Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Trump Never Made The United States Energy Independent

 Sunlit7 op

A few weeks ago I was reading an article about all the losses involved in the cancellation of the East Med Pipeline deal. In the article there was a statement the deal was done on a political alignment. I didn't think much of it at first until a week or so later I was reading on Boeing announcing they took a one billion dollar hit on the Trump negotiated deal for new presidential planes. In the article CEO Dave Calhoun of Boeing said:

“Air Force One I’m just going to call a very unique moment, a very unique negotiation, a very unique set of risks that Boeing probably shouldn’t have taken,” Calhoun said on a call with analysts.

That drew me back to the big 3+1, Israel, Cyprus, Greece plus the US pipeline deal. What did the political alignment and the very unique-ness of the Boeing deal all have in common? The great negotiations of none other than Donald Trump. So I am thinking to myself exactly why would it be people would be so willing to take millions to billions in losses in projects negotiated by Donald Trump. The only answer I could conclude would be to build up a certain image of Trump, one which we'd often hear him spout about himself, the great negotiator, the man who could get it done and get it done at the right price saving taxpayers billions in the process. I told myself if that were true than there's probably more out there hidden away as I've so often found the last few months when it comes to Trump. I think I've found one that frankly is quite humiliating if you were once like me and actually fell for that Make America Great Again jargon. It didn't take much to figure out exactly what else it was that he trotted as such a great success and that would be making the country energy independent. The more I keep looking at it the more foolish I feel for falling for it all.

We were never energy independent. Between accelerating the permit process for drilling and moving along the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline those processes took time and didn't amount to the US becoming energy dependent during his tenure. Basically what they did didn't even involved cutting oil supplies from Saudi Arabia either, which you'd think becoming energy independent meant. Nope, none of that happened but what did happen was Trump manipulated the strategic petroleum reserve to keep prices lower while maintaining the same to above imports from Saudi Arabia. Trump, the first president in the reserves entire history, dipped into it seven times. The majority of presidential releases, which are far and few between prior to Trump, were emergency releases due to disruptions cause by catastrophic events like hurricanes or as in one time a shipment was contaminated and needed replaced. But nowhere in the reserves history has there ever been listed what's called mandated or modernization releases, at least not until Trump took office.

Past Sales

FY 2020 Mandated Sales: 9.85 million barrels
FY 2019 SPR Modernization Sale: 4.2 million barrels
FY 2019 Mandated Sales: 10.87 million barrels
FY 2018 SPR Modernization Sale: 4.74 million barrels
FY 2018 Mandated Sales: 14.17 million barrels
FY 2017 Mandated Sales: 10 million barrels
FY 2017 SPR Modernization Sale: 6.28 million barrels
2014 - March: Test Sale - 5 million barrels
2011 June: IEA Coordinated Release - 30,640,000 barrels
2005 September: Hurricane Katrina Sale - 11 million barrels
1996-97 October; January; April: Total non-emergency sales - 28 million barrels
1990/91 September, January: Desert Shield/Storm Sale - 21 million barrels
(4 million in August 1990 test sale; 17 million in January 1991 Presidentially-ordered drawdown)
1985 - November: Test Sale - 1.0 million barrels 

Past Exchanges:
August 2017 - exchanged 5.2 million barrels of oil following Hurricane Harvey, delivered to Gulf Coast refineries as a result of much of the Gulf region's oil refining capabilities being shut down, resulting in fuel shortages.
Sept 2012 - exchanged 1 MMB with Marathon Oil following Hurricane Isaac due to disruptions to the commercial oil production, refining and distribution operations in the Gulf Coast.
Sep/Oct 2008 - two test exchanges were conducted following Hurricanes Gustav and Ike totaling 5,389,000 barrels. Deliveries were made to Marathon, Placid, ConocoPhillips, Citgo and Alon USA.
June 2006 - exchanged 750 thousand barrels of sour crude with ConocoPhillips and Citgo due to the closure for several days of the Calcasieu Ship Channel to maritime traffic. The closure resulted from the release of a mixture of storm water and oil. Action was taken to avert temporary shutdown of both refineries.
January 2006 - exchanged 767 thousand barrels of sour crude with Total Petrochemicals USA due to closure of the Sabine Neches ship channel to deep-draft vessels after a barge accident in the channel. Action was taken to avert temporary shutdown of the refinery.
Sep/Oct 2005- exchanged 9.8 million barrels of sweet and sour crude due to disruptions in Gulf of Mexico production and damage to terminals, pipelines and refineries caused by Hurricane Katrina.
Sep/Nov 2004 - exchanged 5.4 million barrels of sweet crude due to disruptions in the Gulf of Mexico caused by Hurricane Ivan.
Oct 2002 - exchanged 98,000 barrels with Shell Pipeline Co. to secure Capline storage tanks in advance of Hurricane Lili.
Sep/Oct 2000 - exchanged 30 million barrels in response to concern over low distillate levels in Northeast.
July/August 2000 - exchanged 2.8 million barrels of crude oil for 1st-year tank storage and stocks for 2 million barrel Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve.
June 2000 - exchanged 500,000 barrels each with CITGO and Conoco, due to blockage of the ship channel that allowed incoming crude oil shipments to those refineries. Action taken in order to avert temporary shutdown of both refineries.
August 1998 - exchanged 11 million barrels of lower quality Maya crude in SPR with PEMEX for 8.5 million of higher quality crude (more suitable for U.S. refineries)
April/May 1996 - exchanged 900,000 barrels of SPR crude with ARCO to resolve company's pipeline blockage problem.

Here is the link to Saudi Arabia output of oil on a monthly basis. As you can see the output stays at or above the levels normally produced, it never drops until in Sept 2019 when the oil fields were struck by Hauthis rebels who said it was Iran. The output slightly drops and than doesn't drop again until covid struck.

Now ask yourself if we were energy independent and didn't need to import oil from Saudi Arabia just how exactly is it that Saudi Arabia's output stayed the same or slightly higher than it was? I am no economic genius but if you maintain the same or above levels of imports, plus maybe manage to get a couple of fracking operations up and running, throw in some releases from the reserves and end up saturating the market than obviously prices will drop but it won't have a thing to do with Trump's much trotted "I brought our country to be energy independent" and everything to do with Trump and the globalist giving the appearance of being energy independent by manipulating the populace into believing it by saturating the US market.

I've been trying to tell people for months now that in any attempted takeover by the new world order crowd would have to entail playing the good guy bad guy card as to not have everyone flipping out all at once. A takeover would entail drawing out those most opposed to their agenda. The only way you can do that is to put in place a leader those individuals trust, a typical politician isn't going to cut it. You need someone with name recognition, popularity with the added bonus that they could stand in time square and shoot somebody and not lose any supporters. You actually need somebody who people trust enough to allow them to be "Zalenskized", that's my new name for it because there is similar traits involved here as in what's happening in Ukraine. They brought in a popular actor who people trusted, he than gains the trust of all the groups on the right and incorporates them into the police and military. It doesn't matter how you feel about those groups or to what level on the right they were, what matters is they are all literally being slaughtered no matter what degree to the right they were on. You sign up for Truth Social you might as well call an Uber when the times comes and turn yourself in because it will only be a matter of time before they come knocking. David Nunes who sat on the intelligence committee quits to become CEO of Truth Social was all it took for me, I won't be needing the robot from Lost In Space yelling danger, danger Will Robinson to get a clue.

While a lot of people are so busy believing in this mirage they've built into Trump's image he's busy leading you to vote and install the exact people whom they want into place. His recent endeavor to sabotage Dr Oz candidacy by bringing the owners of the J&J vaccine along to rallying for Hageman whose been allied alongside the Cheney family for years. They really think you won't get a clue, that they don't want someone in office running on bringing back medical integrity because they are out to destroy it, they don't want someone who isn't "in" on the know taking Cheney places, everything we are living through the planning started during the Bush years. Marjorie Taylor Green is invested in the vaccines that are injuring and killing thousands of people across the globe while Boebert's out there doing the battle call for the hill to die on because, well, you might not be able to post a comment on a blog without getting censored. That's the last hill I am going to be dying on, try mandating a vaccine for my grand kids and I may seriously consider it. They are literally masterminding the new world order into place behind the mirage they built to keep people distracted.

It's like this. I rented to a guy once who worked downtown at the auditorium. He said it's the damnest thing you'd ever seen when the world wrestling federation came to town. He said the wrestlers would be back stage drinking Pepsi's and playing cards than go out on stage and pretend to hate each other and the crowd just eats that shit up.

That's exactly what's happening. Time to wake up before it's too late.

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