Friday, June 17, 2022

Silencing Fauci's Lambs

 Sunlit7 op

Tucker Carlson was driving it home tonight on Dr. Fauci getting covid. I couldn't help though wonder why the grilling on Fauci over the vaccines, vaccine related deaths and the investment or royalties received from the vaccine when this should be a major talking point made of all Fox News guest running for office. Holding congressional hearings on the vaccines should be a campaign promise of literally everyone running for office but it's not. Why is that? There always seems to be a narrative driven here that Fauci is responsible for every aspect of the vaccines up to and including their financing. That's the furthest from the truth. Fauci couldn't buy office paper unless congress allocated the money in his budget. So why aren't we asking congressional members who seem to think we need more funding for vaccines about their efficacy, injuries and related deaths.

Dr. Fauci is COVID positive, despite double masking outside, despite skipping Christmas, despite his strict regimen of celibacy and no handshaking, despite four separate COVID vaccine shots. Dr. Fauci got sick anyway. Now, this seems like an important moment. What does it mean? Well, if you live in Bethesda and have a Fauci sign in your yard, you know exactly what it means. It means we need more vaccines. Pfizer is still the answer because Pfizer is always the answer.

Fauci delivered that message today without flinching.

FAUCI: This virus is changing and we need to keep up with it. In order to do that, we've got to do better with new vaccine platforms such as nanoparticle vaccines. We cannot proceed with that unless we get additional funding. Importantly, we need to both prevent infection and transmission. We know that we cannot do that unless we get a highly effective, mucosal or intranasal vaccine.

Okay, so testifying on the need for vaccines from isolation, having been infected after getting four of them. "We need to both prevent infection and transmission."

"But wait a second," said skeptics who don't live in Bethesda with Fauci yard signs, "Weren't the first four vaccine shots supposed to prevent infection transmission? Isn't that why you fired all those nurses and pilots and Navy SEALs? Shouldn't you acknowledge the lie you told for years and apologize to them, give them back their jobs with damages and grovel before them begging for forgiveness before you move on to yet another mandatory vaccine?"

"And while we're at it," the skeptics pointed out, "Can you tell us, Dr. Fauci, how many Americans have been killed or seriously injured by the first shots that you mandated? Well, many thousands, we know that, but how many exactly? Is anyone even keeping track?"

Researchers at the CDC, along with scientists at Emory, Vanderbilt and Duke, recently concluded the mRNA vaccine significantly increased the risk of potentially fatal heart damage in young men. So, Dr. Fauci, what exactly is the cost benefit analysis here on giving that vaccine to young men? Be specific.

Now, a normal bureaucrat would have withered under questions like that, but not Fauci. Fauci is a man of science. In fact, he is science, as he once explained. Science and Fauci are identical. You'll never see them together in the same room. There's a reason for that. So, Fauci didn't bend. He doubled down, pressing for the mass vaccination of all American children over five.

Watch here his bravery in the face of harassment from Rand Paul, who is also technically a doctor, but a skeptical one and therefore anti-science.

SEN. RAND PAUL: The government recommends everybody take a booster over age five. Are you aware of any studies that show a reduction in hospitalization or death for children who take a booster?

FAUCI: Right now, there's not enough data that has been accumulated, Senator Paul, to indicate that that's the case.

RAND PAUL: There are no studies, and Americans should all know this, there are no studies on children showing a reduction in hospitalization or death with taking a booster. The only studies that were permitted, the only studies that were presented were antibody studies. So, they say, "If we give you a booster, you make antibodies." Now, a lot of scientists would question whether or not that's proof of efficacy of a vaccine. If I give you ten or if I give a patient 10 mRNA vaccines and they make protein each time or they make antibody each time, is that proof that we should give ten boosters, Dr. Fauci?

FAUCI: No, I think that is somewhat of an absurd exaggeration.

Notice the brilliant facility with language here. Dr. Fauci doesn't actually answer the question. Instead, he dismisses it out of hand in a very scientific way as "absurd." That's how a scientist talks. Questions about efficacy, whether the drugs you prescribe actually work, mean nothing compared to questions about federal funding. Federal funding is what matters to a scientist.

In fact, federal funding was the whole point of Fauci's testimony today. He was there to let Congress know that as a man who's been vaccinated four times and still got COVID, he can tell you firsthand, we're never going to beat COVID without more vaccines and to get that vaccine, we're going to send billions more tax dollars to Tony Fauci. There's no way around it. It's science.

But still, Rand Paul clearly more a witch doctor than a physician, wasn't fully convinced. "Where's all this money going?" Rand Paul asked, "Are you getting any of it?" Watch Dr. Fauci's brilliance on display as he answers that question.

RAND PAUL: Over the period of time from 2010 to 2016, 27,000 royalty payments were paid to 1,800 NIH employees. We know that not because you told us, but because we forced you to tell us through the Freedom of Information Act. Over $193 million was given to these...1,800 employees. Can you tell me that you have not received a royalty from any entity that you ever oversaw the distribution of money in research grants?

FAUCI: Well, first of all, let's talk about royalty.

RAND PAUL: No, that's the question. Have you ever overseen, Have you ever received a royalty payment from a company that you later oversaw money going to that company?

"Are you getting rich from these vaccines?" Rand Paul asked. Fauci's reply: "You know, I don't know as a fact."

"You know. I don't know is a fact." Now, what does that mean? "You know, I don't know as a fact." Well, honestly, we don't know what that means. No one knows what that means. It is impenetrable, like a Zen cone. It's the sound of one hand clapping and that's why it's brilliant. In any case, we are getting new vaccines, of course, we are, whether Tony Fauci is profiting personally from them or no.

It really doesn't matter, though, as his fans, we hope he is, and of course, the vaccine makers will need another dose of legal immunity in the extremely unlikely event their experimental drugs were to kill thousands more Americans whose deaths are then covered up and forgotten. That's just common sense, as Dr. Fauci would say. Another round of shots for everyone. We've got to beat this pandemic.

Now, we haven't seen polls on it yet, but there's no question Americans are going to be thrilled by this news when they hear it. We reached out to Justin Bieber tonight for comment, but unfortunately, his face is paralyzed, so he couldn't respond. We'll tell you when he gets back to us. 

Now it probably isn't going to do much asking those already holding office why they aren't speaking out about vaccine injuries and deaths because basically the deck is already stacked against us. What we don't want is the a red wave or any wave that keeps that deck stacked. These people need to be eliminated as potential candidates. Because face it, Fauci can't do all the stuff he's accused of doing in this talking point memo without congress giving him the money to do it. He can't mandate vaccines, he can't mandate mask, he can't profit off something he's not given money for and he definitely shouldn't be the only one being grilled about any potential investments in the vaccines, side effects, injuries and deaths.

Fauci's been trotted as a good promoter. That's why he's been left in to be the "point man" on the vaccines. It's being designed that way to deflect away from the issue of the harms being done so the rest of them can feign ignorance on the matter. Speaking ill of the vaccines is taboo except when it comes to children or young adults, the rest of the population can just wither away and die for all they care. The growing number of people's injuries and deaths on VAERS should command holding congressional hearings before one more penny is allocated for vaccines. Especially vaccines that don't appear to work. Fauci isn't going to his grave being the most compensated hated man in American history for any accomplishment outside of being paid well for his silence, the only way to break that silence is to start asking the players questions, anyone unable to provide the answers we don't need them in government.

This isn't anything about what's transpired thus far, this isn't about mandates, lockdowns, masks, the destroyed economy, this is about moving forward getting the answers people deserve and finding the right kind of people to put into office who'll start finding those answers. This will not stop if people continue to vote for people who remain silent on the issue.

The guy Tucker interviewed after his monologue was hilarious if people want a chuckle for the day.