Sunday, June 5, 2022

'Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire Hits the Nail on Liberals' Heads

Article by Kevin Downey, Jr., in PJMedia

'Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities': Voltaire Hits the Nail on Liberals' Heads


The French writer Voltaire lived in the 18th century but his words spell out today’s Democrats’ playbook perfectly. If you can get someone to believe a brutal lie, then you can inspire those people to do horrible things. It’s like Voltaire is running the DNC today. Let’s take a look at three absurd lies spread by elected toilet humans on the left, and the atrocious carnage that has resulted from those lies. Most importantly, we will see who has paid the price for the decimation the Democrats have caused with their fantasy whoppers.

ABSURDITY/ATROCITY # 1: White Supremacy


Leftists have their minions believing the country is crawling with white supremacists. That includes Kyle Rittenhouse, whom Gropey Joe Biden declared a “white supremacist” even though Rittenhouse ventilated three pasty, white Antifa cretins.

Here are MSNBC’s leading homophobic race-baiter, Joy Reid, and Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) talking about our country’s system of “white supremacy.” Here are a few of the absurdities:

  • Bowman whines, “We are not allowed to evolve into the multi-racial democracy that we are” because of “white supremacy.” He is literally a black, democratically-elected politician.
  • If the U.S. had a problem with “white supremacy,” how did a black woman attend Harvard and go on to become a millionaire who is verbally attacking white people?


Despite the excreta flying out of Jamaal Bowman’s mouth, there is little to no organized white supremacy in the U.S. I’ve written about it numerous times. But if Democrats can’t make black people afraid of the big, white boogeyman, those same black folks just might start thinking for themselves, and the Democrats fear a black population they can’t rely on for votes.

ATROCITY: Waukesha

Darrell Brooks never hid the fact that he was a black supremacist. He publicly praised Hitler. He hated white people so much that he ran almost 70 down with his car, killing five elderly people and a young boy.

Brooks hates white people and Jews. Why? Maybe it has something to do with being fed a steady diet of racial absurdities, both from lefty Pravda news sources and our current elected president.

Though actual white supremacy has been relegated to the history books, it used to exist.

REALITY-O-RAMA! Two presidents gave eulogies at the funeral of Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), the former ‘Exalted Cyclops‘ of the KKK. They were Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, both Democrats. Hillary referred to Byrd as her “mentor.” Today’s leftists somehow let this slide. My guess is they don’t really care about REAL white supremacy, just the manufactured type they throw at conservatives on a daily basis.



ABSURDITY/ATROCITY # 2: Trump Supporters are ‘Racists’ and ‘Nazis’


I won’t post the fecal matter but the Washington Post ran an op-ed called “Yes, half of Trump supporters are racist.” If you search the phrase “Trump supporters are Nazis” you’ll see a pile of articles trying to “prove” this codswallop with a Beatlemania type of hysteria not seen since War of the Worlds inspired terrified people to leap off of buildings.

Oh look, here is one now from NBC, one of America’s largest “news” outlets.


Leftists NEED to believe they are better than conservatives and Republicans, hence they regurgitate this mouth dung whenever they see fit. More importantly, they are also desperate to keep black people fearful because a scared population is easy to control.


Whether the progressives truly believe their verbal ambergris or not, lefty news sites are eager to promote phantom Nazis when their masters at the Democrat National Committee (DNC) tell them to do so. What could go wrong?


Despite their name, Antifa, (short for “anti-fascist) is the definition of fascism. The rainbow-haired, non-binary dime museums shut down speeches when big, scary conservatives like Ann Coulter speak, and pummel anyone they don’t like, you know, like actual Nazis did in Germany.



There have been dozens of attacks committed by Antifa against peaceful Republicans, Trump supporters, and Christians. Antifa prags are typically white commie whiners who attack anyone they don’t like, and do so with near impunity. 


Antifa thugs are the Democrats’ brownshirts. They are everything they pretend to loathe. They are “atrocious” in numerous ways. Check out this freakshow,


FACT-O-RAMA! The beast above, real name Ryan Howe, was sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to federal charges of using a facility of interstate and foreign commerce to incite, promote, and encourage a riot. Howe is also one of 12 people suing the city of Rochester, Monroe County police, and New York State police because he/it took anti-riot pepperballs to its “darling” face.

ABSURDITY/ATROCITY # 3: Cops are Hunting Black Men


I just searched “cops are hunting black men” and found two things: liberal, legacy outhouse “news” sites (and billionaire Lebron James), screaming that it’s true—black men are always in season for trigger-happy cops who can’t wait to ventilate a black dude and laugh about it over cigars back at the kkklubhouse.

I also found real news sites like the Daily Wire and the NY Post citing annoying facts and inconvenient truths about how it’s yet another victim-driven, lefty myth. Don’t bother sending those articles to your liberal sister-in-law and her Croc-wearing soy-boifriend, they’ll just call you a bigot and screech until you remove your “Back the Blue” t-shirt.


BLM and their annoying sitzpinklers in Antifa were allowed to turn some of our large cities into post-apocalyptic war zones. Seattle, Atlanta, and New York City allowed anarchists to take over parts of their towns, resulting in what some delusional “progressives” called a “Summer of rape, assault and murder Love.” Then came the really bad news.

RELATED: Put a Fork in Seattle

RELATED: Put a Fork in Portland

RELATED: Put a Fork in New York, Too

Liberal (mostly white) mayors bent their weak, groveling knees to the violent malcontents and happily defunded their police departments. This came at the same time pinko mayors and governors let prisoners out of jail and flushed bail laws, all in the name of “diversity, equity, and inclusiveness,” which guaranteed a nationwide crime wave. Guess who suffered the most from this vulgar attempt to appease Black Lives Matter? Black people.

FACT-O-RAMA! No fewer than 16 cities saw their crime rates explode in 2021, all of them with Democrat mayors.

Democrats seem to be finally getting the message. It’s too bad that thousands of people had to be raped and assaulted first. Well, that didn’t HAVE to happen, Democrats MADE it happen. Now they want to clean up the mess made by their woke nonsense. Even the New York Times can no longer pretend Democrat policies are getting people, most of them black, slaughtered in record numbers.

Long seen as a political wedge for Republicans to use against Democrats, crime is increasingly a subject of concern within the Democratic Party and the big cities that make up much of its political base.

Crime isn’t a “political wedge.” It’s a terrifying reality, created by Democrats, that many Americans live with on a daily basis.

ASIDE-O-RAMA! Democrats created the worst crime wave in decades and now they want to take away our guns.

Here, the last line of this blurb, from the same article, which says it all:

These candidates are casting aside the timidity that characterized Democratic arguments during the 2020 election, when much of the party was focused on root-and-branch reform of the criminal justice system in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder. Even though violent crime had begun rising during the coronavirus pandemic, Democratic leaders shied away from discussing it directly for fear of offending parts of their political base. [Emphasis mine]

Democrat leaders would rather let their black constituents get murdered than say what everyone knows: Democrat policies have allowed criminals, many of them black, to decimate their neighborhoods. They won’t mention the body bags full of black people as it might “offend” black people.

THAT is an atrocity. 


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