successfully pass the background check must take a firearms safety class and pass a written test on an annual basis.

Coupla questions, Mikey. (Most Mikes and Michaels loathe “Mikey.” Long story, but trust me, here.)

“The right of people to be kept safe from gun violence.” By whom? With self-defense all but made unconstitutional by your silly amendment proposal, you’re suggesting that more than 300 million Americans should rely only on police officers — the very people your equally silly comrades want to “defund”?

And hunters and recreational firearms enthusiasts must receive approval from not only family members and ex-family members, but from co-workers and neighbors, as well? Dude, have you even read the U.S. Constitution and/or any of its amendments? I highly doubt it.

Ah, but there’s more. A few “highlights”:

Congress will stipulate and continually update the limited list of approved firearms for civilian use, including weapons in the future that are not yet invented. The following firearms are heretofore banned:

• All automatic and semi-automatic weapons and all devices which can enable a single-shot gun to fire automatically or semi-automatically;

• Any weapon that can hold more than six bullets or rounds at a time or any magazine that holds more than six bullets;

• All guns made of plastic or any homemade equipment and machinery or a 3D printer that can make a gun or weapon that can take a human life.

Congress shall regulate all ammunition, capacity of ammunition, the storage of guns, gun locks, gun sights, body armor and the sale and distribution of such items. No weapons of any kind whose sole intention is the premeditated elimination of human life are considered legal. Congress may create future restrictions as this amendment specifically does not grant any American the “right” to own any weapon.

Maybe it’s just me, but I love it when the gun-grabbers refer to ammunition as “bullets.” “Rounds” or “shells” is fine, but “bullets” always sound a bit too Barney Fife in my mind.

Anyway, Moore’s clairvoyance as to “any kind (of weapon) whose [sic] sole intention is the premeditated (wait — now guns can think?) elimination of human life are considered illegal,” is ominously hilarious, as is this line: “Congress may create future restrictions as this amendment specifically does not grant any American the ‘right’ to own any weapon.”

Nebulous as hell, right? Of course, it is — on purpose — because it would give the federal government the legal right to change the rules on the fly.

Finally, Section 8:

Persons already owning any of the above banned firearms, and who do not fall into the legal groups of restricted firearms owners, will have one month from the ratification of this Amendment to turn in their firearms for destruction by local law enforcement. These local authorities may organize a gun buy-back program to assist in this effort.

Good luck with that, Michael.

While it’s virtually impossible to determine the number of legally-owned guns in America, according to American Gun Facts, earlier this year, more than 81 million private American citizens legally own in excess of 393 million firearms.

Moreover, estimates of legally-owned AR-15-type rifles (AKA: “assault rifles,” “weapons of war,” “really scary-looking guns only owned by white supremacists and other lunatics,” etc.) range from a low of 5 million to well beyond 20 million.

Yep, Michael, good luck with that.