Sunday, July 10, 2022

Kamala Harris Talks Herself in Circles on Abortion While Playing Human Shield for Joe Biden Again

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

With the left desperate for any kind of win, specifically regarding abortion after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the White House moved Friday to take executive action on the issue. What that action actually entails is murky at best, and given they aren’t blasting out the details, it’s safe to say it’ll be underwhelming to the psychos hoping to see government-funded abortion clinics set up on federal land.

But perhaps the biggest sign that the administration is simply flailing comes via the fact that they are pushing Vice President Kamala Harris to the forefront again. I’ll explain what I mean by that in a moment, but first, here’s a sample of her incredible oratory skills.

HARRIS: I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believed, that certain issues are just settled. I do believe that we are living, sadly, in real unsettled times.

Harris tossing word salads has become a staple of her public speaking, and these latest clips provide no exceptions. The repetition of words and the slow, halting way in which she talks show all the telltale signs of a person who has no idea about what they are talking about. It’s a perpetual “dog ate my homework” act from a vice president who clearly takes no time at all to prepare for her interviews and speeches.

I’d blame her advisors, but I’m sure they have tried to coach Harris out of these habits at this point. Instead, it seems as if the vice president just truly believes she’s the smartest person in the room, and boy, is she not. Harris comes across as a human meat puppet. She says things but somehow manages to say nothing at all, and I’m constantly left asking how someone who is so bad at this managed to get so far. Intersectionality offers a heck of a boost, I guess.

But moving past vice president’s own inability to sound sentient is the reality that President Joe Biden purposely hands her issues he knows the White House is going to lose on. The vice president was made the “border czar” early in the current administration. That’s been a complete failure, with record illegal immigrant crossings becoming a constant theme, never mind the humanitarian disaster taking place. Harris was also given the task of promoting “voting rights,” something else that has fallen flat at the federal level.

Biden sees the vice president as a political human shield of sorts. If he can’t deliver for his leftwing base, he throws Harris out there to be the face of the failure in hopes they are too scared of being called a racist to attack her. It’s pathetic but expected from a man who has never taken responsibility for anything in his life.

Still, Harris is uniquely incapable of being the deflector shield Biden wants and needs because, again, she’s just so bad at this. She’s a terrible speaker, she comes across as blindly inauthentic, and she wouldn’t know how to articulate a policy if her life depended on it. Couple that with the fact that she’s obviously deluded in her own arrogance about her supposed abilities, and you get a perfect storm of cringe.