Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Supreme Anticipation: Blockbuster SCOTUS Rulings Expected Soon

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

The Supreme Court is wrapping up its term this month, and several immensely consequential decisions will soon be released—some as early as Tuesday.

The atmosphere in Washington DC is tense as security for Justices has been ramped up after a draft opinion of an abortion case—which apparently will overturn Roe v Wade—was leaked last month, and an assassin made an ill-fated attempt on Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s life.

Normally, the justices would gather to read the new opinions in a dramatic and majestic ceremony. Not so in these times. From CNN:

Instead, the courtroom’s majestic chamber is dark —ostensibly due to lingering Covid concerns. The plaza has been completely walled off by security fences, a move prompted by protests that erupted last month after a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked to the media. Meanwhile, a federal grand jury has returned an indictment charging a California man with attempting to murder Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

There are 18 cases left to decide in this term, and more than one has Americans on edge as the decisions could shape the future of our country. Here are the most consequential:

Abortion. This is the most controversial decision, because as mentioned, a leaked draft report seems to indicate that SCOTUS is set to jettison decades of “settled” law by overturning Roe v Wade.

Roe is one of most legally flawed and “activist” decisions to ever come out of the Court, and any rational mind knows that the court simply made up a constitutional right that does not exist. Still, expect protests, foaming-at-the-mouth TV anchors, and general mayhem if and when Roe is overturned. The leaked opinion, evidently penned by Justice Alito, certainly points in the direction of an overturn:

In the draft opinion, Alito said that Roe “must be overruled.” If the five-member majority holds, it will wipe away near 50-year-old precedent and change the landscape of women’s reproductive health going forward.

CNN fails to note that it will also “change the landscape” of unborn babies going forward.

Another huge decision will involve the Second Amendment. At issue is “concealed carry.” Gun rights advocates want clarification on the issue, while gun control proponents are hoping the Supremes will allow states to enact laws forbidding concealed carry.

Religious liberty is also on the docket. Some parents want to use school vouchers to send their children to religious school. “God forbid,” say the leftists who have led the assault on religion for decades. Also at issue is the case of the coach who dared to pray with his players after a football game. He was fired promptly for his sin.

On immigration, the Justices must contend with the “remain in Mexico” policy.

In one key case, the justices are grappling with whether the Biden administration can terminate a Trump-era border policy known as “Remain in Mexico.” Lower courts have so far blocked Biden from ending the policy.

The Supremes will also wade into the climate change wars, deciding whether federal overreach has gone too far. Hint: the EPA has been out of control for years and it’s high time someone reined them in.

The justices unexpectedly also agreed to decide a case concerning the EPA’s authority to regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants, in a dispute that could cripple the Biden administration’s attempts to slash emissions.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if SCOTUS told the EPA to cool their jets and stop over-extending their authority.

There’s a lot to be decided this month, and it’s going to be epic. One thing is for sure, neither side is going to be completely happy.

My prediction is that conservatives will be more pleased than not, and that Chuck Schumer will spend most of June in an apoplectic rage.

Which won’t bother me a bit.