Thursday, June 9, 2022

San Francisco Voters Recall District Attorney Chesa Boudin, Signals Trouble for Democrat Socialists

It wasn’t close. 60 percent of San Francisco voters voted to recall Chesa Boudin, a former public defender who became district attorney in 2019 in a huge win for the progressive/communist left.

Mr. Boudin promised when he took office that “the tough-on-crime policies were on their way out.” However, his tenure saw a massive increase in crime and the San Francisco victims took him out.

SAN FRANCISCO—San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin was recalled Tuesday in a blow to the progressive prosecutors movement.

Voters strongly endorsed ousting the reform-minded D.A. as partial returns showed about 60% of voters supporting the recall, the Associated Press said.

Mr. Boudin and other progressive prosecutors around the country have pursued goals such as sending nonviolent drug offenders to treatment instead of jail, sparing juveniles from being prosecuted as adults and scrutinizing police misconduct.

Political consultants and law-enforcement officials say the recall of Mr. Boudin in this left-leaning city signals a broader voter backlash against the movement amid rising violent crime over the past two years. (read more)