Sunday, June 19, 2022

Release the Cat Stories!

When the going gets rough, the media runs fluff.

On Friday, just a couple of hours after the Bidens boarded Marine One for yet another weekend at the beach, CNN launched the opening volley in Operation Release the Cat Stories.

Can you blame them?

Our economy is on the cusp of a recession. Inflation hasn’t been this bad since 1981. Gas prices are at record highs. And most Americans are downsizing their summer vacation plans because they just can’t afford to go anywhere.

But no matter how bad things get for the country, nothing will get in the way of old Peepaw Joe flying out of DC to spend the weekend at his vacation house in Rehoboth Beach. And since the optics of having the president who’s overseeing this disastrous economy refuse to give up his weekends on the beach while Americans suffer are really bad, it isn’t entirely surprising that the media thinks it’s time to release the cat stories.

When the going gets rough, the media runs fluff.

And since the cost of ice cream is rising, launching another ice cream deflection would probably be counterproductive. It’s much safer to release the cat stories.

They’ve used Willow the cat as a distraction before. After ice cream, she’s the media’s go-to option to distract Americans from old Joe’s cascading failures.

The goal is to make the Bidens look less entitled and out of touch than they are. And, hey, normal people have pets, don’t they?

So this is what CNN brought us yesterday:

Release the Cat Stories CNN

Read this segment and tell me you don’t feel your glucose level rising:

Whether a cat can appreciate a sojourn by the sea remains questionable, but for Willow, the Rehoboth house is one of several changes of scenery she gets to appreciate as a presidential pet.

“Willow often spends the weekends with the First Family, including in Rehoboth, Wilmington, and Camp David,” the first lady’s press secretary Michael LaRosa told CNN.

When she is not being whisked away for the weekend, Willow has privileges to roam the White House. She is predominantly restricted to the White House executive residence’s private second and third floors, where CNN is told Willow particularly enjoys the solarium, a bright space above the South Portico, where she “receives lots of attention from the Executive Residence staff.” In Wilmington and at Camp David, “she often sits on the porch in the sun,” says LaRosa.

This is why I am skeptical of the claims that the news media is turning on Joe Biden. Sure, there have been some negative stories lately. But at the end of the day, like in any codependent, unhealthy relationship, the media will always return to stand by Joe’s side.

And if that means distracting the public with stupid stories about the Bidens’ cat Willow, then release the cat stories!